HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2012

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2012.

25 of 8419 entries are shown.
2131 - 2155
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2131 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse Business Studies 4
2132 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse Economics 4
2133 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse French Continuers 4
2134 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics 4
2135 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse History Extension 4
2136 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse Italian Beginners 4
2137 Kingscliff High School Kingscliff Chemistry 4
2138 Kingsgrove High School Kingsgrove Mathematics 4
2139 Kingsgrove North High School Kingsgrove Business Studies 4
2140 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange Geography 4
2141 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Information Processes and Technology 4
2142 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music 1 4
2143 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Design and Technology 4
2144 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Drama 4
2145 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga English Extension 2 4
2146 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga History Extension 4
2147 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Information Processes and Technology 4
2148 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Physics 4
2149 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Software Design and Development 4
2150 Kogarah High School Kogarah Chemistry 4
2151 Kotara High School Adamstown English (Advanced) 4
2152 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Music 1 4
2153 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History 4
2154 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts 4
2155 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Biology 4
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022
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