This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
10406 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Ambarita, Winston |
10407 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Hilton, Zachary |
10408 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Karakiozis, Stefan |
10409 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Mostacci, Leah |
10410 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Mathematics Standard 2 | Zhan, Wenchao Andy |
10411 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Modern Greek Beginners | Girginis, Harrison |
10412 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Modern Greek Beginners | Psaltis, Annamaria |
10413 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Modern History | Webber, Claire |
10414 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Music 1 | Byrnes-Mikelsons, Mia |
10415 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Music 1 | Hau, Matthew |
10416 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Music 1 | Suli, Latu |
10417 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Music Extension | Theodorakakis, Mark |
10418 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Zein, Sara |
10419 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Society and Culture | Beydoun, Lara |
10420 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Society and Culture | Rotziokos, Victoria |
10421 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Software Design and Development | Guo, Yi Tim |
10422 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Visual Arts | Calma, Felicia Celine |
10423 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Visual Arts | Feng, Shuyu |
10424 | Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus | Oatley | Visual Arts | Zeng, Gary |
10425 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Biology | Boutzetis, Evthalia |
10426 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Biology | Godbier, Ryan |
10427 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Biology | Kemp, James |
10428 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Biology | Nguyen, Luca |
10429 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Business Studies | Jamil, Jessica Samer |
10430 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Business Studies | Luong, Gerald |
10431 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Business Studies | Nguyen, Justin |
10432 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Business Studies | Wang, Chichi |
10433 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Chemistry | Kemp, James |
10434 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Chemistry | Nguyen, Luca |
10435 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Chemistry | Wills, Jacob |
10436 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Design and Technology | Zhao, Yamin |
10437 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Economics | Nguyen, Luca |
10438 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Economics | Tjong, Jade |
10439 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Boutzetis, Evthalia |
10440 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | De Domizio, Noah |
10441 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Janjic, Natasha |
10442 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Joy, Anneliese |
10443 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Nguyen, Justin |
10444 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Nguyen, Luca |
10445 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Tankasali, Inesh |
10446 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Tjong, Jade |
10447 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Advanced | Wills, Jacob |
10448 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 1 | Boutzetis, Evthalia |
10449 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 1 | Nguyen, Justin |
10450 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 1 | Tankasali, Inesh |
10451 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 1 | Tjong, Jade |
10452 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 2 | Boutzetis, Evthalia |
10453 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | English Extension 2 | Tjong, Jade |
10454 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Food Technology | Gillett, Kaitlin |
10455 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Food Technology | Sigalas, Julia |
10456 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Advanced | Dib, Michael |
10457 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Advanced | Nguyen, Justin |
10458 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Advanced | Nguyen, Luca |
10459 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Advanced | Wang, Chichi |
10460 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Dancy, Matthew |
10461 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | De Domizio, Noah |
10462 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Joy, Anneliese |
10463 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Kemp, James |
10464 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nguyen, Justin |
10465 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nguyen, Luca |
10466 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Wills, Jacob |
10467 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 1 | Zhao, Yamin |
10468 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 2 | De Domizio, Noah |
10469 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Extension 2 | Wills, Jacob |
10470 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Standard 2 | Boutzetis, Evthalia |
10471 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Standard 2 | Forest-Jones, Owen |
10472 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Standard 2 | Gidney, Harrison |
10473 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Standard 2 | Nader, Ricardo |
10474 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Mathematics Standard 2 | Stelmaszak, Tiffany |
10475 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Modern History | Gidney, Harrison |
10476 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Music 1 | Dancy, Matthew |
10477 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Music 1 | Forest-Jones, Owen |
10478 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | De Domizio, Noah |
10479 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Physics | Wills, Jacob |
10480 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Visual Arts | Maguire, Samantha |
10481 | Georges River Grammar | Georges Hall | Visual Arts | Tjong, Jade |
10482 | Gilgandra High School | Gilgandra | Construction Examination | King, Harrison James |
10483 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Biology | Wong, Hoi Ying Katelyn |
10484 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Biology | Zabaneh, Tianna |
10485 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Attard, Grace |
10486 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Dimitriadis, Zoe |
10487 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Mascarenhas, Dawnette |
10488 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Pozzolungo, Joshua |
10489 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Ryan, Olivia |
10490 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Spagnolo, Luca |
10491 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Stanley, Luke |
10492 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Haddad, Zara |
10493 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | O'Neill, Siobhan |
10494 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Zdrilic, Isabella |
10495 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Drama | Bounassif, Hayley |
10496 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Drama | Dimitriadis, Zoe |
10497 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Drama | Lourey, Ashleigh |
10498 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Economics | Ryan, Olivia |
10499 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Haworth, Liliana |
10500 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Pozzolungo, Joshua |
10501 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Ryan, Olivia |
