Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2023

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2023.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

61 of 61 entries are shown.
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1 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Visual Arts Barnier, Kyah
2 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bingham, Eloise
3 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Chan, Godwin Hoi Yan
4 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Chan, Godwin Hoi Yan
5 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Physics Chan, Godwin Hoi Yan
6 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Chia, Jacob
7 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Choi, Kyeongmin
8 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Choi, Kyeongmin
9 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Choi, Kyeongmin
10 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Physics Choi, Kyeongmin
11 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Chopra, Ishrat
12 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Chopra, Ishrat
13 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Physics Chopra, Ishrat
14 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Community and Family Studies Crawford, Emily
15 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Crawford, Emily
16 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Crawford, Laura
17 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Ancient History Dodanduwa, Hannah
18 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Dy, Clarisse
19 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 Dy, Clarisse
20 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Dy, Clarisse
21 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Edwards, Thomas
22 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Edwards, Thomas
23 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Edwards, Thomas
24 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Edwards, Thomas
25 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Business Studies Forsyth, Caela
26 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Visual Arts Glendenning, Abbie
27 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Guth, Hannah Victoria
28 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Guth, Hannah Victoria
29 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Holik, Joel Moses
30 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Holik, Joel Moses
31 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Huang, Jacintha Laryssa
32 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Kim, Adalia
33 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Kim, Joanne
34 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kim, Joanne
35 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Standard 2 Knocker, Erin
36 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Lee, Janelle
37 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Lee, Janelle
38 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Lee, Janelle
39 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Standard 2 McClelland, Eric
40 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Software Design and Development McClelland, Eric
41 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Studies of Religion I McCrindle, Zari
42 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Michie, Joshua
43 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Michie, Joshua
44 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Neil, Micah
45 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Neil, Micah
46 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Standard 2 O'Connor, Declan
47 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Ancient History Qian, Mary
48 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Qian, Mary
49 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Scott, Anna
50 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Sedrak, Philopateer
51 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Business Studies Stander, Ben
52 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stander, Ben
53 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies Sumskas, Riley
54 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Software Design and Development Sumskas, Riley
55 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English EAL/D Tam, Joshua Jeremy
56 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Tam, Joshua Jeremy
57 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Tam, Joshua Jeremy
58 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Taylor, Annike Ruth
59 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Taylor, Annike Ruth
60 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Visual Arts Williamson, Bethany
61 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Ancient History Wong, Juliet
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 7 Sep 2024
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