Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

190 of 1190 entries are shown.
1001 - 1190
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1001 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Grimmer, Benjamin
1002 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Palmqvist, Mason
1003 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Thomson, Kai
1004 St Marks Coptic Orthodox College Wattle Grove Studies of Religion I Khouzam, Martina
1005 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Bond, Hannah
1006 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Chrostowski, Maya
1007 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Gordon, Hannah
1008 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Hall, Evelyn
1009 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Parker, Claire
1010 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Simeon, Sinead
1011 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Tamayo-Clingan, Manuela
1012 St Mary Star of the Sea College Wollongong Studies of Religion I Wong Maspers, Izabella
1013 St Marys Cathedral College Sydney Studies of Religion I Abbey, Harry
1014 St Marys Cathedral College Sydney Studies of Religion I Avis, Jack
1015 St Marys Cathedral College Sydney Studies of Religion I Aylward, Logan
1016 St Marys Cathedral College Sydney Studies of Religion I Kelleher, William
1017 St Matthews Catholic School Mudgee Studies of Religion I Gregory, Noah
1018 St Matthews Catholic School Mudgee Studies of Religion I McCarney, Jim
1019 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Studies of Religion I Coltman, Ava
1020 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Studies of Religion I Lusik, Renae
1021 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Studies of Religion I Mason, Olivia
1022 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Studies of Religion I Zapirain, Bronwyn
1023 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Aglieco, Liam Gregory
1024 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Aguirre, Alessio
1025 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Burgess, Oliver Sessine
1026 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Chidiac, Jacob John
1027 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Conti, Alex
1028 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I De Pasquale, Daniel Mark
1029 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Francis, Charbel Joseph
1030 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Ghosn, Habib Joseph
1031 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Hanna, William Noble
1032 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Kazzi, James Anthony
1033 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Murphy, Tadhg Arthur Niall
1034 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Robinson, Isaac James
1035 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Saliba, Steven Joseph
1036 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Santangelo, Joshua Patrick
1037 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Simonetto, Jeremy George
1038 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Sioud, Christopher Elias
1039 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Tan, Elijah Montgomery Sy
1040 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Ticli, Samuel Angelo
1041 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Weissel, Isaac
1042 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Studies of Religion I Yi, Yun
1043 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Blake, Kimberley
1044 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Carvalho Braga E Silva, Francisca
1045 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Gorskikh, Efrosiniya
1046 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Hurley, Angelique
1047 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Johnston, Evan
1048 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Lynch, Patrick
1049 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I McLachlan, Jacob
1050 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Smith, Alex
1051 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Varela, Lucas
1052 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Whitehurst, Annabell
1053 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Studies of Religion I Brand, Kevin
1054 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Studies of Religion I Dang, Vanessa
1055 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Studies of Religion I Northwood, Mia
1056 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Studies of Religion I White, Caitlin
1057 St Pauls Catholic College Greystanes Greystanes Studies of Religion I Sultana, Nicholas
1058 St Pauls College West Kempsey West Kempsey Studies of Religion I Gately, Evangelina
1059 St Pauls College West Kempsey West Kempsey Studies of Religion I Van Kal, Erin
1060 St Peters Catholic College Tuggerah Studies of Religion I McLaren, Zane
1061 St Peters Catholic College Tuggerah Studies of Religion I Sharma, Krish
1062 St Peters Catholic College Tuggerah Studies of Religion I Sheptitsky, Evelina
1063 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Anderson, Cooper Mark
1064 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Crispe, Quinton Phillip
1065 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Frost, Patrick
1066 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Krizan, Michael
1067 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Lonergan, Joe
1068 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Mander, Chris Nicholas
1069 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Monk, Jose
1070 St Pius X College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Pratt, Angus William
1071 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Chang, Renee
1072 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Gallagher, Brigitte
1073 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Hassey, Eva
1074 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Jacobs, Hazel
1075 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Kennedy, Keira
1076 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Merhi, Stella
1077 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Grace
1078 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Plunkett, Zoe
1079 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Raftery, Brigitte
1080 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Skott, Natashia
1081 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Studies of Religion I Westerman, Katia
1082 St Stanislaus College Bathurst Studies of Religion I Noonan, David
1083 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Atra, Rihanna
1084 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Cannizzo, Maria Elena
1085 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Christy, Sofia
1086 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Da Silva, Stephanie
1087 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Goutos, Dimitra
1088 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Haklane, Daniella
1089 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Krithinakis, Antonia
1090 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Lagoudakis, Mia
1091 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Muldoon, Imogen
1092 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Rozario, Joyee Anestina
1093 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Shields, Caitlin
1094 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Xenos, Lara
