This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
24298 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Physics | Ghelijkhani, Amin |
24299 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Physics | Kocatepe, Ozan |
24300 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Society and Culture | Hansell, Priscilla |
24301 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Software Design and Development | Cambridge, Robert |
24302 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Software Design and Development | Kocatepe, Ozan |
24303 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Software Design and Development | Middleton, Luke |
24304 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Software Design and Development | Van Elven, Roan |
24305 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Spanish Continuers | Vega-Segovia, Alexandra |
24306 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Spanish Extension | Vega-Segovia, Alexandra |
24307 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Bishop-Campbell, Marla |
24308 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | De Vallance, Roman |
24309 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Grobbelaar, Emma |
24310 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Lee, Jemma |
24311 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | McAllister, Maeve |
24312 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Murdoch, Alexandra |
24313 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Reid, Ashlyn |
24314 | Pennant Hills High School | Pennant Hills | Visual Arts | Vega-Segovia, Alexandra |
24315 | Penola Catholic College Emu Plains | Emu Plains | Information and Digital Technology Examination | Lewandowski, Harry |
24316 | Penola Catholic College Emu Plains | Emu Plains | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sammut, Luke |
24317 | Penola Catholic College Emu Plains | Emu Plains | Mathematics Extension 1 | Stevens, Zac |
24318 | Penola Catholic College Emu Plains | Emu Plains | Visual Arts | Berthriz, Ezthrella |
24319 | Penola Catholic College Emu Plains | Emu Plains | Visual Arts | Footman, Espri |
24320 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Ancient History | Aggarwal, Tanisha |
24321 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Ancient History | Ruggeri, Spencer |
24322 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Biology | Forti, Amelia |
24323 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Biology | Pereira, Francesca |
24324 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Business Studies | Jenkins, Oliver |
24325 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Business Studies | Niya, Jasmine |
24326 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Business Studies | Phoebus, Noah |
24327 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Chemistry | Forti, Amelia |
24328 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | English Extension 1 | Kobus, Ava |
24329 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Entertainment Industry Examination | Lucas, Samuel |
24330 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Filipino Continuers | Lim, Cloud Joshua |
24331 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Legal Studies | Aggarwal, Tanisha |
24332 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Legal Studies | Mu, Caitlin |
24333 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Mathematics Advanced | Haider, Haad |
24334 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Mathematics Extension 1 | Forti, Amelia |
24335 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Mathematics Extension 2 | Forti, Amelia |
24336 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Mathematics Standard 2 | Lucas, Samuel |
24337 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Music 1 | Carter, Molly |
24338 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Music 1 | Lucas, Samuel |
24339 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Music 1 | Ramsay, Henry |
24340 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Physics | Mahmood, Aneeq |
24341 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Physics | Ramsay, Henry |
24342 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Physics | Wright, Alexander |
24343 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Visual Arts | Doyle, Alex |
24344 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Visual Arts | Jackson, Ashley |
24345 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Visual Arts | Murrell, Elizabeth |
24346 | Penrith Anglican College | Orchard Hills | Visual Arts | White, Abby |
24347 | Penrith Christian School | Orchard Hills | Ancient History | Sullivan, Arianna |
24348 | Penrith Christian School | Orchard Hills | Biology | Ndlovu, Zibusiso |
24349 | Penrith Christian School | Orchard Hills | English Extension 1 | Ndlovu, Zibusiso |
24350 | Penrith Christian School | Orchard Hills | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bartlett, Joshua |
24351 | Penrith Christian School | Orchard Hills | Modern History | Sullivan, Arianna |
24352 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Ancient History | Chen, Yingnan |
24353 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Ancient History | Hundi, Srihith |
24354 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Ancient History | Kaur, Simran |
24355 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Ancient History | Mandana, Raya |
24356 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Ancient History | Netrapalli, Yeshaswi |
24357 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Biology | Nair, Shiv Shankar |
24358 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Biology | Nisar, Rabeet Ahmed |
24359 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Biology | Pakala, Rushil |
24360 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Biology | Raveendran, Mithulaa |
24361 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Biology | Sutharshan, Dharani |
24362 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Aggarwal, Tishya |
24363 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Ansary, Tanzeela Tayeeba |
24364 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Barua, Aayush |
24365 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Dayaratne, Saniru |
24366 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Eranki, Anchita |
24367 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Farhan, Laiba |
24368 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Guduru, Krithika |
24369 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Hossain, Zoyeb |
24370 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Ilanchezhian, Binadevi |
24371 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Ilango, Swatthi |
24372 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Jacob, Riya |
24373 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Joshi, Aatman Daxeshkumar |
24374 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Kakkar, Bhavika |
24375 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Kodide, Shriya |
24376 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Kumarage, Jayden Navidu |
24377 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Kuriakose, Holy |
24378 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Mehta, Aryan |
24379 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Mehta, Kedar |
24380 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Monsur, Mehra |
24381 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Pakala, Rushil |
24382 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Patel, Parth Viral |
24383 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Pillai, Anitha |
24384 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Rajath, Kashvi |
24385 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Business Studies | Warrier, Satvik |
24386 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Arunachalam, Sudesh |
24387 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Exley, Amanda Mengfang |
24388 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Halim, Arish |
24389 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Joshi, Rahul Dev |
24390 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Liu, Brian |
24391 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Nair, Shiv Shankar |
24392 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Patel, Hriday Hiteshkumar |
