Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 77 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Ancient History Ghazarian, Ciana
2 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Ancient History Leahy, Alana
3 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Ancient History Robson, Lily
4 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Biology Song, Minchae
5 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Biology Yip, Bernice
6 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Kane, Ashley
7 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Kaya, Anna
8 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Kevans, Lucy
9 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Leahy, Alana
10 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Pelayo, Bea
11 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Business Studies Travers, Amanda
12 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Chemistry Song, Minchae
13 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Community and Family Studies Knox, Jade
14 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Design and Technology Kane, Ashley
15 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Design and Technology Mikita, Isabella
16 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Drama Hodge, Hannah
17 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Drama Psarros, Zara
18 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Earth and Environmental Science Burrows, Bella
19 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Earth and Environmental Science Knox, Jade
20 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Economics Sudbury, Nina
21 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Advanced Ferguson, Victoria
22 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Advanced Song, Minchae
23 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Advanced Sudbury, Nina
24 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Extension 1 Andresson, Lois
25 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Extension 1 Eilering, Abby
26 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Extension 1 Ferguson, Victoria
27 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood English Extension 2 Andresson, Lois
28 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Food Technology Altman, Tayah
29 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Food Technology Scida, Isabella
30 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Food Technology Tuckerman, Tahlia
31 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood History Extension Younan, Jasmine
32 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Italian Continuers Grassi, Benedetta
33 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Italian Continuers Leahy, Alana
34 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Legal Studies Ianni, Grace
35 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Legal Studies Mulroe, Saoirse
36 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Legal Studies Pelayo, Bea
37 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Advanced Ferguson, Victoria
38 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Advanced Leahy, Alana
39 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Advanced Yip, Bernice
40 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Extension 1 Song, Minchae
41 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Extension 2 Song, Minchae
42 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Standard 2 Kane, Ashley
43 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Standard 2 Kaya, Anna
44 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Standard 2 Kevans, Lucy
45 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Standard 2 Nistico, Lily
46 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Mathematics Standard 2 Travers, Amanda
47 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Modern Greek Beginners Psarros, Zara
48 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Modern History Altman, Tayah
49 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Modern History Mulroe, Saoirse
50 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fogarty, Olivia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
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