1095 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Studies of Religion I Yem, Bernice
1096 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Collins, Isabella
1097 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Devery, Stella
1098 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Doyle, Eliza
1099 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Duffy, Frances
1100 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Firth, Elsa
1101 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Gabriel Slater, Eliza
1102 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Grindrod, Polly
1103 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Haynes, Amelia
1104 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Karena, Sylvie
1105 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I McDonough, Grace
1106 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I McGregor, Cate
1107 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Pavillard, Clementine
1108 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Salama-Groser, Astrid
1109 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Sewell, Polly
1110 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Singh, Hannah
1111 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Speirs, India
1112 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Wende-Dunstan, Annika
1113 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Williams, Georgia
1114 St Vincents College Ashfield Ashfield Studies of Religion I Casupanan, Sophia
1115 St Vincents College Ashfield Ashfield Studies of Religion I Nicolacopoulos, Antonia
1116 St Vincents College Ashfield Ashfield Studies of Religion I Stanton, Amber
1117 Stella Maris College Manly Studies of Religion I Finn, Rose
1118 Stella Maris College Manly Studies of Religion I Kelly, Ruby
1119 Stella Maris College Manly Studies of Religion I Kovel, Jasmine
1120 Stella Maris College Manly Studies of Religion I Nicolson, Ava
1121 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Studies of Religion I Charoensri, Jamie
1122 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Studies of Religion I Solh, Ameena
1123 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Studies of Religion I Lefevre, Lachlan
1124 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Studies of Religion I Liyanage, Duvindu
1125 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Studies of Religion I Baffsky, Arky
1126 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Studies of Religion I Coe, Cooper
1127 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Studies of Religion I Naidu, Ajit
1128 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Studies of Religion I Mohammed, Feras
1129 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Studies of Religion I Tu, Adrian Rui Tien
1130 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Chen, Shirley
1131 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Doumit, Vanessa Rita
1132 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Shafi, Afraah
1133 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Song, Alison Yuhan
1134 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Tsaganas, Popi Vasilia
1135 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Um, Joohee
1136 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Studies of Religion I Gupta, Bhaavya
1137 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Studies of Religion I Norton, Eve
1138 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Bawa, Shirane
1139 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Forbes, Joshua
1140 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Goel, Vikram
1141 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Hatzistamatiou, Nikolaos
1142 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Hazem Essam, Anas
1143 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Huang, Jack
1144 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Kavin, Preeth
1145 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Mishra, Ishaan
1146 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Naeem, Andrew
1147 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Shang, Adley
1148 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Symin, Jayson
1149 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Tiong, Christopher
1150 The Kings School North Parramatta Studies of Religion I Yu, Harry
1151 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Blaney, David
1152 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Carson, Miles
1153 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Cochran, Joel
1154 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Gabriel, Mickael
1155 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Hughes, Oliver
1156 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Pal, Felix
1157 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Price, Lewis
1158 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Studies of Religion I Sinnott, Lucas
1159 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Studies of Religion I Amiouni, Alexandro
1160 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Studies of Religion I Dianzon, Hannah
1161 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Studies of Religion I Georges, Sienna
1162 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Studies of Religion I Zhang, Javen
1163 Trinity Catholic College Lismore East Lismore Studies of Religion I McKenzie, Maive
1164 Wahroonga Adventist School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Miller, Katie
1165 Wahroonga Adventist School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Moreau, Alexander
1166 Waverley College Waverley Studies of Religion I Broadley, Freddie James Connor
1167 Waverley College Waverley Studies of Religion I Edwards, Jock Neville
1168 Waverley College Waverley Studies of Religion I McCreery, Jordan Paul Neil
1169 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Bartlett, Annabella
1170 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Brennan, Katerina
1171 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Byrne, Francesca
1172 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Craig, Bethany
1173 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I de Greenlaw, Taylor
1174 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Ellis, Jessica
1175 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Katsoudas, Adriana
1176 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Lai, Shan Shan
1177 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Shaw, Natalie
1178 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Vinalon, Megan
1179 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I West, Chloe
1180 Wenona School North Sydney Studies of Religion I Wheen, Sofia
1181 Xavier Catholic College Skennars Head Studies of Religion I Adamson, Alani
1182 Xavier Catholic College Skennars Head Studies of Religion I Horvath, Abbey
1183 Xavier Catholic College Skennars Head Studies of Religion I Stock, Nelson
1184 Xavier Catholic College Skennars Head Studies of Religion I Thompson, Henry
1185 Xavier College Llandilo Studies of Religion I Baskar, Atchaya
1186 Xavier College Llandilo Studies of Religion I Dubois, Jadzia
1187 Xavier College Llandilo Studies of Religion I Gies, Claire
1188 Xavier High School North Albury Studies of Religion I Bosse, Ava
1189 Xavier High School North Albury Studies of Religion I Meani, Damon
1190 Xavier High School North Albury Studies of Religion I Molina, Aaron
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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