Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 41930 entries are shown.
12007 - 12206
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12007 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Visual Arts Reynolds, Stella
12008 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Biology Muzevic, Emily
12009 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Business Studies Ibrahim, Lachlan
12010 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Business Studies King, Imogen
12011 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Business Studies Trikkis, Krystal
12012 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Design and Technology Hammond, Liam
12013 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Design and Technology Ilic, William
12014 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Design and Technology North, Elijah
12015 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Design and Technology Walker, Benjamin
12016 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Garvey-Oakes, Brian
12017 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Georgievski, Eva
12018 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Harden, Jessica
12019 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Jansons, Luke
12020 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced King, Imogen
12021 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced McAleer, Lucy
12022 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Naccari, Daniela
12023 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Rogers, Tallulah
12024 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi English Advanced Wilson, Ty
12025 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Geography Vazey, Ty
12026 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi History Extension Garvey-Oakes, Brian
12027 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi History Extension Rogers, Tallulah
12028 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi History Extension Wilson, Ty
12029 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Industrial Technology Finlay, Hannah
12030 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Industrial Technology Smith, Jackson
12031 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Investigating Science Connolly, John
12032 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Italian Beginners Naccari, Daniela
12033 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Allshorn, Ella
12034 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Jansons, Luke
12035 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Koutsoufis, Kyren
12036 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Rogers, Tallulah
12037 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Szwec, Oscar
12038 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Vazey, Ty
12039 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Legal Studies Wilson, Ty
12040 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Advanced Garvey-Oakes, Brian
12041 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Advanced Jelbart, Jack
12042 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Advanced Trikkis, Krystal
12043 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Extension 1 Tonien, Francis
12044 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Extension 2 Tonien, Francis
12045 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Standard 2 Cherviakov, Jake
12046 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Standard 2 Feldhausen, Harrison
12047 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Standard 2 Feneri, Theodore
12048 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Standard 2 Rogers, Tallulah
12049 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Garvey-Oakes, Brian
12050 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Harden, Jessica
12051 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Jansons, Luke
12052 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Rogers, Tallulah
12053 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Szwec, Oscar
12054 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Modern History Wilson, Ty
12055 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Music 1 Georgievski, Eva
12056 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gallagher, Alexander
12057 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Georgievski, Eva
12058 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ibrahim, Lachlan
12059 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ilic, William
12060 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jansons, Luke
12061 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education King, Imogen
12062 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Maher, Timothy
12063 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Muzevic, Emily
12064 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Physics Tonien, Francis
12065 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Society and Culture McAleer, Lucy
12066 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Society and Culture Szwec, Oscar
12067 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Society and Culture Wilson, Ty
12068 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Garvey-Oakes, Brian
12069 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Harden, Jessica
12070 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Jansons, Luke
12071 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I King, Imogen
12072 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I McAleer, Lucy
12073 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Muzevic, Emily
12074 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Rogers, Tallulah
12075 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Studies of Religion I Trikkis, Krystal
12076 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Visual Arts Kaag, Liam
12077 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Visual Arts Louden, Keira
12078 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Biology Chen, Melvin
12079 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Biology Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12080 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Biology Tran, Adam
12081 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Business Studies Ali, Ryan
12082 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Business Studies Bhandari, Alex
12083 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Business Studies Mubarik, Anthony
12084 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Business Studies Shalabi, Koda Ahed
12085 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Business Studies Syed, Hidayatullah Qazi
12086 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Chemistry Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12087 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Chemistry Lin, Jinyuan
12088 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Chinese Continuers Lin, Andrew
12089 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Chinese in Context Weng, Caiwei
12090 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Economics Ali, Ryan
12091 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Economics Chen, Melvin
12092 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Economics Duong, Ly Dang Khoa
12093 Homebush Boys High School Homebush English Advanced Chen, Melvin
12094 Homebush Boys High School Homebush English Advanced Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12095 Homebush Boys High School Homebush English Advanced Lin, Jinyuan
12096 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Geography Lin, Zi Le
12097 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Information Processes and Technology Khim, Christopher
12098 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Japanese Continuers Ko, Junyo
12099 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Legal Studies Ali, Ryan
12100 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Legal Studies Mubarik, Anthony
12101 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Legal Studies Xie, Yu Jun
