This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
40595 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | English Extension 1 | Donnelly, Chloe Louise |
40596 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | English Extension 1 | Hargreaves, Jasper Jarquin |
40597 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | English Extension 1 | Mundy, Emma Catherine |
40598 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | History Extension | Hargreaves, Jasper Jarquin |
40599 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | History Extension | Mundy, Emma Catherine |
40600 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Hospitality Examination | Roe, Caillie |
40601 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Industrial Technology | Crowley, Baxter |
40602 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Investigating Science | Dohl, Lillie Grace |
40603 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Legal Studies | Mundy, Emma Catherine |
40604 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Mathematics Standard 2 | Nixon, Haylee Jane |
40605 | Wagga Wagga High School | Wagga Wagga | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Dohl, Lillie Grace |
40606 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Chemistry | Treatt, Lachlan |
40607 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | English Extension 1 | Goodacre, Jude |
40608 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | English Extension 1 | Miller, Katie |
40609 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Food Technology | Black, Tara |
40610 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Geography | Treatt, Lachlan |
40611 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Industrial Technology | Moreau, Alexander |
40612 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Legal Studies | Miller, Katie |
40613 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Advanced | Goodacre, Jude |
40614 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Advanced | Treatt, Lachlan |
40615 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Extension 1 | Irmak, Bora |
40616 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Thorvaldson, Fiona |
40617 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Standard 2 | Armgardt, Heidi |
40618 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Standard 2 | Broadbent, Jack |
40619 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Mathematics Standard 2 | Kay, William |
40620 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Modern History | Goodacre, Jude |
40621 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | Christy, Noah |
40622 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | Chung, Ryan |
40623 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | Dela Paz, Andreas |
40624 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | O'Bryan, Jett |
40625 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | Price, Jasper |
40626 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Music 1 | Small, Jasper |
40627 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Moreau, Alexander |
40628 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Studies of Religion I | Miller, Katie |
40629 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Studies of Religion I | Moreau, Alexander |
40630 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Textiles and Design | Brotherton, Georgia |
40631 | Wahroonga Adventist School | Wahroonga | Textiles and Design | Miller, Katie |
40632 | Warakirri College | Fairfield | English Extension 1 | Caldwell, Chloe Rose |
40633 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Biology | Robinson, Kye |
40634 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Chemistry | Robinson, Kye |
40635 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Community and Family Studies | Leis, Jennifer |
40636 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | English Advanced | Best, Matilda |
40637 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | English Extension 1 | Best, Matilda |
40638 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Human Services Examination | Leis, Jennifer |
40639 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Mathematics Advanced | Robinson, Kye |
40640 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Music 1 | Grujevski, Cassander |
40641 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Leis, Jennifer |
40642 | Warilla High School | Barrack Heights | Physics | Robinson, Kye |
40643 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Biology | Hall, Koby |
40644 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Biology | Murray, Ellen |
40645 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Biology | Stone, Callie |
40646 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Business Studies | Hall, Koby |
40647 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Business Studies | Katalinic, Emma |
40648 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Community and Family Studies | Hunter, Lani |
40649 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Community and Family Studies | O'Brien, Jazmine |
40650 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Community and Family Studies | Steffens, Olivia |
40651 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Community and Family Studies | Trisley, Leila |
40652 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Community and Family Studies | Welsh, Amelia |
40653 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Earth and Environmental Science | Kendall, Jocelyn |
40654 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Advanced | Jack, Helayna |
40655 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Advanced | Katalinic, Emma |
40656 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Advanced | Kendall, Jocelyn |
40657 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Extension 1 | Dugac, Grace |
40658 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Extension 2 | Chislett, Alicia |
40659 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Extension 2 | Dugac, Grace |
40660 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | English Extension 2 | Turner, Kate |
40661 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Investigating Science | Gill, Molly |
40662 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Advanced | Kendall, Jocelyn |
40663 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Adams, Benjamin |
40664 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bierman, Chloe |
40665 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Gill, Molly |
40666 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Hanson, Archie |
40667 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Katalinic, Emma |
40668 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Lever, Abby |
40669 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Mathematics Standard 2 | Thomas, Hunter |
40670 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Modern History | Lever, Abby |
40671 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Modern History | Mitchell, Paige |
40672 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Music 1 | Husband, James |
40673 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Music 1 | Murray, Ellen |
40674 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Music 1 | Patterson, Hugh |
40675 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Music 1 | Romani, Logan |
40676 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Music 1 | Young, Lucy |
40677 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Freeman, Bradley |
40678 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hall, Koby |
40679 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Jack, Helayna |
40680 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Jones, Cooper |
40681 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Katalinic, Emma |
40682 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Trisley, Leila |
40683 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Physics | Tibbs, Michael |
40684 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Society and Culture | Gill, Molly |
40685 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Society and Culture | Welsh, Amelia |
40686 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Textiles and Design | Enderby, Erika |
40687 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Textiles and Design | Mitchell, Paige |
40688 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Visual Arts | Kilcullen, Ava |
40689 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Visual Arts | Lever, Abby |
40690 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Visual Arts | Mitchell, Paige |
