HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2016

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2016.

25 of 8828 entries are shown.
3341 - 3365
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
3341 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Ancient History 3
3342 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Dance 3
3343 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 3
3344 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Music 1 3
3345 Redfield College Dural Mathematics General 2 3
3346 Redfield College Dural Physics 3
3347 Redfield College Dural Senior Science 3
3348 Richard Johnson Anglican College Oakhurst Music 1 3
3349 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chinese Background Speakers 3
3350 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) 3
3351 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English as a Second Language 3
3352 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Hospitality Examination 3
3353 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies 3
3354 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics General 2 3
3355 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Economics 3
3356 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights History Extension 3
3357 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Society and Culture 3
3358 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Software Design and Development 3
3359 Rosebank College Five Dock History Extension 3
3360 Rosebank College Five Dock Legal Studies 3
3361 Rosebank College Five Dock Mathematics 3
3362 Rosebank College Five Dock Music 1 3
3363 Rosebank College Five Dock Textiles and Design 3
3364 Rosebank College Five Dock Visual Arts 3
3365 Roseville College Roseville Earth and Environmental Science 3
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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