HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2016

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2016.

25 of 8828 entries are shown.
2871 - 2895
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Rows per page:
2871 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Music Extension 3
2872 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Physics 3
2873 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Chinese Background Speakers 3
2874 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Engineering Studies 3
2875 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook English Extension 2 3
2876 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Japanese Extension 3
2877 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill Mathematics Extension 1 3
2878 Chevalier College Burradoo Ancient History 3
2879 Chevalier College Burradoo Biology 3
2880 Chevalier College Burradoo Business Studies 3
2881 Chevalier College Burradoo Modern History 3
2882 Chevalier College Burradoo Music 1 3
2883 Christadelphian Heritage College Sydney Kemps Creek Music 1 3
2884 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Mathematics Extension 1 3
2885 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham Studies of Religion II 3
2886 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 3
2887 Coffs Harbour High School Coffs Harbour Society and Culture 3
2888 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Ancient History 3
2889 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour English Extension 1 3
2890 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 3
2891 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Senior Science 3
2892 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Society and Culture 3
2893 Concord High School Concord French Beginners 3
2894 Conservatorium High School Sydney English Extension 1 3
2895 Conservatorium High School Sydney Physics 3
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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