40691 | Warners Bay High School | Warners Bay | Visual Arts | Stone, Callie |
40692 | Wauchope High School | Wauchope | Mathematics Advanced | Fraser, Hayley Olivia |
40693 | Waverley College | Waverley | Ancient History | Broadley, Freddie James Connor |
40694 | Waverley College | Waverley | Ancient History | McDonald, Ewan Marshall |
40695 | Waverley College | Waverley | Ancient History | Thomasyu, Asher |
40696 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Anasson, Jack Christopher |
40697 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Anstis, James Patrick |
40698 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Bowman, Joshua |
40699 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Coonan, Zac Peter |
40700 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Frampton, Remy Victor |
40701 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Markwick, Kieran Peter |
40702 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil |
40703 | Waverley College | Waverley | Business Studies | Owens, Aston Xavier |
40704 | Waverley College | Waverley | Construction Examination | Lyons, Edward John |
40705 | Waverley College | Waverley | Economics | Edwards, Jock Neville |
40706 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Advanced | Barker, Bailey Ryan |
40707 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Advanced | McDonald, Ewan Marshall |
40708 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Advanced | Medland, James William |
40709 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Advanced | Owens, Aston Xavier |
40710 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Advanced | Thomasyu, Asher |
40711 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 1 | McDonald, Ewan Marshall |
40712 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 1 | Muir, Robert |
40713 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 1 | Thomasyu, Asher |
40714 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 2 | McDonald, Ewan Marshall |
40715 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 2 | Muir, Robert |
40716 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Extension 2 | Thomasyu, Asher |
40717 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Standard | Broadley, Freddie James Connor |
40718 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Standard | Hammond, Jordan Jack |
40719 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Standard | Jos-Rolland, Jeremy |
40720 | Waverley College | Waverley | English Standard | LeBard, Oskar Cooper |
40721 | Waverley College | Waverley | Food Technology | Zanapalis, Ricardo Nicholas |
40722 | Waverley College | Waverley | History Extension | McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil |
40723 | Waverley College | Waverley | History Extension | Muir, Robert |
40724 | Waverley College | Waverley | Industrial Technology | Kerves, Jack Neal |
40725 | Waverley College | Waverley | Industrial Technology | Kirk, William Frederick |
40726 | Waverley College | Waverley | Investigating Science | Mori, Sonny |
40727 | Waverley College | Waverley | Legal Studies | Connor, Samuel |
40728 | Waverley College | Waverley | Legal Studies | Malzard, Oliver Harold |
40729 | Waverley College | Waverley | Legal Studies | Svensson, Anton Markus |
40730 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Alexandratos, George Kyros |
40731 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Ari, Sebastian |
40732 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Crosson, Tomas Peter |
40733 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Donaldson, Tom |
40734 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Edwards, Jock Neville |
40735 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Hammond, Jordan Jack |
40736 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Hott, Yannick |
40737 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Johnson, Daniel Miles |
40738 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Jos-Rolland, Jeremy |
40739 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Kirk, William Frederick |
40740 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Kwong, Riley William |
40741 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Papworth, Harry John |
40742 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Peate, James Hamilton |
40743 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Pelikan, Benjamin Max |
40744 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Peralta, Tamen Tatjan |
40745 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Thorpe, Harrison James |
40746 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Vincent Hull, Cameron Thomas |
40747 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Advanced | Zanapalis, Nicholas Peter |
40748 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Foltman, Jet |
40749 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Henderson, Eamon Geoffrey |
40750 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ho, Mitchel |
40751 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Jos-Rolland, Jeremy |
40752 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | McAuliffe, Declan Charles |
40753 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Peshos, Archie Allan |
40754 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Extension 1 | Porteus, Campbell James |
40755 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bowman, Joshua |
40756 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Broadley, Freddie James Connor |
40757 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Brodie, Jai |
40758 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Foley, Sean Nicolas |
40759 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Frias, Simon |
40760 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Gabriel, Liam Bruce |
40761 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Kerves, Jack Neal |
40762 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Langton, Hamish Lindsay |
40763 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Ledingham, Ben Nguyen |
40764 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Lyons, Edward John |
40765 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Malzard, Oliver Harold |
40766 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Markwick, Kieran Peter |
40767 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | McCarthy, Campbell John |
40768 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil |
40769 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Miranda, Lachlan John |
40770 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Mori, Sonny |
40771 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Owens, Aston Xavier |
40772 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Risk, Thomas |
40773 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Svensson, Anton Markus |
40774 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Treanor, Cillian Jack |
40775 | Waverley College | Waverley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Zaverdinos, Alexander Xenophon |
40776 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern Greek Beginners | Sideris, Alexander Michael |
40777 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern History | Henderson, Marcus William |
40778 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern History | McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil |
40779 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern History | McDonald, Ewan Marshall |
40780 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern History | Muir, Robert |
40781 | Waverley College | Waverley | Modern History | Owens, Aston Xavier |
40782 | Waverley College | Waverley | Music 1 | Crosson, Luke Alexander |
40783 | Waverley College | Waverley | Music 1 | Korpar, Lachlan Anthony |
40784 | Waverley College | Waverley | Music 1 | Murray, Aidan David |
40785 | Waverley College | Waverley | Music 1 | Risk, Thomas |
40786 | Waverley College | Waverley | Music Extension | Dezarnaulds, Deuchar Storm |
40787 | Waverley College | Waverley | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Evans, Riley |
40788 | Waverley College | Waverley | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Medland, James William |
40789 | Waverley College | Waverley | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Zanapalis, Ricardo Nicholas |
40790 | Waverley College | Waverley | Physics | Edwards, Jock Neville |
40791 | Waverley College | Waverley | Spanish Beginners | Frampton, Remy Victor |
40792 | Waverley College | Waverley | Studies of Religion I | Broadley, Freddie James Connor |
40793 | Waverley College | Waverley | Studies of Religion I | Edwards, Jock Neville |
40794 | Waverley College | Waverley | Studies of Religion I | McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil |