Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 41930 entries are shown.
39487 - 39686
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39487 The Kings School North Parramatta Music Extension Gao, Ian Yiang
39488 The Kings School North Parramatta Music Extension Lan, Longan
39489 The Kings School North Parramatta Music Extension Low, Ethan Kai-Ming
39490 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Abawi, Austin Aaron
39491 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Baker, Charles William Spencer
39492 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Begg, Rupert Douglass Houston
39493 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cairns, Tobias David Ying Ho
39494 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Negro, Lucas
39495 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rajkumar, Iniyavan
39496 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Raman, Arjun
39497 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Abdul Rehman, Shaheer
39498 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Alani, Ahmed Harith Abduljabbar
39499 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Amarasinghe, Amarasinghe Mudalige Dinil Methvin
39500 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Burykin, Maxim Arthur
39501 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Chan, Andre
39502 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Foong, Anthony Kiefer Lin
39503 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Hanley, Thomas Ronald
39504 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Keshavarz, Asha
39505 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Kim, Jinoir
39506 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Kim, Siwoo
39507 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Liu, Terrence
39508 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Newman, Joe
39509 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Tang, Johnson
39510 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Thasanthan, Trevin
39511 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Tian, Louie
39512 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Veluppillai, Tanush Jayden
39513 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Xu, Renqi
39514 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Zhang, Alex
39515 The Kings School North Parramatta Physics Zhuang, Adrian Huihao
39516 The Kings School North Parramatta Software Design and Development Burykin, Maxim Arthur
39517 The Kings School North Parramatta Software Design and Development Hanley, Thomas Ronald
39518 The Kings School North Parramatta Software Design and Development Zhuang, Adrian Huihao
39519 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Bawa, Shirane
39520 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Forbes, Joshua
39521 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Goel, Vikram
39522 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Hatzistamatiou, Nikolaos
39523 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Hazem Essam, Anas
39524 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Huang, Jack
39525 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Kavin, Preeth
39526 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Mishra, Ishaan
39527 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Naeem, Andrew
39528 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Shang, Adley
39529 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Symin, Jayson
39530 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Tiong, Christopher
39531 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Yu, Harry
39532 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion II Da Silva, Julian Antonio
39533 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion II O'Brien, Jack Callen
39534 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Alani, Ahmed Harith Abduljabbar
39535 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Bai, Yiming
39536 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Cairns, Tobias David Ying Ho
39537 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Ching, Skyson
39538 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Foda, Alexander James Hazem
39539 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Friend, William John
39540 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Hanzis, Jack
39541 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Kim, Jinoir
39542 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Kong, Michael Xiangyun
39543 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Li, Krishna Tian-Zheng
39544 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts McLean, Austin Jack James
39545 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Mutton, Franklin Vernon
39546 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Phiyasirikul, Teo
39547 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Repanellis, Joseph Panayioti
39548 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Salmon, Tulloch Anthony
39549 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Scott, Samuel Henry Anderson
39550 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Siddiqi, Taha Sajid
39551 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Wang, Peter Chuhan
39552 The Kings School North Parramatta Visual Arts Xie, Jinchen
39553 The McDonald College North Strathfield Biology Caldeira, Damien
39554 The McDonald College North Strathfield Business Studies Caldeira, Damien
39555 The McDonald College North Strathfield Business Studies Luu, Mia
39556 The McDonald College North Strathfield Business Studies Rytmeister, Mollie
39557 The McDonald College North Strathfield Chinese Beginners Miwa, Ashu
39558 The McDonald College North Strathfield Dance Bugg, Carly Jade
39559 The McDonald College North Strathfield Dance Lewry, Zoe
39560 The McDonald College North Strathfield Dance Reddie, Jack Richard
39561 The McDonald College North Strathfield Dance Rytmeister, Mollie
39562 The McDonald College North Strathfield Dance Wu, Annie
39563 The McDonald College North Strathfield Design and Technology Wu, Annie
39564 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama Harris, Daniel William
39565 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama Kerr, Abbie Cristina
39566 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama King, Emma
39567 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama McCormack, Thomas Stewart Martin
39568 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama Winn, Alani
39569 The McDonald College North Strathfield Drama Yalcin, Tara
39570 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Advanced Caldeira, Damien
39571 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Advanced Harris, Daniel William
39572 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Advanced Luu, Mia
39573 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Advanced Rytmeister, Mollie
39574 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Extension 1 Dooley, Caitlin
39575 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Extension 1 Harris, Daniel William
39576 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Extension 1 Luu, Mia
39577 The McDonald College North Strathfield English Extension 2 Dooley, Caitlin
39578 The McDonald College North Strathfield French Beginners Luu, Mia
39579 The McDonald College North Strathfield Legal Studies Barry, Emelia Magdalene
39580 The McDonald College North Strathfield Legal Studies King, Emma
39581 The McDonald College North Strathfield Mathematics Standard 2 Caldeira, Damien
39582 The McDonald College North Strathfield Mathematics Standard 2 King, Emma
39583 The McDonald College North Strathfield Music 1 Cesarano, Genevieve