10502 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Towner, Grace |
10503 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | English Extension 1 | Ryan, Olivia |
10504 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Mascarenhas, Dawnette |
10505 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Ryan, Olivia |
10506 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Zabaneh, Tianna |
10507 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Zdrilic, Isabella |
10508 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Fernandez, Ella |
10509 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Langdon, Max |
10510 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Stanley, Luke |
10511 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Terracciano, Damon |
10512 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Bugeja, Joshua |
10513 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Gomez, William |
10514 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Stanley, Luke |
10515 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 1 | Wong, Hoi Ying Katelyn |
10516 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 2 | Gomez, William |
10517 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Extension 2 | Wong, Hoi Ying Katelyn |
10518 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Haddad, Zara |
10519 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Herrett, Tayha |
10520 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Metwally, Chloe |
10521 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Pham, Jonah |
10522 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Riad, Jackson |
10523 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 1 Examination | Zdrilic, Isabella |
10524 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Antivilo, Stephen |
10525 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Attard, Grace |
10526 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Axt, Stephanie |
10527 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Barrientos, Mikayla |
10528 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Croucher, Laura |
10529 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Fonseca, Marcus |
10530 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Howes, Zara |
10531 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Karwal, Rohan |
10532 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Mascarenhas, Dawnette |
10533 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Melching, Ivana |
10534 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Page, Kylie |
10535 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Palladino, Hana |
10536 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Pozzolungo, Joshua |
10537 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Ryder, Daniel |
10538 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Sacca, Luca |
10539 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Sweeney, Maximilliano |
10540 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Wooldridge, Bradley |
10541 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Standard 2 | Zabaneh, Tianna |
10542 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Modern Greek Continuers | Margaris, Theodora |
10543 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Attard, Grace |
10544 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Haworth, Liliana |
10545 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Modern History | Mascarenhas, Dawnette |
10546 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Music 1 | Mendoza, Aeven |
10547 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Attard, Grace |
10548 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Haddad, Zara |
10549 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Metwally, Chloe |
10550 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | O'Neill, Siobhan |
10551 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Pozzolungo, Joshua |
10552 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Towner, Grace |
10553 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Software Design and Development | Bugeja, Joshua |
10554 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Girgis, Clara |
10555 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Godakanda, Tiara |
10556 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Grzelak, Kayla |
10557 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Haddad, Zara |
10558 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Liu, Alice |
10559 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Lourey, Ashleigh |
10560 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Pozzolungo, Joshua |
10561 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Racha, Trishul |
10562 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Scollard, Georgia |
10563 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Shin, Lauren |
10564 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Spagnolo, Luca |
10565 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Stanley, Luke |
10566 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion I | Terracciano, Damon |
10567 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Haworth, Liliana |
10568 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Metwally, Chloe |
10569 | Gilroy Catholic College | Castle Hill | Studies of Religion II | Zabaneh, Tianna |
10570 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Ancient History | Bavigadda, Aditya Siv |
10571 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Ancient History | Mandhani, Chirag |
10572 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Ancient History | Patel, Dhanvi V |
10573 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Ancient History | Patel, Nirzara |
10574 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Ancient History | Vencel, Jamie |
10575 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Bhandari, Himani |
10576 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Bheda, Dhairya |
10577 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Chawla, Riana |
10578 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Desai, Astha |
10579 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Edirisinghe, Lasandu |
10580 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Hoque, Tasfiah |
10581 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Jhand, Nischay |
10582 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Jiju, Joyel Pete |
10583 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Kapur, Deepna |
10584 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Khanna, Shaan |
10585 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Koritala, Maanasa |
10586 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Kulkarni, Aryaa |
10587 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Lee, Apple |
10588 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Liu, Deborah |
10589 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Mandhani, Chirag |
10590 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Mayao, Justine |
10591 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Mondeddu, Paavan |
10592 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Patel, Nirzara |
10593 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Pean, Finnegan |
10594 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Raza, Mohammad |
10595 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Saini, Gurnoor |
10596 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | San Juan, Rianda |
10597 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Sayal, Devang |
10598 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Shah, Joel |
10599 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Shanmugarajan, Tharaka |
10600 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Sharif, Tanisha |
10601 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Vaidya, Prajakta |
10602 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Vikram, Cia |
10603 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Yap, Caleb |
10604 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Biology | Zhu, Andrew |
10605 | Girraween High School | Girraween | Business Studies | Chau, Nicole |