Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 41930 entries are shown.
24558 - 24757
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24558 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Legal Studies Tompkins, Lily
24559 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Advanced Jo, Joyance
24560 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Advanced Kaminaga, Audrey
24561 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Advanced Lee, Grace
24562 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Advanced Suryanto, Valerie
24563 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Advanced Thumwanich, Kayla
24564 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Standard 1 Examination Vitocco, Emilia
24565 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Mathematics Standard 2 Felice, Jaime
24566 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Modern Greek Beginners Kaloudis, Gabriella
24567 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Modern History Krslovic, Abbey
24568 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Modern History Milan, Tracey Mish
24569 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Music 1 Vassilopoulos, Rianna
24570 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Goodwin, Amber
24571 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Parsonage, Elise
24572 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tsoukleris, Stella
24573 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Society and Culture Garry, Elouise
24574 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Society and Culture Tompkins, Lily
24575 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Spanish Extension Stanziola, Daniela Cristina
24576 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Hariri, Elissa
24577 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Milan, Tracey Mish
24578 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Parsonage, Elise
24579 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Sarsoza, Jorja
24580 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Vassilopoulos, Rianna
24581 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Arriesgado, Kirsten Gabrielle
24582 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Felice, Jaime
24583 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Garry, Elouise
24584 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Ibrahim, Holy
24585 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Richardson, Lauren
24586 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion II Tompkins, Lily
24587 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Biology Ghilks, Annabelle
24588 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Curtis, Steven
24589 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Drysdale, Jacqueline
24590 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Glance, Zane
24591 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Gordon, Samuel
24592 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Guy, Sebastian
24593 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Hickin, Joshua
24594 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Hiskett-Jones, Shae
24595 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Knight, Toby
24596 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Luxford-Smith, Keo
24597 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Martinello, Freya
24598 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Sear, Hannah
24599 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Business Studies Tully, Olivia
24600 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Anderson, Jessica
24601 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Ghilks, Annabelle
24602 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Hedge, Mia
24603 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Krieg, Zoe
24604 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Nicholls, Zoe
24605 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Dance Tully, Olivia
24606 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Economics Ginger, Lachlan
24607 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Economics Gordon, Samuel
24608 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Economics Knight, Toby
24609 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Food Technology Horn, Genevieve Rosalie
24610 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls French Continuers Ollerhead, Samuel
24611 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Geography Curtis, Steven
24612 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Geography Eyles, Brayden
24613 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Geography Ghilks, Annabelle
24614 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Geography Ginger, Lachlan
24615 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Industrial Technology Keech, Toby
24616 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Bonasera, Andie
24617 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Gould, Loren
24618 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Guy, Sebastian
24619 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Rourke, Lachlan
24620 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Schuitemaker, Kaitlyn
24621 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Legal Studies Tully, Olivia
24622 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Bowry, Joshua
24623 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Duncanson, Benjamin
24624 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Fairweather, Ella
24625 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Ghilks, Annabelle
24626 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Hickin, Joshua
24627 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Kiddle, Tahli
24628 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Advanced Tillotson, Samuel
24629 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Extension 1 Curtis, Steven
24630 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Extension 1 Eyles, Brayden
24631 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Bell, Liam
24632 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Glance, Zane
24633 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Gordon, Samuel
24634 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Hiskett-Jones, Shae
24635 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Mays, Joshua
24636 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Pang, Hayden
24637 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Sear, Hannah
24638 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Mathematics Standard 2 Tully, Olivia
24639 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Music 1 Curry, Alyssa
24640 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Music 1 Hiskett-Jones, Shae
24641 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brown, Sophia
24642 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hickin, Joshua
24643 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Studies of Religion I Fitzgerald, Joshua
24644 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Studies of Religion I Grant, Hannah
24645 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Studies of Religion I Thomas, Nicholas
24646 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Brown, Sophia
24647 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Curtis, Steven
24648 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Duncanson, Benjamin
24649 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Fordham, Breeanna
24650 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Frischknecht, Miranda
24651 Oxford Falls Grammar School Oxford Falls Visual Arts Gordon, Samuel
24652 Oxley College Burradoo Ancient History Mavris, Eliza
24653 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Brady, William
24654 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Crawford, Benjamin
24655 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Hanrahan, Chloe
24656 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Melrose-Rae, Ellen Margaret
24657 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Pratten, Phoebe
24658 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Sheezel, Ilana
24659 Oxley College Burradoo Biology Wood, Cameron
24660 Oxley College Burradoo Business Studies Duff, Matthew
24661 Oxley College Burradoo Business Studies Greenop, Lola
24662 Oxley College Burradoo Business Studies Loiterton, Tien
24663 Oxley College Burradoo Chemistry Hanrahan, Chloe
24664 Oxley College Burradoo Chemistry Lambie, Oscar
24665 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Conway, Tika
24666 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Deakin, Oliver
24667 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Hagan, Remy
24668 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Macdonald, Daisy
24669 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Maclachlan, Jasmine
24670 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Mavris, Eliza
24671 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Melrose-Rae, Ellen Margaret
24672 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology O'Riordan, Imogen
24673 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Perin, Greta
24674 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Plummer, Connor
24675 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Pride, Georgia
24676 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Uliana, Orlando
24677 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Fox, Oscar
24678 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Greenop, Lola
24679 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Hessey, Isabelle
24680 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Leahy, Isabella
24681 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Lowe, Ruby
24682 Oxley College Burradoo Drama May, Amelia
24683 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Perin, Greta
24684 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Sheezel, Ilana
24685 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Waters, Gloria
24686 Oxley College Burradoo Economics Brady, William
24687 Oxley College Burradoo Economics Hamblin, Sophia
24688 Oxley College Burradoo Economics Pratten, Phoebe
24689 Oxley College Burradoo Engineering Studies Lambie, Oscar
24690 Oxley College Burradoo Engineering Studies Wood, Cameron
24691 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Brady, William
24692 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Greenop, Lola
24693 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Hanrahan, Chloe
24694 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Lambie, Oscar
24695 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Leahy, Isabella
24696 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Pratten, Phoebe
24697 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Watson, Annalee
24698 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Brady, William
24699 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Hamblin, Sophia
24700 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Pride, Georgia
24701 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Ross, Lora
24702 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Sandilands, Lulu
24703 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Satchwell, Amba Rose
24704 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 2 Crowley, Evelyn
24705 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 2 Hamblin, Sophia
24706 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 2 Pride, Georgia
24707 Oxley College Burradoo Entertainment Industry Examination Fox, Oscar
24708 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Pride, Georgia
24709 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Duff, Matthew
24710 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Greenop, Lola
24711 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Hamblin, Sophia
24712 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Loiterton, Tien
24713 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Pratten, Phoebe
24714 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Satchwell, Amba Rose
24715 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Barnett, William
24716 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Brady, William
24717 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Hanrahan, Chloe
24718 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Lambie, Oscar
24719 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Wood, Cameron
24720 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Brady, William
24721 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Hanrahan, Chloe
24722 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 O'Connor, Michael
24723 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Perrotta, Rocco
24724 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 1 Wilkinson, Samuel
24725 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Greenop, Lola
24726 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Standard 2 Nethersole, Lawrence
24727 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Barnett, William
24728 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Hamblin, Sophia
24729 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Pratten, Phoebe
24730 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Hagan, Remy
24731 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 O'Shannessy, Joseph
24732 Oxley College Burradoo Music Extension Uliana, Orlando
24733 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dyer, Oliver
24734 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Loiterton, Tien
24735 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education May, Amelia
24736 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Melrose-Rae, Ellen Margaret
24737 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Watson, Annalee
24738 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Hanrahan, Chloe
24739 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Lambie, Oscar
24740 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Perrotta, Rocco
24741 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Wood, Cameron
24742 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Barnsley-Adams, Laura
24743 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Bentham, Sophie
24744 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Lowe, Ruby
24745 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Macdonald, Daisy
24746 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Plummer, Connor
24747 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Sandilands, Lulu
24748 Oxley High School North Tamworth English Extension 1 Fitzpatrick, Kendra
24749 Oxley High School North Tamworth English Extension 1 Mawhinney, Olivia
24750 Oxley High School North Tamworth English Extension 2 Fitzpatrick, Kendra
24751 Oxley High School North Tamworth Legal Studies Horan-Roser, Thomas
24752 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stokes, Mia
24753 Oxley High School North Tamworth Society and Culture Berkeley, Isabella
24754 Oxley High School North Tamworth Society and Culture Brown, Jorja
24755 Oxley High School North Tamworth Society and Culture Fitzpatrick, Kendra
24756 Oxley High School North Tamworth Textiles and Design Clapham, Sophie
24757 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Mawhinney, Olivia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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