39584 The McDonald College North Strathfield Music 1 Dunnicliff, Samuel
39585 The McDonald College North Strathfield Music 1 Kennedy-Head, Lily Scarlett
39586 The McDonald College North Strathfield Music 1 King, Emma
39587 The McDonald College North Strathfield Music 1 Rafferty, Belinda
39588 The McDonald College North Strathfield Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rytmeister, Mollie
39589 The McDonald College North Strathfield Visual Arts Barry, Emelia Magdalene
39590 The McDonald College North Strathfield Visual Arts Bugg, Carly Jade
39591 The McDonald College North Strathfield Visual Arts Dooley, Caitlin
39592 The McDonald College North Strathfield Visual Arts Wu, Annie
39593 The Ponds High School The Ponds Ancient History Kuba, Arin
39594 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Dela Cruz, Kathleen
39595 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Desai, Nand
39596 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Francio, Joann
39597 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Kaur, Arsheen
39598 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Kaushik, Bhavya
39599 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Khanija, Tejas
39600 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Modak, Malay
39601 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Patel, Aarav
39602 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Ray, Manavkumar
39603 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Reid, Ky
39604 The Ponds High School The Ponds Biology Ullegasegaram Sutha, Lathangi
39605 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Desai, Nand
39606 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Elauria, Marvin
39607 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Gill, Gurjot
39608 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Kaur, Arsheen
39609 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Khanija, Tejas
39610 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Madhu, Aiswarya
39611 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Naidu, Ameina
39612 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Park, Julie
39613 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Patel, Aarav
39614 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Pol, Riya
39615 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Ray, Manavkumar
39616 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Shah, Pari
39617 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Taleb, Kareem
39618 The Ponds High School The Ponds Business Studies Zahid, Abdullah
39619 The Ponds High School The Ponds Chemistry Elauria, Marvin
39620 The Ponds High School The Ponds Chemistry Madhu, Aiswarya
39621 The Ponds High School The Ponds Chemistry Singh, Armaan
39622 The Ponds High School The Ponds Chemistry Vasani, Dhaval
39623 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Acharrie, Sienna
39624 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Achten, Katelyn
39625 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Boyd, Lachlan
39626 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Clements, Jacob
39627 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Faisal, Halima
39628 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Gounder, Ria
39629 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Kaur, Manreet
39630 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies La, Mia
39631 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Nateshbabu, Shivalni
39632 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Park, Julie
39633 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Robinson, Rylee
39634 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Starrenburg, Mia
39635 The Ponds High School The Ponds Community and Family Studies Subagyo, Nikki
39636 The Ponds High School The Ponds Earth and Environmental Science Singh, Samarpal
39637 The Ponds High School The Ponds Earth and Environmental Science Venayagam, Sarah
39638 The Ponds High School The Ponds Economics Dhot, Armaan
39639 The Ponds High School The Ponds Economics Elauria, Marvin
39640 The Ponds High School The Ponds Economics Jung, Yoonji
39641 The Ponds High School The Ponds Economics Kuba, Arin
39642 The Ponds High School The Ponds Economics Rasquinha, Karan
39643 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Acuna Montoya, Juan
39644 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Dela Cruz, Kathleen
39645 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Devkota, Daniel
39646 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Imamhossain, Mithran
39647 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Jahan, Marika
39648 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Jung, Yoonji
39649 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Kuba, Arin
39650 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Madhu, Aiswarya
39651 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Advanced Santhosh, Niveditha
39652 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Extension 1 Santhosh, Niveditha
39653 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Abbasnia, Parsana
39654 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Bhandari, Tanvi
39655 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Faisal, Halima
39656 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Gounder, Ria
39657 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Hirani, Alvera
39658 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Kaur, Arsheen
39659 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Ullegasegaram Sutha, Lathangi
39660 The Ponds High School The Ponds English Standard Zahid, Abdullah
39661 The Ponds High School The Ponds Food Technology Panwala, Zaara
39662 The Ponds High School The Ponds Food Technology Starrenburg, Mia
39663 The Ponds High School The Ponds French Beginners Abbasnia, Parsana
39664 The Ponds High School The Ponds Geography Jasani, Shayaan
39665 The Ponds High School The Ponds Hindi Continuers Goyal, Rishabh
39666 The Ponds High School The Ponds Hindi Continuers Kaur, Arsheen
39667 The Ponds High School The Ponds Information Processes and Technology Bhatnagar, Abhi
39668 The Ponds High School The Ponds Information Processes and Technology Nakka, Venkata Charan Kumar
39669 The Ponds High School The Ponds Information Processes and Technology Zahid, Abdullah
39670 The Ponds High School The Ponds Investigating Science Boyd, Lachlan
39671 The Ponds High School The Ponds Japanese Continuers Devkota, Daniel
39672 The Ponds High School The Ponds Japanese Continuers Naidu, Ameina
39673 The Ponds High School The Ponds Japanese Extension Devkota, Daniel
39674 The Ponds High School The Ponds Korean Continuers Jung, Yoonji
39675 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Akrong, Derell
39676 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Atta, Mariam
39677 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Clements, Jacob
39678 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Ghetto, Juliana
39679 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Gounder, Ria
39680 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Imamhossain, Mithran
39681 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Kochar, Bibek
39682 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Kuba, Arin
39683 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Kuriyakkott, Shreya
39684 The Ponds High School The Ponds Legal Studies Shah, Pari
39685 The Ponds High School The Ponds Mathematics Advanced Autar, Pranay
39686 The Ponds High School The Ponds Mathematics Advanced Bhatnagar, Abhi
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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