This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
23061 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | English Extension 1 | Eyland, Gwendolyn |
23062 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | English Extension 1 | Kielly, Max |
23063 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | English Extension 1 | Peabody, Elizabeth |
23064 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Entertainment Industry Examination | Brindley, Indigo |
23065 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Entertainment Industry Examination | Ellem, Noah |
23066 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Entertainment Industry Examination | Kielly, Max |
23067 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | French Extension | Girling, Madeleine |
23068 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | History Extension | Eyland, Gwendolyn |
23069 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Hospitality Examination | Schilko, Isabella |
23070 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Japanese Beginners | Cofield, Isobel |
23071 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Japanese Beginners | Moore, Sarah |
23072 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Advanced | Wijendra, Thoshni |
23073 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ebdon, Samuel |
23074 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Extension 1 | Middleton, Shay |
23075 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Extension 1 | Xi, William YuKang |
23076 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Extension 2 | Xi, William YuKang |
23077 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Standard 2 | Girling, Madeleine |
23078 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Mathematics Standard 2 | Schilko, Isabella |
23079 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Modern History | Eyland, Gwendolyn |
23080 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Modern History | Ryan, Patrick |
23081 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Brindley, Indigo |
23082 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Choat, Abigail |
23083 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Dale, Georgia |
23084 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Kraus, Xavier |
23085 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Moore, Sarah |
23086 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 1 | Robinson, Ava |
23087 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music 2 | Kielly, Max |
23088 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Music Extension | Kielly, Max |
23089 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Ingeman, Annabelle |
23090 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Jung, Isabel |
23091 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Whitehouse, Emma |
23092 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Physics | Ebdon, Samuel |
23093 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Society and Culture | Barrel, Parri |
23094 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Society and Culture | Kielly, Max |
23095 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Society and Culture | Moore, Sarah |
23096 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Studies of Religion II | Davies, Margaret |
23097 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Studies of Religion II | Girling, Madeleine |
23098 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Visual Arts | Cournane, Luke |
23099 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Visual Arts | Davies, Margaret |
23100 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Visual Arts | George, Kate |
23101 | Nowra Anglican College | Bomaderry | Visual Arts | Kilby, Sarah |
23102 | Nowra Christian School | Nowra | Mathematics Standard 2 | Thomas, Darcy |
23103 | Nowra Christian School | Nowra | Music 2 | Edwards, Micah |
23104 | Nowra Christian School | Nowra | Visual Arts | Cimador, Isabella |
23105 | Nowra Christian School | Nowra | Visual Arts | McPhail, Jessamine |
23106 | Nowra High School | Nowra | Ancient History | Klein, Sienna |
23107 | Nowra High School | Nowra | Biology | Keane, Elke |
23108 | Nowra High School | Nowra | Food Technology | Edwards, Julia |
23109 | Nowra High School | Nowra | Mathematics Standard 2 | Neri, Samuel |
23110 | Nowra High School | Nowra | Music 1 | Kingdom, Connor |
23111 | Oak Flats High School | Oak Flats | Music 1 | Latinovich, Ethan |
23112 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Agriculture | Compton, Alex |
23113 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Ancient History | Orshansky, Lara |
23114 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Boumelhem, Isabelle |
23115 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Elhady, Justin |
23116 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Fong, Zara |
23117 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Johns, Charlotte |
23118 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Masoud, Daniel |
23119 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Paino, Alexandra |
23120 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Biology | Valjak, Thomas |
23121 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Bhatia, Raunil |
23122 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Boland, Luke |
23123 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Boumelhem, Isabelle |
23124 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Chapman, Jessica |
23125 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Coulis, Emanuel |
23126 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Hyams, Ethan |
23127 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Jang, Jenny |
23128 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Jones, Jacob |
23129 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Magee, James |
23130 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Masoud, Daniel |
23131 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | McKenzie, Nicholas |
23132 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Moog, Brianna |
23133 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Murray, Peter |
23134 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Paino, Alexandra |
23135 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Saab, Katherine |
23136 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Tandy, Harrison |
23137 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Business Studies | Zahorsky, Nicholas |
23138 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Chemistry | Masoud, Daniel |
23139 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Chemistry | McDonald-Singh, Jed |
23140 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Chemistry | Wilkinson, Bailey |
23141 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Chemistry | Zlotkowski, Bianca |
23142 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Donnelly, Imogen |
23143 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Eltenn, Tiana |
23144 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Moog, Brianna |
23145 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Community and Family Studies | Zeaiter, Michelle |
23146 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Construction Examination | Voorma, Harm |
23147 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Compton, Gabriella |
23148 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Jang, Jenny |
23149 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Maisetti, Joshua |
23150 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Mamo, Connor |
23151 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Ransome-Haberley, Caitlin |
23152 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Design and Technology | Van Der Zanden, Flynn |
23153 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Drama | Cook, Ruby |
23154 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Drama | Mandigora, Rufaro |
23155 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | Cook, Ruby |
23156 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | De Silva, Kevin |
23157 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | Magee, James |
23158 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | McKenzie, Nicholas |
23159 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | Riar, Samar |
23160 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Economics | Saab, Katherine |
23161 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Engineering Studies | Mamo, Connor |
23162 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Boland, Luke |
23163 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Boumelhem, Isabelle |
23164 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Church, Thea |
23165 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Cochrane, Julia |
23166 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Cook, Ruby |
23167 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Fong, Zara |
23168 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Horne, Lila |
23169 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Juarez-Mendoza, Andreas |
23170 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Magee, James |
23171 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | McDonald-Singh, Jed |
23172 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | McKenzie, Nicholas |
23173 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Orshansky, Lara |
23174 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Advanced | Saab, Katherine |
23175 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Extension 1 | Church, Thea |
23176 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | English Extension 1 | Cook, Ruby |
23177 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Entertainment Industry Examination | Cooper, Rhiannon |
23178 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Entertainment Industry Examination | Juarez-Mendoza, Andreas |
23179 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Entertainment Industry Examination | Ryan, Ethan |
23180 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Entertainment Industry Examination | Stalenberg, Thomas |
23181 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Geography | Ransome-Haberley, Caitlin |
23182 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Geography | Zlotkowski, Bianca |
23183 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Hospitality Examination | Cusack, Jemima |
23184 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Hospitality Examination | Shim, Jaemin |
23185 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Hungarian Continuers | Tomka, Adam |
23186 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Industrial Technology | Duck, Amelia |
23187 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Industrial Technology | Kenchington, Jack |
23188 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Information Processes and Technology | McKenzie, Nicholas |
23189 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Information Processes and Technology | Stornelli, Nicholas |
23190 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Italian Beginners | Cepraga, Jacques |
23191 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Italian Beginners | Fuccenecco, Lucy |
23192 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Italian Continuers | Juarez-Mendoza, Andreas |
23193 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Abood, Hannah |
23194 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | De Silva, Kevin |
23195 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Grehan, Timothy |
23196 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Orshansky, Lara |
23197 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Paino, Alexandra |
23198 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Wheeler, Jasmine |
23199 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Woolnough, Lachlan |
23200 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Legal Studies | Zahorsky, Nicholas |
23201 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Alderson, Luke |
23202 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Bucur, Gabriel |
23203 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Casey, William |
23204 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Fahey, Aiden |
23205 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Farrant, Joshua |
23206 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Farrugia, Lachlan |
23207 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Gary, Jake |
23208 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Gontarczyk, Jack |
23209 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Hall, Samuel |
23210 | Oakhill College | Castle Hill | Mathematics Advanced | Harvey, Joseph |