This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
11022 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Investigating Science | Sam, Jourdan |
11023 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Legal Studies | Toma, Maryam |
11024 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Legal Studies | Voon, Natalie |
11025 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Advanced | Sam, Jourdan |
11026 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Advanced | Sibi, Joel |
11027 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Advanced | Trinh, Mark |
11028 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ly, Jayden |
11029 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nickel, Karl |
11030 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sam, Jourdan |
11031 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Alessi, Natasha |
11032 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Barbaro, Stefano |
11033 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Bath, Amelia |
11034 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Galea, Dylan |
11035 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Gewargis, Natalie |
11036 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Hana, Isaac |
11037 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Lazar, Katrina |
11038 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Perrin, Julia |
11039 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Toma, Maryam |
11040 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Voon, Natalie |
11041 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Mathematics Standard 2 | Vukas, Jack |
11042 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Modern History | Vukas, Jack |
11043 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Music 1 | Helo, Shaina |
11044 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Music 1 | Loria, Jaquelyn |
11045 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Music 1 | Nickel, Karl |
11046 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Music 1 | Rofael, Merita |
11047 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Music 1 | Torres, Andrew |
11048 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Campos, Monique |
11049 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Physics | Nickel, Karl |
11050 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Bath, Amelia |
11051 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Campos, Monique |
11052 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Giyo, Ashourina |
11053 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Goundar, Ashlee |
11054 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Ly, Jayden |
11055 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Nickel, Karl |
11056 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Ogu, Ozioma |
11057 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Pauls, Dominic |
11058 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Raheem, Jessica |
11059 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Sam, Jourdan |
11060 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Sibi, Joel |
11061 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Soans, Tiana |
11062 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion I | Umali, Jheymee |
11063 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Gewargis, Natalie |
11064 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Nahas, Alanna |
11065 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Nissan, Rose |
11066 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Toma, Maryam |
11067 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Voon, Natalie |
11068 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Studies of Religion II | Vukas, Rick |
11069 | Good Samaritan Catholic College | Hinchinbrook | Tourism, Travel and Events Examination | Loria, Jaquelyn |
11070 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Ancient History | Acharya, Prisha |
11071 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Ancient History | Anthonisz, Elliott |
11072 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Ancient History | Orr, Ella |
11073 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Ancient History | Perera, Gyan |
11074 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Ancient History | Sohn, Ella |
11075 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Acharya, Prisha |
11076 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Call, Emma |
11077 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Harcourt-Hayes, Louise |
11078 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Kim, Seoyun |
11079 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Lee, Sihyeon |
11080 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Marshall, Davara |
11081 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Rose, Hannah |
11082 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Smith, Mikayla |
11083 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Trinh, Andy |
11084 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Wardrope, Abbey |
11085 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Biology | Wu, Amelia |
11086 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Business Studies | Biju, Leo |
11087 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Business Studies | Scholberg, Alex |
11088 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | De Courcy, Rachael |
11089 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Mundackal, Mikhail |
11090 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Nair, Andrea |
11091 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Perera, Gyan |
11092 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Saxena, Shreya |
11093 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Tavadia, Rushabh |
11094 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Waters, April |
11095 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Chemistry | Xie, Hedy |
11096 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Design and Technology | Loh, Ethan |
11097 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Drama | Christie, William |
11098 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Drama | Johnston, Tayla |
11099 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Drama | Kaeser, Heidi |
11100 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Drama | Smith, Jessica |
11101 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Drama | Sohn, Ella |
11102 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Economics | Ackland, Inge |
11103 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Economics | Biju, Leo |
11104 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Economics | Kang, Dongwoo |
11105 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Economics | Larkin, Matthew |
11106 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Engineering Studies | Tavadia, Rushabh |
11107 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Engineering Studies | Wong, Renni |
11108 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Acharya, Prisha |
11109 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Ackland, Inge |
11110 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Angulo, Samantha |
11111 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Anthonisz, Elliott |
11112 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Apalis, Nikolajs |
11113 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Biju, Leo |
11114 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Bu, Amanda |
11115 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Burgess, Damon |
11116 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Chen, Grace |
11117 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Chen, Sarah |
11118 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Churchley, Ryan |
11119 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | De Courcy, Rachael |
11120 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Gooley, Isabella |
