Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2023

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

100 of 110 entries are shown.
1 - 100
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1 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Ancient History Masutti, Amelia
2 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Ancient History Ross, Benjamin
3 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Ancient History Wall, Benjamin
4 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Biology Briscoe, Ella
5 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Biology Bull, Harrison
6 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Biology Smithson, Elizabeth
7 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Biggs, Sienna
8 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Bryce, Elana
9 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Fallon, Kaiden
10 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Kalabric, Antonio
11 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies O'Brien, Thomas
12 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Price, Alyssa
13 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Romano, Isabella
14 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Villagrand, Luke
15 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Business Studies Wall, Benjamin
16 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Blattman, Kendra
17 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Bonner, Ryan
18 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Gothard, Lachlan
19 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Loader, Jed
20 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Sidoti, Joshua
21 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Summers, Mackenzie
22 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Construction Examination Webb, Luke
23 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Baumanis, Gabrielle
24 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Del Pozo, Sienna
25 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Gussinklo, Jake
26 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Robinson, Mikayla
27 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Vandam, Allison
28 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Beard, Natasha
29 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Bryce, Elana
30 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Hartigan, Amelia
31 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Lawler, Sarah
32 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Lov, Emily
33 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Ross, Benjamin
34 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Advanced Sinnerbrink, Miriam
35 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 1 Sinnerbrink, Miriam
36 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Food Technology Alpen, Sydney
37 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Food Technology Cranney, Georgia
38 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland French Beginners Molimard, Luca
39 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Geography Sinnerbrink, Miriam
40 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Hospitality Examination Hare, Rosie
41 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Hospitality Examination Harris, Abbey
42 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Cope, Lachlan
43 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Italian Continuers Smith, Luca
44 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Beard, Natasha
45 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Coe, Matthew
46 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Flynn, Cooper
47 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Hartigan, Amelia
48 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Lov, Emily
49 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Munro, Mia
50 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Price, Alyssa
51 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Varsamidis, Sophia
52 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Villagrand, Luke
53 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Legal Studies Wall, Benjamin
54 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Advanced Briscoe, Ella
55 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Advanced Dixon, Lachlan
56 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Advanced Ross, Benjamin
57 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Advanced Villagrand, Luke
58 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Bull, Harrison
59 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Lawler, Sarah
60 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Ross, Benjamin
61 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Alpen, Sydney
62 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Arrogante, Marc Karlos
63 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Bonner, Ryan
64 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Carmalt, Angus
65 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Challenor, Toby
66 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Cranney, Georgia
67 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Davis, Amy
68 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 De Santis, Sophie
69 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Farla, Julia
70 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Havig, Emily
71 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Henderson, Jade
72 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Molimard, Luca
73 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 O'Brien, Thomas
74 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Perkins, Sophia
75 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Price, Alyssa
76 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Rheinberger, Zara Kate
77 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Robinson, Mikayla
78 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Roche, Ella
79 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Sinnerbrink, Miriam
80 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Tsoumbaras, Tillie-Anne
81 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Wall, Benjamin
82 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Standard 2 Whittaker, Jack
83 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Bryce, Elana
84 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Hughes, Nicholas
85 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Briscoe, Ella
86 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carmalt, Angus
87 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cranney, Georgia
88 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fallon, Kaiden
89 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Forrest, Sienna
90 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Henderson, Jade
91 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kalabric, Antonio
92 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Loader, Jed
93 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Smithson, Elizabeth
94 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Villagrand, Luke
95 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Physics Hughes, Nicholas
96 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture Bryce, Elana
97 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture Munro, Mia
98 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Beard, Natasha
99 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Carmalt, Angus
100 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Kalabric, Antonio
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 7 Sep 2024
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