HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2016

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2016.

100 of 8828 entries are shown.
6761 - 6860
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6761 Kingsgrove North High School Kingsgrove Visual Arts 1
6762 Kingswood High School Kingswood Senior Science 1
6763 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Automotive Examination 1
6764 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Community and Family Studies 1
6765 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange English Extension 2 1
6766 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange French Extension 1
6767 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange History Extension 1
6768 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Hospitality Examination 1
6769 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Mathematics Extension 2 1
6770 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Music 2 1
6771 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Physics 1
6772 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Software Design and Development 1
6773 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee French Continuers 1
6774 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee History Extension 1
6775 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Hospitality Examination 1
6776 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Japanese Continuers 1
6777 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Modern History 1
6778 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music 2 1
6779 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music Extension 1
6780 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Physics 1
6781 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga French Extension 1
6782 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga German Extension 1
6783 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Japanese Continuers 1
6784 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I 1
6785 Kogarah High School Kogarah French Continuers 1
6786 Kogarah High School Kogarah Japanese Beginners 1
6787 Kogarah High School Kogarah Macedonian Continuers 1
6788 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics General 2 1
6789 Kogarah High School Kogarah Vietnamese Continuers 1
6790 Kooringal High School Kooringal Chemistry 1
6791 Kooringal High School Kooringal Community and Family Studies 1
6792 Kooringal High School Kooringal Design and Technology 1
6793 Kooringal High School Kooringal English (Advanced) 1
6794 Kooringal High School Kooringal English (Standard) 1
6795 Kooringal High School Kooringal Mathematics 1
6796 Kooringal High School Kooringal Software Design and Development 1
6797 Korowal School Hazelbrook English Extension 2 1
6798 Kotara High School Adamstown Business Studies 1
6799 Kotara High School Adamstown Construction Examination 1
6800 Kotara High School Adamstown Engineering Studies 1
6801 Kotara High School Adamstown English Extension 1 1
6802 Kotara High School Adamstown Legal Studies 1
6803 Kotara High School Adamstown Mathematics Extension 1 1
6804 Kotara High School Adamstown Music 1 1
6805 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Dance 1
6806 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Dutch Continuers 1
6807 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra English (Advanced) 1
6808 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra English Extension 1 1
6809 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Extension 2 1
6810 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1
6811 Kurri Kurri High School Kurri Kurri English Extension 2 1
6812 Kyogle High School Kyogle Ancient History 1
6813 Kyogle High School Kyogle Drama 1
6814 Kyogle High School Kyogle English Extension 1 1
6815 Kyogle High School Kyogle Music 1 1
6816 Kyogle High School Kyogle Society and Culture 1
6817 Kyogle High School Kyogle Visual Arts 1
6818 La Salle Academy Lithgow Mathematics 1
6819 La Salle Academy Lithgow Mathematics Extension 1 1
6820 La Salle Academy Lithgow Visual Arts 1
6821 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Business Studies 1
6822 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics General 2 1
6823 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Studies of Religion I 1
6824 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Biology 1
6825 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1
6826 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Mathematics 1
6827 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Mathematics Extension 2 1
6828 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Design and Technology 1
6829 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale English (Advanced) 1
6830 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Mathematics Extension 1 1
6831 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Physics 1
6832 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Visual Arts 1
6833 Lambton High School Lambton Chinese Background Speakers 1
6834 Lambton High School Lambton Earth and Environmental Science 1
6835 Lambton High School Lambton English as a Second Language 1
6836 Lambton High School Lambton Food Technology 1
6837 Lambton High School Lambton Geography 1
6838 Lambton High School Lambton History Extension 1
6839 Lambton High School Lambton Hospitality Examination 1
6840 Lambton High School Lambton Industrial Technology 1
6841 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History 1
6842 Lambton High School Lambton Society and Culture 1
6843 Lambton High School Lambton Studies of Religion II 1
6844 Leeton High School Leeton Agriculture 1
6845 Leeton High School Leeton Design and Technology 1
6846 Leeton High School Leeton Visual Arts 1
6847 Leumeah High School Leumeah Ancient History 1
6848 Leumeah High School Leumeah Business Studies 1
6849 Leumeah High School Leumeah Community and Family Studies 1
6850 Leumeah High School Leumeah Legal Studies 1
6851 Leumeah High School Leumeah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 1
6852 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Ancient History 1
6853 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Business Studies 1
6854 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Economics 1
6855 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Standard) 1
6856 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English Extension 1 1
6857 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English Extension 2 1
6858 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Industrial Technology 1
6859 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Extension 1 1
6860 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Modern History 1
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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