11121 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Harcourt-Hayes, Louise |
11122 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Hemmerich, Maja |
11123 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Kang, Dongwoo |
11124 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Kogan, Abigail |
11125 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Lee, Sihyeon |
11126 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Lightfoot, Liam |
11127 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Lilley-Chen, Isabelle |
11128 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Liu, Jessica |
11129 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Nusaibah, Nashrah |
11130 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Orr, Ella |
11131 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Palu, Tia |
11132 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Paterson, Roland |
11133 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Perera, Gyan |
11134 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Ravi, Nisha |
11135 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Rose, Hannah |
11136 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Saxena, Shreya |
11137 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Sohn, Ella |
11138 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Waters, April |
11139 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Wu, Amelia |
11140 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Yang, Dahyeon |
11141 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Zahid, Meerab |
11142 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Zhang, Chengshun |
11143 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Zhang, Laura |
11144 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Advanced | Zheng, Amy |
11145 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Ackland, Inge |
11146 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Biju, Leo |
11147 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Bu, Amanda |
11148 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Burgess, Damon |
11149 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Chen, Sarah |
11150 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Harcourt-Hayes, Louise |
11151 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Perera, Gyan |
11152 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Ravi, Nisha |
11153 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Smith, Jessica |
11154 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Yang, Dahyeon |
11155 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Zahid, Meerab |
11156 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 1 | Zhang, Laura |
11157 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 2 | Pryor, Kasey |
11158 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 2 | Yang, Dahyeon |
11159 | Gosford High School | Gosford | English Extension 2 | Zahid, Meerab |
11160 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Food Technology | Mohi, Pearl |
11161 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Food Technology | Scarlett, Milla |
11162 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Food Technology | Smith, Mikayla |
11163 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Food Technology | Wardrope, Abbey |
11164 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Food Technology | Wong, Renni |
11165 | Gosford High School | Gosford | French Beginners | Kiat, Kelly |
11166 | Gosford High School | Gosford | French Beginners | Landgren, Felix |
11167 | Gosford High School | Gosford | French Beginners | Lightfoot, Liam |
11168 | Gosford High School | Gosford | French Beginners | Liu, Jessica |
11169 | Gosford High School | Gosford | French Beginners | Nusaibah, Nashrah |
11170 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Geography | Smith, Mikayla |
11171 | Gosford High School | Gosford | History Extension | Biju, Leo |
11172 | Gosford High School | Gosford | History Extension | Orr, Ella |
11173 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Hungarian Continuers | Herczeg, Borbala |
11174 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Hungarian Continuers | Herczeg, Tamas |
11175 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Investigating Science | Apalis, Nikolajs |
11176 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Investigating Science | Jones, Mia |
11177 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Investigating Science | Scarlett, Milla |
11178 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Investigating Science | Wardrope, Abbey |
11179 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Deed, Kaito |
11180 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Harcourt-Hayes, Louise |
11181 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Kang, Dongwoo |
11182 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Lee, Sihyeon |
11183 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Mohi, Pearl |
11184 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Park, Chanmin |
11185 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Continuers | Scholberg, Alex |
11186 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Extension | Lee, Sihyeon |
11187 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Extension | Mohi, Pearl |
11188 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Japanese Extension | Scholberg, Alex |
11189 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Legal Studies | Anthonisz, Elliott |
11190 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Anthonisz, Elliott |
11191 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Burneikis, Charlotte |
11192 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Gibbs, Oliver |
11193 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Green, Noah |
11194 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Harcourt-Hayes, Louise |
11195 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Hewitt, Zachary |
11196 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Lee, Wan |
11197 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Loh, Ethan |
11198 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Mehedi, Numerah |
11199 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Nivargi, Ananya |
11200 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Park, Doohyun |
11201 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Robertson, Miller |
11202 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Rubasing Siriwardana, Yethmin |
11203 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Su, Daniel |
11204 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Advanced | Zheng, Amy |
11205 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Bito-on, Kristine |
11206 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | De Courcy, Rachael |
11207 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Hsiao, Felix |
11208 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Kang, Dongwoo |
11209 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lee, Sihyeon |
11210 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lightfoot, Liam |
11211 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lilley-Chen, Isabelle |
11212 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Mundackal, Mikhail |
11213 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nair, Andrea |
11214 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nusaibah, Nashrah |
11215 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Park, Chanmin |
11216 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Patel, Neal |
11217 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Saxena, Shreya |
11218 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sheng, Boyuan |
11219 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tavadia, Rushabh |
11220 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Waters, April |
11221 | Gosford High School | Gosford | Mathematics Extension 1 | Xie, Hedy |