Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

124 of 124 entries are shown.
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1 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Anthony, Sofia
2 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Bell, Maisy Willow
3 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Campbell, Cora Louise
4 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Corry, Anneke
5 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Davie, Morgan
6 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Dobby, Amirah Emmelie
7 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Hudson-McEwan, Ella
8 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies MacDermott, Dorothy Maude
9 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies O'Neill, Lara
10 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Ratcliff, Sofia Yvonne
11 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Roperti, Isabella
12 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Rowland, Siena Beach
13 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Sharples, Fern Maree
14 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Baker, Camille Catalina
15 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Cardis, Rose
16 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Connon-Jackson, Remy Skye
17 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Rasmussen, Charlie May
18 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Sedger, Eloise
19 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Bjorkmann, Katia
20 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Hronopoulos, Deanna
21 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Mackenzie, Stella Grace Sweeney
22 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Mason, Chloe Sara
23 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Robertson, Zoe Rose
24 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Renton-Schmidt, Olivia
25 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Chen, Yiqing
26 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Meiers, Zoe Bishop
27 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Chen, Yiqing
28 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Wang, Xinyue
29 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Davies, Mackenzie Susan
30 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies de La Motte, Taylah
31 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Gatsang, Tenzin Kunsang
32 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Hronopoulos, Deanna
33 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Janda, Petra
34 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies McKay, Paige Elizabeth
35 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Rasmussen, Charlie May
36 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Saadeh, Caitlyn Jessica
37 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Stoddart, Emily Alice
38 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Construction Examination Thorpe, Evan
39 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Andrews, Zara Lucy
40 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Birch, Hayley Samantha
41 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Mackenzie, Stella Grace Sweeney
42 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance McKay, Paige Elizabeth
43 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Richardson, Tess Amber
44 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Drama Anderson, Isabella Rose
45 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Drama Moore, Madeline Mackenzie
46 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Earth and Environmental Science Connon-Jackson, Remy Skye
47 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Economics Baker, Camille Catalina
48 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Economics Du, Isabella Jia-En
49 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Engineering Studies Offield, Anna Claire
50 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Advanced Baker, Camille Catalina
51 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Advanced Bjorkmann, Katia
52 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Advanced Cardis, Rose
53 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Advanced Sedger, Eloise
54 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English EAL/D Chen, Yiqing
55 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 1 Cardis, Rose
56 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 2 Brennan, Rosie
57 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 2 Cardis, Rose
58 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Entertainment Industry Examination Wheatley, Kendra
59 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Hronopoulos, Deanna
60 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Hughan, Lauren Grace
61 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Killingback, Amelia Claire
62 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Cooke, Allegra Rosalie
63 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Richardson, Olivia Jade
64 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Richardson, Tess Amber
65 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Extension Richardson, Olivia Jade
66 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Geography Sedger, Eloise
67 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale German Beginners Du, Isabella Jia-En
68 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Bladwell, Erin Phoebe
69 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Richardson, Olivia Jade
70 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Industrial Technology Pycraft, Sophie Amani
71 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Continuers Loomes, Matilda Rose
72 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Extension Loomes, Matilda Rose
73 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Korean Beginners Meiers, Zoe Bishop
74 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Bjorkmann, Katia
75 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Cook, Greta Arwen
76 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Richardson, Tess Amber
77 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Sedger, Eloise
78 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Supple, Lara Dominique
79 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Anthony, Sofia
80 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Bjorkmann, Katia
81 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Cooper-Larson, Olivia
82 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Du, Isabella Jia-En
83 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Jans, Lucia Cora
84 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Mason, Chloe Sara
85 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Advanced Smailes, Daisy
86 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Yiqing
87 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Du, Isabella Jia-En
88 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Gatsang, Tenzin Kunsang
89 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Jans, Lucia Cora
90 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Meiers, Zoe Bishop
91 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, Xinyue
92 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 2 Chen, Yiqing
93 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Standard 2 Gee, Alexandra
94 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Standard 2 Gross, Maddison Rose
95 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Standard 2 Hyland, Grace Eden
96 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Standard 2 Stuart, Ruby Gabriel
97 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Baker, Camille Catalina
98 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Cardis, Rose
99 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Offield, Anna Claire
100 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music 2 Loomes, Matilda Rose
101 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music Extension Bladwell, Erin Phoebe
102 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music Extension Loomes, Matilda Rose
103 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music Extension Parhi, Urja
104 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bjorkmann, Katia
105 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carroll, Emma
106 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Halliday, Zara
107 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Janda, Petra
108 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mackenzie, Stella Grace Sweeney
109 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Robertson, Zoe Rose
110 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Baker, Camille Catalina
111 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Bracey, Eva Lily
112 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture de La Motte, Taylah
113 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Pycraft, Sophie Amani
114 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Robertson, Zoe Rose
115 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Sedger, Eloise
116 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Yaman, Jessica Melek
117 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Software Design and Development Du, Isabella Jia-En
118 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Spanish Beginners Arango, Jessica Renee
119 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Cardis, Rose
120 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Cooke, Allegra Rosalie
121 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Gray, Amelia Grace
122 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Jajal, Veena
123 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Pycraft, Sophie Amani
124 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Warren, Hannah Rose
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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