Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

104 of 104 entries are shown.
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1 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Blayney, Madeleine
2 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Goto-Young, Coco
3 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Madden-Bain, Charlotte
4 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Reid, Taylah
5 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Rigoni, Alexia
6 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Warren, Daisy
7 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies White, Charles
8 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Aboriginal Studies Wooldridge, Liv
9 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Ancient History Laliotis, Samuel
10 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Ancient History Stanford, Lulu
11 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Ancient History Vassios, Angeline
12 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Biology McGrath, Amy
13 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Biology Viseshom, Vetaka
14 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Kim, Angela
15 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Shoostovian, Lilya
16 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Stone, Aaron
17 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Terry, Jackson
18 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Warren, Emma
19 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Wong, Estelle
20 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Zordan, Eli
21 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Chemistry Gillett, Dexter
22 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Chemistry Giordano, Elke
23 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Community and Family Studies Boskila, Gota
24 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Gillett, Dexter
25 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Giordano, Elke
26 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Kennedy, Ruaraidh
27 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Khan, Sarosh
28 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Kim, Angela
29 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics McGrath, Amy
30 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Beylerian, Ruby
31 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Boskila, Gota
32 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Cao, Violet
33 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Dodd, Thomas
34 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Frost, Jasmin
35 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Gillett, Dexter
36 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Gillett, Oscar
37 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Giordano, Elke
38 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Jeong, Rachel
39 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Khan, Sarosh
40 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Kim, Angela
41 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Laliotis, Samuel
42 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Tazawa-Lim, Chloe
43 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Viseshom, Vetaka
44 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Wong, Estelle
45 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Boskila, Gota
46 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Cao, Violet
47 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Gillett, Oscar
48 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Jeong, Rachel
49 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Viseshom, Vetaka
50 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 2 Jeong, Rachel
51 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 2 Viseshom, Vetaka
52 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest French Continuers Marr, Angelique
53 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest History Extension Shields, William
54 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Khan, Sarosh
55 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Laliotis, Samuel
56 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Revis, Oliver
57 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Shoostovian, Lilya
58 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Stanford, Lulu
59 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Viseshom, Vetaka
60 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Wicks, Isabel
61 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Wong, Estelle
62 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Zordan, Eli
63 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Cao, Violet
64 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Clarke, Ethan
65 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Giordano, Elke
66 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Viseshom, Vetaka
67 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Clarke, Ethan
68 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Gillett, Dexter
69 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Gillett, Oscar
70 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Giordano, Elke
71 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Karthikeyanp, Pranav
72 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Angela
73 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Thompson, Hamish
74 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Gillett, Dexter
75 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Gillett, Oscar
76 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Kim, Angela
77 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Thompson, Hamish
78 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Standard 2 Chey, Nathan
79 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Standard 2 Lawrence, Elizabeth Rose
80 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Clarke, Ethan
81 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Dodd, Thomas
82 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Khan, Sarosh
83 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History McGrath, Amy
84 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Shields, William
85 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Stanford, Lulu
86 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Tan, Sebastian
87 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Wilcox, James
88 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 1 Randall, Ross
89 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music 2 Dodd, Thomas
90 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music Extension Dodd, Thomas
91 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Music Extension Tazawa-Lim, Chloe
92 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Gillett, Oscar
93 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics Giordano, Elke
94 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Doble, Ellie
95 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Khan, Sarosh
96 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Laliotis, Paris
97 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Shoostovian, Lilya
98 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Studies of Religion I Boskila, Gota
99 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Studies of Religion I Dodd, Thomas
100 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Swedish Continuers Westling, Oliver
101 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Textiles and Design Chaysinh, Nicole
102 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Boskila, Gota
103 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Kim, Taeyoung
104 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Louw, Emilia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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