HSC D.A. Counts per School and Subject, New South Wales, 2007

This report shows the total number of HSC Distinguished Achiever awards won by students in each subject at each school during 2007.

50 of 8508 entries are shown.
6621 - 6670
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
6621 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza English Extension 1 1
6622 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Information Processes and Technology 1
6623 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Mathematics Extension 1 1
6624 McAuley Catholic College Grafton Clarenza Studies of Religion I 1
6625 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Ancient History 1
6626 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains English (Advanced) 1
6627 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains English Extension 1 1
6628 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Geography 1
6629 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Hospitality Examination 1
6630 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Mathematics Extension 1 1
6631 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Modern History 1
6632 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Software Design and Development 1
6633 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Studies of Religion II 1
6634 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Textiles and Design 1
6635 McCarthy Catholic College Emu Plains Emu Plains Visual Arts 1
6636 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Biology 1
6637 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Business Studies 1
6638 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Chemistry 1
6639 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Community and Family Studies 1
6640 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Drama 1
6641 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth English Extension 2 1
6642 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth General Mathematics 1
6643 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Geography 1
6644 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Legal Studies 1
6645 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Mathematics 1
6646 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Mathematics Extension 1 1
6647 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Music 1 1
6648 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Studies of Religion II 1
6649 McCarthy Catholic College West Tamworth West Tamworth Visual Arts 1
6650 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Accounting 1
6651 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Ancient History 1
6652 Meadowbank Education Trust School Sydney Olympic Park Construction Examination 1
6653 Melville High School Kempsey Biology 1
6654 Melville High School Kempsey General Mathematics 1
6655 Menai High School Menai Chemistry 1
6656 Menai High School Menai Community and Family Studies 1
6657 Menai High School Menai Design and Technology 1
6658 Menai High School Menai Drama 1
6659 Menai High School Menai English (Advanced) 1
6660 Menai High School Menai English Extension 1 1
6661 Menai High School Menai English Extension 2 1
6662 Menai High School Menai Mathematics Extension 1 1
6663 Menai High School Menai Physics 1
6664 Menai High School Menai Textiles and Design 1
6665 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Armenian Continuers 1
6666 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies 1
6667 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Italian Continuers 1
6668 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Modern History 1
6669 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Physics 1
6670 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Society and Culture 1
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2021
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