Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2023

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 1431 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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Rows per page:
51 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Aiyas, Habibah
52 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Chowdhury, Adib
53 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Erdem, Dilara
54 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Fayaz, Soha
55 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Hassan, Asna Rasool
56 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Rana, Tahir
57 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Sharma Luitel, Aartika
58 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Azzopardi-MacIntire, Emma
59 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Coleman, Alannah
60 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Grantham, Estelle
61 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Greaves, Sienna
62 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Harper, Arabella
63 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Kedwell, Madison
64 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Triantos, Adrianna
65 Aquinas College Menai Legal Studies Zaher, Joshua
66 Arden Anglican School Epping Campus Epping Legal Studies Gangell, Sara
67 Arden Anglican School Epping Campus Epping Legal Studies Kim, Daniel Yoo-Hyun
68 Arden Anglican School Epping Campus Epping Legal Studies Mortimer, Lachlan Charles
69 Arden Anglican School Epping Campus Epping Legal Studies Roser, Rebecca Jiabao
70 Arden Anglican School Epping Campus Epping Legal Studies Sharpe, Matthew Liam
71 Arndell Anglican College Oakville Legal Studies Messerschmidt, Kaitlin
72 Arthur Phillip High School Parramatta Legal Studies McDerment, Jai
73 Arthur Phillip High School Parramatta Legal Studies Nabizadeh, Yousef
74 Ashfield Boys High School Ashfield Legal Studies Jellett, Alfred
75 Ashfield Boys High School Ashfield Legal Studies Yule, Casper
76 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Legal Studies Barnes, Stephanie
77 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Legal Studies Cummings, Lucinda
78 Asquith Girls High School Asquith Legal Studies So, Jenna
79 Auburn Girls High School Auburn Legal Studies Alameddine, Serene
80 Australian International Academy Sydney Strathfield Campus Strathfield Legal Studies Naji, Fatima
81 Australian International Academy Sydney Strathfield Campus Strathfield Legal Studies Tariq, Sahr
82 Australian International School Malaysia Selangor, Malaysia Legal Studies Lee, Yao Ming
83 Australian International School Singapore Singapore Legal Studies Veale, Nicholas
84 Australian Islamic College of Sydney Mount Druitt Legal Studies Dean, Nazaahah Azraa
85 Ballina Coast High School Ballina Legal Studies Schlenker, Michelle
86 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Legal Studies Alawieah, Amani
87 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Legal Studies Zeeshan, Zahra
88 Barham High School Barham Legal Studies Lodge, Ella
89 Barham High School Barham Legal Studies Molin, Lily
90 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Abbott, Millie
91 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Bain, Imogen
92 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Bentley, Luke
93 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Calusic, Viktorija
94 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Cameron, Chandre
95 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Davie, Jeremy
96 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Denton, Bodie
97 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Dosen, Tomas
98 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Elliott, Scott
99 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Haesloop, Ethan
100 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Halliday Shand, Isabelle
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 7 Sep 2024
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