This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
1 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Business Studies | Bezzina, Caitlin |
2 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Business Studies | Hudson, Laila |
3 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Chinese Beginners | Huang, Daniel |
4 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Chinese Beginners | Lisnycha, Mariia |
5 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Chinese Beginners | Naqvi, Zoya |
6 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Chinese Beginners | Suddozai, Amira |
7 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Chinese Continuers | Qiye, Joy |
8 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Engineering Studies | Bhatnagar, Praneel |
9 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | English Extension 1 | Kamath, Mridvika |
10 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | English Extension 1 | Malyn, Aaron |
11 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | English Extension 1 | Walsh, Jessica |
12 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Financial Services Examination | Bhatnagar, Praneel |
13 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Hospitality Examination | Hajiani, Sara |
14 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Investigating Science | Bezzina, Caitlin |
15 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Goh, Issac |
16 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Gupta, Aditi |
17 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Laham Al Jabr, Omar |
18 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Zhu, Raymond |
19 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Bhatnagar, Praneel |
20 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Dabholkar, Om |
21 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Fahiz, Aslon |
22 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ng, Adrian |
23 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 2 | Bhatnagar, Praneel |
24 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 2 | Dabholkar, Om |
25 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Extension 2 | Fahiz, Aslon |
26 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Bauling, Jennifer |
27 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Juby, Timothy |
28 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Spicer, Rebekah |
29 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Vivero-Verzi, Kyan |
30 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bhullar, Anmol |
31 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bhullar, Taranveer |
32 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Boatwalla, Zane |
33 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Fewell, Rose |
34 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Hudson, Laila |
35 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Moid, Syed Muhammad Omar |
36 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Moss, Jordan |
37 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Okechukwu, Kenechi |
38 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Patel, Nishil |
39 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Tsa, Emma |
40 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Waterplas, Luc |
41 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Physics | Bhatnagar, Praneel |
42 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Physics | Goh, Issac |
43 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Society and Culture | Kamath, Mridvika |
44 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Society and Culture | Viller, Connor |
45 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Society and Culture | Walsh, Jessica |
46 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Studies of Religion I | Kamath, Mridvika |
47 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Studies of Religion I | Malyn, Aaron |
48 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Studies of Religion I | Walsh, Jessica |
49 | Rouse Hill High School | Rouse Hill | Visual Arts | Suddozai, Amira |