HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2012

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2012.

50 of 8419 entries are shown.
1046 - 1095
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Rows per page:
1046 Arthur Phillip High School Parramatta Mathematics 7
1047 Australian International School Hong Kong Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Mathematics Extension 1 7
1048 Australian International School Singapore Singapore General Mathematics 7
1049 Barker College Hornsby Music 1 7
1050 Barker College Hornsby Studies of Religion I 7
1051 Bellingen High School Bellingen Industrial Technology 7
1052 Bishop Druitt College Coffs Harbour English (Advanced) 7
1053 Bossley Park High School Bossley Park Modern History 7
1054 Brigidine College St Ives St Ives Textiles and Design 7
1055 Broughton Anglican College Menangle Park English (Advanced) 7
1056 Burwood Girls High School Croydon English Extension 1 7
1057 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Chinese Continuers 7
1058 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT General Mathematics 7
1059 Canley Vale High School Canley Vale Legal Studies 7
1060 Castle Hill High School Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 1 7
1061 Catherine McAuley Westmead Westmead General Mathematics 7
1062 Central Coast Grammar School Erina Heights Modern History 7
1063 Chatswood High School Chatswood Business Studies 7
1064 Chatswood High School Chatswood Chemistry 7
1065 Chatswood High School Chatswood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 7
1066 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 7
1067 Chevalier College Burradoo History Extension 7
1068 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham Lewisham English (Advanced) 7
1069 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour English (Advanced) 7
1070 Coffs Harbour Senior College Coffs Harbour Textiles and Design 7
1071 Concord High School Concord Mathematics Extension 2 7
1072 Covenant Christian School Belrose General Mathematics 7
1073 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies 7
1074 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Legal Studies 7
1075 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Modern History 7
1076 Danebank An Anglican School for Girls Hurstville Mathematics 7
1077 De La Salle Catholic College Cronulla Cronulla Mathematics Extension 1 7
1078 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture 7
1079 Fort Street High School Petersham Geography 7
1080 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English (Advanced) 7
1081 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies 7
1082 Gilroy Catholic College Castle Hill Ancient History 7
1083 Gilroy Catholic College Castle Hill Community and Family Studies 7
1084 Girraween High School Girraween Physics 7
1085 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies 7
1086 Hennessy Catholic College Young General Mathematics 7
1087 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Extension 2 7
1088 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby French Continuers 7
1089 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Music 2 7
1090 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Drama 7
1091 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Studies of Religion II 7
1092 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Music 1 7
1093 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) 7
1094 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics 7
1095 Kambala Rose Bay Geography 7
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022
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