Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 252 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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1 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Ableson, Brigette Cate
2 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Ackland, Inge
3 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Agarwal, Khushi
4 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Agarwal, Khushi
5 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Ahuja, Vaishnavi
6 Gosford High School Gosford French Beginners Allan-Pearce, Rory Charles
7 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Allan-Pearce, Rory Charles
8 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Allan-Pearce, Rory Charles
9 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Baker, Anthony Eugene Dennis
10 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Baker, Anthony Eugene Dennis
11 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Baker, Anthony Eugene Dennis
12 Gosford High School Gosford Chemistry Blom, Nomi Henrique
13 Gosford High School Gosford Engineering Studies Blom, Nomi Henrique
14 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Blom, Nomi Henrique
15 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Blom, Nomi Henrique
16 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Blom, Nomi Henrique
17 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Blom, Nomi Henrique
18 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Branton, William John
19 Gosford High School Gosford Investigating Science Branton, William John
20 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Branton, William John
21 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Branton, William John
22 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Bridgland, Jaden Andrew
23 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Brown, Theodore Siu Kong
24 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Brown, Theodore Siu Kong
25 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Burgess, Damon
26 Gosford High School Gosford Drama Byrne, Viola
27 Gosford High School Gosford Russian Continuers Byrne, Viola
28 Gosford High School Gosford Business Studies Chen, Felicity Hai-Xin
29 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Chen, Grace
30 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Chen, Jordan
31 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Jordan
32 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Cheng, Max
33 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Cheng, Max
34 Gosford High School Gosford French Beginners Christie, Patrick John
35 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Christie, Patrick John
36 Gosford High School Gosford Dance Clements-Lee, Vivienne Grace
37 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Clements-Lee, Vivienne Grace
38 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Clements-Lee, Vivienne Grace
39 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Copp, Tiahna Jade
40 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Corderoy, Hayley Grace
41 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Corderoy, Hayley Grace
42 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Corderoy, Hayley Grace
43 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Corderoy, Hayley Grace
44 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Corderoy, Hayley Grace
45 Gosford High School Gosford Investigating Science Cox, Braiden Luke
46 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Cox, Braiden Luke
47 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Crotty, Michael James
48 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Crotty, Michael James
49 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Crotty, Michael James
50 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Crotty, Michael James
51 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Crotty, Michael James
52 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Crotty, Michael James
53 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Curtis, Jeremy Mitchell
54 Gosford High School Gosford Earth and Environmental Science Davis, Lilliana Maree
55 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Davis, Lilliana Maree
56 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Davis, Lilliana Maree
57 Gosford High School Gosford Japanese Continuers Davis, Lilliana Maree
58 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Davis, Lilliana Maree
59 Gosford High School Gosford Music 1 Davis, Lilliana Maree
60 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced De Courcy, Rachael
61 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced De Mellow, Lachlan Aidan
62 Gosford High School Gosford Drama Degeling, Alana Kate
63 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Degeling, Alana Kate
64 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Degeling, Alana Kate
65 Gosford High School Gosford Drama Devries, Monique Alice
66 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Devries, Monique Alice
67 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Devries, Monique Alice
68 Gosford High School Gosford History Extension Devries, Monique Alice
69 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Devries, Monique Alice
70 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Devries, Monique Alice
71 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Dhinakar, Shruthika
72 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Dhinakar, Shruthika
73 Gosford High School Gosford French Beginners Duarte, Shanice Rose
74 Gosford High School Gosford Engineering Studies Eyndhoven, Liam Douglas
75 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Francis, Bella
76 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Francis, Bella
77 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Francis, Bella
78 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Getla, Shanyuth
79 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Gilmore, Caitlan Tara
80 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Gilmore, Caitlan Tara
81 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gilmore, Caitlan Tara
82 Gosford High School Gosford French Beginners Goduntsova, Eliza
83 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Goyal, Anisha
84 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Greenwood, Matthew Elijah
85 Gosford High School Gosford German Beginners Handebo, Taliah Paige
86 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Harper-Jung, Paris Cheyenne
87 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Harper-Jung, Paris Cheyenne
88 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Harper-Jung, Paris Cheyenne
89 Gosford High School Gosford Studies of Religion II Hartz, Makenzie Renee
90 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Hartz, Makenzie Renee
91 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 He, Helena
92 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced He, Jennifer Jiayang
93 Gosford High School Gosford Chemistry Hood, Jackson Jason
94 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Hood, Jackson Jason
95 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Hood, Jackson Jason
96 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Hood, Jackson Jason
97 Gosford High School Gosford Music 2 Hood, Jackson Jason
98 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Hood, Jackson Jason
99 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Hsiao, Felix
100 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Hughes, Jye James
