HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2011

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2011.

25 of 8747 entries are shown.
2816 - 2840
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2816 Central Coast Grammar School Erina Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 3
2817 Cerdon College Merrylands Chemistry 3
2818 Cerdon College Merrylands Community and Family Studies 3
2819 Champagnat Catholic College Maroubra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 3
2820 Chatswood High School Chatswood Ancient History 3
2821 Chatswood High School Chatswood English (Advanced) 3
2822 Chatswood High School Chatswood English as a Second Language 3
2823 Chatswood High School Chatswood Modern History 3
2824 Chatswood High School Chatswood Music 2 3
2825 Chatswood High School Chatswood Visual Arts 3
2826 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Accounting 3
2827 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft History Extension 3
2828 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Japanese Extension 3
2829 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Music Extension 3
2830 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Community and Family Studies 3
2831 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Engineering Studies 3
2832 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook History Extension 3
2833 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill Legal Studies 3
2834 Chester Hill High School Chester Hill Mathematics Extension 2 3
2835 Chevalier College Burradoo Drama 3
2836 Chevalier College Burradoo English Extension 1 3
2837 Chevalier College Burradoo History Extension 3
2838 Chevalier College Burradoo Music 1 3
2839 Chevalier College Burradoo Senior Science 3
2840 Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Business Studies 3
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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