Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2024

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2024.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 56 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Agriculture Cocks, Audrey
2 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Agriculture Parsley, Aurelia
3 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Agriculture Topp, Rebecca
4 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Ancient History McGee, Paige
5 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Biology Bhatthal, Hasrat
6 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Biology McGee, Paige
7 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Biology Parsley, Aurelia
8 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Business Studies Kaur, Karnvir
9 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Community and Family Studies Blom, Ava
10 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Community and Family Studies Hanson, Kate
11 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Community and Family Studies Madrajat, Zena
12 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Community and Family Studies McIntosh, Lucie
13 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park English Advanced Kaur, Karnvir
14 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park English Advanced McGee, Paige
15 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park English Extension 1 Buttigieg, Imogen
16 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park English Extension 1 Kaur, Karnvir
17 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Food Technology Blom, Ava
18 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Food Technology Pantazakos, Talyse
19 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Human Services Examination Khalil, Aliyah
20 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies Bose, Rhea
21 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies Buttigieg, Imogen
22 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies English, Elizabeth
23 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies Madrajat, Zena
24 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies McGee, Paige
25 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Legal Studies Talusani, Namika Reddy
26 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Advanced Bhatthal, Hasrat
27 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Advanced Nimmagadda, Shwithi
28 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Advanced Talusani, Namika Reddy
29 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Standard 1 Examination Gatt, Sienna
30 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Standard 2 Buttigieg, Imogen
31 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Standard 2 Pantazakos, Talyse
32 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Mathematics Standard 2 Roser, Kate
33 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Music 1 Chetcuti, Marissa
34 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Music 1 Roser, Kate
35 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Music 1 Rowan, Grace
36 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Music 1 Tomich, Olivia
37 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hanson, Kate
38 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McIntosh, Lucie
39 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pantazakos, Talyse
40 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Society and Culture Buttigieg, Imogen
41 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Society and Culture Kaur, Karnvir
42 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Society and Culture Shrestha, Shovanah
43 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Society and Culture Talusani, Namika Reddy
44 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Bose, Rhea
45 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Grima, Kaitlyn
46 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Hanson, Kate
47 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Roser, Kate
48 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Shanley, Sarah
49 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Suthakaran, Kaarunya
50 Caroline Chisholm College Glenmore Park Studies of Religion II Talusani, Nishika Reddy
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2024
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