12102 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Advanced Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12103 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Advanced Khim, Christopher
12104 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Advanced Syed, Hidayatullah Qazi
12105 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Melvin
12106 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Duong, Ly Dang Khoa
12107 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12108 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Jinyuan
12109 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Zi Le
12110 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 1 Ta, Liam
12111 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 2 Chen, Melvin
12112 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 2 Duong, Ly Dang Khoa
12113 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 2 Lin, Jinyuan
12114 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Extension 2 Lin, Zi Le
12115 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Standard 2 El-Sayed, Isaac
12116 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Standard 2 Shalabi, Koda Ahed
12117 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Modern History Mubarik, Anthony
12118 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Music 1 Carleton, Leonidas Richard Polites
12119 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Thai, Duy Minh Vo
12120 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Physics Chen, Melvin
12121 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Physics Gaddam, Chitresh Nikhil
12122 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Physics Lin, Jinyuan
12123 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Physics Lin, Zi Le
12124 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Physics Ta, Liam
12125 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Software Design and Development Lin, Jinyuan
12126 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Tamil Continuers Nadimuthu, Abinesh Bala
12127 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Visual Arts Ko, Junyo
12128 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Visual Arts Rathanthas, Mayavan
12129 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Ashworth, Dakota
12130 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Choudhary, Evie
12131 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Lai, Kayley
12132 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Li, Chloe
12133 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Swadling, Eleanor
12134 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Tambunan, Elaine
12135 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Valliappan, Meena
12136 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Ancient History Young, Ruby
12137 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Cheng, Sophia
12138 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Chowdhury, Amaaya
12139 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Dutta, Shreya
12140 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Fu, Ivy
12141 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Gajella, Navya
12142 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Gibson, Rachel
12143 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Griffin, Isabella
12144 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Imrie, Danielle
12145 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Kodithuwakku, Nethumi
12146 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Kodituwakku, Dinali
12147 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Ma, Ashley
12148 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Monaco, Talise
12149 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Nair, Ananya
12150 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Reyes, Alyssa
12151 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Song, Ar Reum Sabina
12152 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Sutanto, Celestine
12153 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Wang, Weiyi
12154 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Biology Win, Trisha
12155 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Business Studies Chan, Elissa
12156 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Business Studies Ma, Ashley
12157 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Business Studies Pullela, Srujana
12158 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Business Studies Tan, Melissa
12159 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Business Studies Zeng, Suri
12160 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Arora, Nikhita
12161 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Bharathi, Amudha
12162 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Choudhary, Ginger
12163 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Coomar, Anushka
12164 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Dias Jayasekara, Gayuni
12165 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Dutta, Shreya
12166 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Gajella, Navya
12167 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Griffin, Isabella
12168 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Hua, Brooke
12169 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Kariyawasam, Hirandi
12170 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Kelvekar, Aditi
12171 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Lee, Yeju
12172 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Lim, Phoebe
12173 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Liu, Ellie
12174 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Monaco, Talise
12175 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Ramisetty, Suvarnika
12176 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Shinfield, Lauren
12177 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Singh, Saachi
12178 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Sutanto, Celestine
12179 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Wigglesworth, Evan
12180 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chemistry Zhang, Yiqing
12181 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chinese Beginners Lui, Jocelyn
12182 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chinese Continuers Wang, Weiyi
12183 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Chinese Extension Wang, Weiyi
12184 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Drama Geekiyanage, Susani
12185 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Drama Kariyawasam, Hirandi
12186 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Drama Zhang, Annabelle
12187 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Bharathi, Amudha
12188 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Choudhary, Ginger
12189 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Chowdhury, Amaaya
12190 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Hua, Brooke
12191 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Kelvekar, Aditi
12192 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Rodrigues, Alicia
12193 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Sood, Agamya
12194 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Sutanto, Celestine
12195 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Tan, Melissa
12196 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Thomas, Annmarie
12197 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Vizor, Elizabeth
12198 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Zhang, Annabelle
12199 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Economics Zhang, Yiqing
12200 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Arora, Nikhita
12201 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Bae, Sohee
12202 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Belthikiotis, Xenia
12203 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Bharathi, Amudha
12204 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Chan, Elissa
12205 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Chen, Yu Fei
12206 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby English Advanced Choudhary, Ginger
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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