24393 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Purohit, Parth |
24394 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Raina, Bhupen |
24395 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Rumey Jiffrey, Tamiz Maalik |
24396 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Shah, Dev Ravi |
24397 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Shaikh, Ayaan |
24398 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Siddiqui, Mohammad Aalyan |
24399 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Sinha, Raj |
24400 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Chemistry | Yerramsetty, Srujana |
24401 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Aranhiyullathil Pradeep, Geethika |
24402 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Cyril, Caron |
24403 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Farhan, Laiba |
24404 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Joseph, Leah |
24405 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Madan, Sasha |
24406 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Malik, Tanisha |
24407 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | O'Connor, Paige Ellouise |
24408 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Paulose, Diya Elizabeth |
24409 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Pillai, Eesha |
24410 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Saha, Neelam |
24411 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Drama | Suntherachelvan, Varsha |
24412 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Bucktowar, Manhishtha |
24413 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Joshi, Aatman Daxeshkumar |
24414 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Joshi, Rahul Dev |
24415 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Mehta, Kedar |
24416 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Mow, Nicholas Zi Ming |
24417 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Nguyen, Liliana Maree |
24418 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Prakash, Pranavan |
24419 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Purohit, Vedang Jayesh |
24420 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Economics | Yerramsetty, Srujana |
24421 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Engineering Studies | Kang, Hayden Daehee |
24422 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Engineering Studies | Mercado, Eljohn Michael |
24423 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Engineering Studies | Vella, Alex Brandan |
24424 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Engineering Studies | Zhang, Eason Yansong |
24425 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Aranhiyullathil Pradeep, Geethika |
24426 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Bucktowar, Manhishtha |
24427 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Caslangen, Dianne |
24428 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Chang, Guo |
24429 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Das, Prajit |
24430 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Dirron, Iman |
24431 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Farhan, Laiba |
24432 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Foisol, Proteet Hamim |
24433 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Gupta, Krish |
24434 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Heredia, Mia |
24435 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Joseph, Leah |
24436 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Joshi, Rahul Dev |
24437 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Malik, Tanisha |
24438 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Manandhar, Nirosha |
24439 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Mehta, Kedar |
24440 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Meraz, Anahita |
24441 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Mickhail, George |
24442 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Nisar, Rabeet Ahmed |
24443 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | O'Connor, Paige Ellouise |
24444 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Ojha, Prabesh |
24445 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Pandit Bhasin, Riddhima |
24446 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Pascual, Celis Santiago |
24447 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Peters, Misha |
24448 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Pillai, Anitha |
24449 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Ponaboina, Akanksha |
24450 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Prakash, Pranavan |
24451 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Pramod, Ankita |
24452 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Saha, Neelam |
24453 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Shah, Dev Ravi |
24454 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Shaikh, Ayaan |
24455 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Shrestha, Shreya |
24456 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Singh, Jasrajbir |
24457 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Sivaram, Deepikka |
24458 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Tan, Ashley Stephanie |
24459 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Urmeneta, Moriah Zada |
24460 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Wu, Sandy |
24461 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Yerramsetty, Srujana |
24462 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Advanced | Yunus, Aaliah |
24463 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Aranhiyullathil Pradeep, Geethika |
24464 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Bucktowar, Manhishtha |
24465 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Caslangen, Dianne |
24466 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Chang, Guo |
24467 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Dirron, Iman |
24468 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Faisal, Emaan |
24469 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Heredia, Mia |
24470 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Mahbub, Tahreem Arita |
24471 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Manandhar, Nirosha |
24472 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Meraz, Anahita |
24473 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | O'Connor, Paige Ellouise |
24474 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Paleti, Anuja Usha |
24475 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Ponaboina, Akanksha |
24476 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 1 | Pramod, Ankita |
24477 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 2 | Heredia, Mia |
24478 | Penrith High School | Penrith | English Extension 2 | Manandhar, Nirosha |
24479 | Penrith High School | Penrith | History Extension | Dole, Gnei Nuha |
24480 | Penrith High School | Penrith | History Extension | Heredia, Mia |
24481 | Penrith High School | Penrith | History Extension | Manandhar, Nirosha |
24482 | Penrith High School | Penrith | History Extension | Meraz, Anahita |
24483 | Penrith High School | Penrith | History Extension | Prakash, Pranavan |
24484 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Aranhiyullathil Pradeep, Geethika |
24485 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Artwoeger, Christopher Litianwei |
24486 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Dole, Gnei Nuha |
24487 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Jain, Aayush |
24488 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Joseph, Leah |
24489 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Lin, Shiyao |
24490 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Mahbub, Tahreem Arita |
24491 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Manandhar, Nirosha |
24492 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Meraz, Anahita |
24493 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Pandit Bhasin, Riddhima |
24494 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Parthiban, Nikhil Sandhyesh |
24495 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Ponaboina, Akanksha |
24496 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Prakash, Pranavan |
24497 | Penrith High School | Penrith | Legal Studies | Thushiyendra, Pavithran |