HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2014

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2014.

25 of 8346 entries are shown.
4356 - 4380
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
4356 Mater Maria Catholic College Warriewood Visual Arts 2
4357 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Biology 2
4358 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4359 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Studies of Religion II 2
4360 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Mathematics Extension 1 2
4361 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Music 1 2
4362 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4363 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Studies of Religion II 2
4364 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Geography 2
4365 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park German Beginners 2
4366 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Mathematics 2
4367 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Metal and Engineering Examination 2
4368 Medowie Christian School Medowie Music 1 2
4369 Melville High School Kempsey Mathematics 2
4370 Menai High School Menai Biology 2
4371 Menai High School Menai Business Studies 2
4372 Menai High School Menai Drama 2
4373 Menai High School Menai English (Standard) 2
4374 Menai High School Menai Legal Studies 2
4375 Menai High School Menai Mathematics 2
4376 Menai High School Menai Music 1 2
4377 Menai High School Menai Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 2
4378 Menai High School Menai Society and Culture 2
4379 Menai High School Menai Visual Arts 2
4380 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Drama 2
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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