HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2019

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2019.

100 of 8636 entries are shown.
3976 - 4075
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3976 Champagnat Catholic College Maroubra Science Extension 2
3977 Charlton Christian College Fassifern Music 1 2
3978 Chatswood High School Chatswood Earth and Environmental Science 2
3979 Chatswood High School Chatswood Mathematics Standard 1 Examination 2
3980 Chatswood High School Chatswood Music 2 2
3981 Chatswood High School Chatswood Society and Culture 2
3982 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Ancient History 2
3983 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Earth and Environmental Science 2
3984 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Geography 2
3985 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Japanese Beginners 2
3986 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Korean in Context 2
3987 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Modern History 2
3988 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Automotive Examination 2
3989 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Community and Family Studies 2
3990 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook French Continuers 2
3991 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Music Extension 2
3992 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Science Extension 2
3993 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill Economics 2
3994 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill English Advanced 2
3995 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill Physics 2
3996 Chevalier College Burradoo Chemistry 2
3997 Chevalier College Burradoo Community and Family Studies 2
3998 Chevalier College Burradoo English Extension 1 2
3999 Chevalier College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 2
4000 Chevalier College Burradoo Music 1 2
4001 Chevalier College Burradoo Physics 2
4002 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Biology 2
4003 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Chemistry 2
4004 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Engineering Studies 2
4005 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Italian Continuers 2
4006 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Modern Greek Beginners 2
4007 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Ancient History 2
4008 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Business Services Examination 2
4009 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Chemistry 2
4010 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Italian Beginners 2
4011 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Modern History 2
4012 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4013 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Visual Arts 2
4014 Coffs Harbour Christian Community School Bonville Mathematics 2
4015 Coffs Harbour Christian Community School Bonville Visual Arts 2
4016 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Chemistry 2
4017 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Information and Digital Technology Examination 2
4018 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Mathematics Standard 2 2
4019 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Modern History 2
4020 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Physics 2
4021 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Studies of Religion I 2
4022 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Studies of Religion II 2
4023 Colo High School North Richmond Earth and Environmental Science 2
4024 Colo High School North Richmond French Beginners 2
4025 Colo High School North Richmond Mathematics Standard 2 2
4026 Concord High School Concord Ancient History 2
4027 Concord High School Concord Drama 2
4028 Concord High School Concord Economics 2
4029 Concord High School Concord English Extension 1 2
4030 Concord High School Concord Legal Studies 2
4031 Concord High School Concord Modern History 2
4032 Concord High School Concord Physics 2
4033 Concord High School Concord Software Design and Development 2
4034 Condell Park High School Condell Park English Advanced 2
4035 Condell Park High School Condell Park Mathematics 2
4036 Condell Park High School Condell Park Mathematics Standard 2 2
4037 Condell Park High School Condell Park Visual Arts 2
4038 Conservatorium High School Sydney French Beginners 2
4039 Conservatorium High School Sydney Visual Arts 2
4040 Coomealla High School Dareton Mathematics 2
4041 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Design and Technology 2
4042 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Engineering Studies 2
4043 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English Advanced 2
4044 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English Extension 1 2
4045 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics 2
4046 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Studies of Religion I 2
4047 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Visual Arts 2
4048 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology 2
4049 Covenant Christian School Belrose Business Studies 2
4050 Covenant Christian School Belrose Economics 2
4051 Covenant Christian School Belrose German Beginners 2
4052 Covenant Christian School Belrose Industrial Technology 2
4053 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chinese Continuers 2
4054 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Latin Extension 2
4055 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Mathematics Extension 2 2
4056 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Physics 2
4057 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Community and Family Studies 2
4058 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Economics 2
4059 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4060 Crestwood High School Baulkham Hills Visual Arts 2
4061 Cronulla High School Cronulla Ancient History 2
4062 Cronulla High School Cronulla Community and Family Studies 2
4063 Cronulla High School Cronulla English Standard 2
4064 Cronulla High School Cronulla Food Technology 2
4065 Cronulla High School Cronulla Mathematics 2
4066 Cronulla High School Cronulla Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4067 Cronulla High School Cronulla Society and Culture 2
4068 Cumberland High School Carlingford Biology 2
4069 Cumberland High School Carlingford Chemistry 2
4070 Cumberland High School Carlingford Software Design and Development 2
4071 Danebank An Anglican School for Girls Hurstville Ancient History 2
4072 Danebank An Anglican School for Girls Hurstville Mathematics Extension 2 2
4073 Davidson High School Frenchs Forest Biology 2
4074 Davidson High School Frenchs Forest Mathematics Extension 1 2
4075 Davidson High School Frenchs Forest Visual Arts 2
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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