Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

64 of 64 entries are shown.
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1 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Biology Barwise, Luke
2 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Biology Hooper, Joseph
3 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Barwise, Benjamin
4 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Barwise, Luke
5 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Brown, Hannah
6 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Colleran, Heidi
7 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Durrant, Grace
8 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Garde, Hannah
9 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Hindmarsh, Indi
10 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Naismith, Zara
11 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Scott, Hugo
12 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Steele, Anneka
13 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Business Studies Waterfield, Zoe
14 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Dance Smyth, Summer-Eve
15 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Design and Technology Noes, Emma
16 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Drama Dawson-Damer, Isla
17 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Drama Durrant, Grace
18 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Drama Jones-Way, Hannah
19 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Drama Naismith, Zara
20 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Drama Tanner, Alexandra
21 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Earth and Environmental Science Garde, Hannah
22 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Economics Steele, Anneka
23 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Barwise, Benjamin
24 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Brown, Hannah
25 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Colleran, Heidi
26 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Durrant, Grace
27 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Garde, Hannah
28 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Hindmarsh, Indi
29 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Naismith, Zara
30 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Noes, Emma
31 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Steele, Anneka
32 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Advanced Waterfield, Zoe
33 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 1 Colleran, Heidi
34 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 1 Steele, Anneka
35 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 1 Waterfield, Zoe
36 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 1 Wright, Melinda
37 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 2 Durrant, Grace
38 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne English Extension 2 Steele, Anneka
39 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne French Continuers de Macedo-Stewart, Eliot
40 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne French Continuers Wall, Clara
41 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne History Extension Cooper-Hor, Marcus
42 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne History Extension Naismith, Zara
43 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne History Extension Waterfield, Zoe
44 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Information Processes and Technology Confessore, Jaiden
45 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Legal Studies Ikin, Connor
46 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Mathematics Advanced Steele, Anneka
47 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Mathematics Extension 1 Jackson, Thomas Keith
48 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Mathematics Standard 2 Garde, Hannah
49 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Mathematics Standard 2 Keay, Dylan
50 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Mathematics Standard 2 Naismith, Zara
51 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Modern History Cooper-Hor, Marcus
52 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Modern History Naismith, Zara
53 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Modern History Noes, Emma
54 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Modern History Waterfield, Zoe
55 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hindmarsh, Indi
56 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Waterfield, Zoe
57 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Studies of Religion I Barwise, Benjamin
58 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Studies of Religion I Barwise, Luke
59 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Studies of Religion I Wright, Melinda
60 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Textiles and Design Allen, Sierra
61 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Textiles and Design Garde, Hannah
62 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Textiles and Design Jones-Way, Hannah
63 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Visual Arts Colleran, Heidi
64 SCECGS Redlands Cremorne Visual Arts Schlederer, Felicity
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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