101 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Jeon, Taesub
102 Gosford High School Gosford Music 1 Jeon, Taesub
103 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Johnston, Timothy James
104 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Johnston, Timothy James
105 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Kang, Dongwoo
106 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Kuchina, Anna
107 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Kuchina, Anna
108 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Kwon, Grace Se-Eun
109 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Kwon, Grace Se-Eun
110 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Larkin, Matthew
111 Gosford High School Gosford Engineering Studies Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
112 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
113 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
114 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
115 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Latimer, Zander John Lawrence Hardy
116 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Lee, Sihyeon
117 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Legge, Ava Madison
118 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Liang, Xiao Fan Charlotte
119 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Lightfoot, Liam
120 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Lilley-Chen, Isabelle
121 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Liu, Chenxu
122 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Liu, Chenxu
123 Gosford High School Gosford Drama Livette-Vial, Danielle Louise
124 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Livette-Vial, Danielle Louise
125 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Livette-Vial, Danielle Louise
126 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Lloyd, Oliver Philip
127 Gosford High School Gosford Investigating Science Lloyd, Oliver Philip
128 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Lloyd, Oliver Philip
129 Gosford High School Gosford Spanish Beginners Lloyd, Oliver Philip
130 Gosford High School Gosford Chemistry Lu, Edward Tsun
131 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Lu, Edward Tsun
132 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Lu, Edward Tsun
133 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Lu, Edward Tsun
134 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Lynch, Riley Taylor
135 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Lynch, Riley Taylor
136 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Lynch, Riley Taylor
137 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Lynch, Riley Taylor
138 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Lynch, Riley Taylor
139 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Maddali, Naga Venkata
140 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Maddali, Naga Venkata
141 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Malibari, Rania
142 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Malibari, Rania
143 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Malibari, Rania
144 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Malibari, Rania
145 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Malik, Nael Nabi
146 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Malik, Nael Nabi
147 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Manne, Lalith
148 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 McBurney, Izabella Patricia
149 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Moini Shabestari, Aida
150 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Moini Shabestari, Aida
151 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Moini Shabestari, Aida
152 Gosford High School Gosford Chemistry Montanari, Felix Maximus
153 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Montanari, Felix Maximus
154 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Nair, Andrea
155 Gosford High School Gosford Design and Technology Naylor, Isabella
156 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Naylor, Isabella
157 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced North, Harry Thomas
158 Gosford High School Gosford Investigating Science Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
159 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
160 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
161 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Owens, Rebecca Kate Maszke
162 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Pandya, Saloni Umang
163 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Pandya, Saloni Umang
164 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Pankaj Davey, Aaditya
165 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Papeto, Haydon James
166 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Papeto, Haydon James
167 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Park, Chanmin
168 Gosford High School Gosford Visual Arts Park, Hanna
169 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Paterson, Roland
170 Gosford High School Gosford Biology Peachey, Amy Brianna
171 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Peachey, Amy Brianna
172 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 1 Peachey, Amy Brianna
173 Gosford High School Gosford English Extension 2 Peachey, Amy Brianna
174 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Peachey, Amy Brianna
175 Gosford High School Gosford Science Extension Peachey, Amy Brianna
176 Gosford High School Gosford Chemistry Ponnappan, Dhinesh
177 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Ponnappan, Dhinesh
178 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Ponnappan, Dhinesh
179 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Ponnappan, Dhinesh
180 Gosford High School Gosford Physics Ponnappan, Dhinesh
181 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Rabbetts, Jordan Boyd
182 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Ralphs, Ben Kelvin
183 Gosford High School Gosford Investigating Science Ralphs, Ben Kelvin
184 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ralphs, Ben Kelvin
185 Gosford High School Gosford English Advanced Read, Peter James
186 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Read, Peter James
187 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Read, Peter James
188 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Read, Peter James
189 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Rickwood, Jack Charlie
190 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Riggs, Elodie
191 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Riggs, Elodie
192 Gosford High School Gosford Modern History Riggs, Elodie
193 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Roach, Zachary Ryan
194 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Advanced Roberts-White, Joshua Junior
195 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Roberts-White, Joshua Junior
196 Gosford High School Gosford Japanese Continuers Saha, Chinmai-Krishna
197 Gosford High School Gosford English Standard Salway, Abbey Katherine
198 Gosford High School Gosford Food Technology Salway, Abbey Katherine
199 Gosford High School Gosford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Salway, Abbey Katherine
200 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Standard 2 Sangster, Max Thomas
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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