Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2022

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2022.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

43 of 43 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Business Studies Awad, Rebecca
2 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Business Studies To, Camille
3 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese and Literature Chan, Chi Wing Winnie
4 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese Continuers Liang, Andy
5 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese Continuers Yang, Yu Samuel
6 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese Extension Yang, Yu Samuel
7 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese in Context Lei, Qingyi
8 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese in Context Xian, Jasmine
9 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese in Context Xie, Yutong
10 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Chinese in Context Zou, Tanglin
11 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Community and Family Studies To, Camille
12 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Earth and Environmental Science Kwok, Nathan
13 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst English Advanced To, Camille
14 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst English Advanced Vuong, Natalie
15 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst English Extension 1 Nakis Gkourlias, Yianni
16 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst English Extension 1 Novakovic, Danijela
17 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Geography Tselios, Demi
18 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Industrial Technology Kwok, Nathan
19 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Italian Beginners Altiparmak, Sibelle
20 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Italian Beginners Novakovic, Danijela
21 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Italian Beginners Oglos, Luke
22 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Japanese Beginners Feng, Ziqing Serena
23 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Japanese Beginners Zou, Tanglin
24 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Legal Studies Nakis Gkourlias, Yianni
25 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Advanced Feng, Ziqing Serena
26 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Advanced Xian, Jasmine
27 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 1 Chan, Chi Wing Winnie
28 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 1 Feng, Ziqing Serena
29 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 1 Liang, Andy
30 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Irwin
31 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 1 Vuong, Natalie
32 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 2 Chan, Chi Wing Winnie
33 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 2 Liang, Andy
34 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 2 Vuong, Natalie
35 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Standard 2 Awad, Rebecca
36 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Standard 2 Novakovic, Danijela
37 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Standard 2 Oglos, Luke
38 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Modern Greek Continuers Nakis Gkourlias, Panayiota
39 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Modern Greek Continuers Nakis Gkourlias, Yianni
40 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Modern Greek Continuers Tsirli, Klairi
41 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Music 1 Novakovic, Danijela
42 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Personal Development, Health and Physical Education To, Camille
43 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Visual Arts Awad, Rebecca
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2024
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