Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2021

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2021.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

186 of 586 entries are shown.
401 - 586
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401 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Biggs, Amelia
402 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Harrington, Anabelle
403 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Hill, Ruby
404 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Kirby-Totani, Sofia
405 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology O'Connell, Sophie
406 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Powell, Imogen
407 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Design and Technology Weaver, Emily
408 Scots All Saints College White Rock Design and Technology Lloyd, Samuel
409 Scots All Saints College White Rock Design and Technology Whitwell, Gabrielle
410 Sefton High School Sefton Design and Technology Lin, Natasha Carol
411 Sefton High School Sefton Design and Technology Wu, Shixing
412 Shearwater The Mullumbimby Steiner School Mullumbimby Design and Technology Visschedijk, Tashi
413 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Design and Technology Brewer, Benjamin Joseph
414 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Design and Technology Clarke, Mattias Sanden
415 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Design and Technology Seabrook, Sam Damian
416 St Andrews Cathedral School Sydney Design and Technology Choi, Isaak
417 St Andrews College Senior Campus Marayong Design and Technology Saad, Olivia
418 St Augustines College Brookvale Design and Technology Oxley, Cooper
419 St Benedicts Catholic College Oran Park Design and Technology Calabro, Benjamin
420 St Benedicts Catholic College Oran Park Design and Technology Carter, Lucrecia
421 St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox College Mount Druitt Design and Technology Guirguis, Ana-Maria
422 St Catherines School Waverley Design and Technology Pellegrini, Scarlett
423 St Catherines School Waverley Design and Technology Pike, Scarlett
424 St Catherines School Waverley Design and Technology Spence, Imogen
425 St Catherines School Waverley Design and Technology Wentworth, Lucy
426 St Clares College Waverley Design and Technology Kerves, Hannah
427 St Clares College Waverley Design and Technology O'Connor, Bayar
428 St Clares College Waverley Design and Technology O'Sullivan, Kate
429 St Clares College Waverley Design and Technology Roussel, Claudia
430 St Clares College Waverley Design and Technology Strbac, Maja
431 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Chapman, Tobias
432 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Crundwell, Thomas
433 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Jogever, Olivia
434 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Pearce, Abby
435 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Rikmanis, Arabella
436 St Euphemia College Bankstown Design and Technology Giamas, Chrysovalantou Gabriella
437 St Euphemia College Bankstown Design and Technology Kladis, Rafaella
438 St Gregorys College Campbelltown Gregory Hills Design and Technology Engeler, Alexander
439 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Design and Technology Abbey, Nilanka Mark
440 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Design and Technology Kirk, Oscar Lewis
441 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Design and Technology McLachlan, Xavier Clancy
442 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Design and Technology Pisani, Mason Jess
443 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Design and Technology Rayment, William James
444 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Butler, James
445 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Gibson, Kaylah
446 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Gibson, Tahlia
447 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Gough, Jessica
448 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Rasmussen, Ella
449 St John Bosco College Engadine Design and Technology Rushton, Ava
450 St Johns College Dubbo Dubbo East Design and Technology Isbester, Lara Therese
451 St Johns College Dubbo Dubbo East Design and Technology White, Annaliese Kate
452 St Leos Catholic College Wahroonga Design and Technology Fraser, Pilar
453 St Leos Catholic College Wahroonga Design and Technology Pagden, Annabelle
454 St Leos Catholic College Wahroonga Design and Technology Yammine, Jacob
455 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Cortis, Logan
456 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Eggleton, Akira
457 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Forbes, Simone
458 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Hobson, Sophie
459 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Kwakernaak, Flore
460 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Lindsay, Harriet
461 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Lumby, Zoe
462 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology McGuirk, Jackson
463 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Serisier, Emily
464 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Shepherd, Emma
465 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Simmons, Olivia
466 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Tindale, Jasmine
467 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Wood, Elsa
468 St Marks Catholic College Stanhope Gardens Design and Technology Thomas, Annabelle
469 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Bhavsar, Drashy Jigarkumar
470 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Clemente, Marie Agnes
471 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Dizon, Jessalyn Ferrer
472 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Favor, Alecksandra Fontimayor
473 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Manoukian, Anthony
474 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Mendoza, Jonas Robbie
475 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Salanga, Jessica Eloise
476 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Design and Technology Truong, Vivian Christal
477 St Narsai Assyrian Christian College Horsley Park Design and Technology Alqouza, Maryam
478 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Design and Technology Goodsell, Natasha
479 St Patricks College Campbelltown Campbelltown Design and Technology Josif, Georgia
480 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Design and Technology Screnci, Domenic Fernando
481 St Patricks College Strathfield Strathfield Design and Technology Zalloua, Daniel Peter
482 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Cranney, Elise
483 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Hatem, George
484 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Szemenyei, Ethan
485 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Tropoulos, Sotiriana
486 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Design and Technology Kim, Regina
487 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Design and Technology Long, Christian Thomas
488 St Patricks Marist College Dundas Design and Technology Lyons-Singer, Connor
489 St Pauls Catholic College Booragul Booragul Design and Technology Jones, Layla
490 St Peters Anglican College Broulee Design and Technology Kemp-Jones, Alex
491 St Philips Christian College Cessnock Nulkaba Design and Technology Clinch, Blake Damien
492 St Philips Christian College Cessnock Nulkaba Design and Technology Haack, Angus
493 St Philips Christian College Newcastle Waratah Design and Technology Baker, Jemimah
494 St Philips Christian College Newcastle Waratah Design and Technology Kefecek, Isabella Jaz
495 St Philips Christian College Newcastle Waratah Design and Technology Unicomb, Zoe
496 St Pius X College Chatswood Design and Technology Jackson, Charlie Phillip
497 St Pius X College Chatswood Design and Technology Williams, Reece
498 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Design and Technology Bothra, Purvi
499 St Scholasticas College Glebe Point Glebe Point Design and Technology Pfitzner, Elana
500 St Spyridon College Senior School Maroubra Design and Technology Bteddini, Chanele
501 St Spyridon College Senior School Maroubra Design and Technology Synesios, Vicki
502 St Stanislaus College Bathurst Design and Technology Smith, Ethan
503 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Cohen, Elisha
504 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Downie, Natasha
505 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Khouri, Gabrielle
506 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Makhoul, Brooke
507 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Moras, Claudia
508 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Nicolas, Sarah
509 St Ursulas College Kingsgrove Design and Technology Rehayem, Anastasia
510 St Vincents College Potts Point Design and Technology Duffy, Jorja
511 St Vincents College Potts Point Design and Technology Foltman, Taylor Mary
512 St Vincents College Potts Point Design and Technology Webster, Tess
513 St Vincents College Potts Point Design and Technology Welman, Sophie
514 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Dart, Sophie
515 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Demery, Mia
516 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Gock, Phoenix
517 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology McIlrath, Ruby
518 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Stein, Isabella
519 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Taylor, Sarina
520 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Yates, Mackenzie
521 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Design and Technology Andrews, Nathaniel
522 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Design and Technology Cheng, Vincent Van
523 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Design and Technology Lim, Terence
524 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Design and Technology Liu, Boyue
525 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Design and Technology Xia, Andy Ziqi
526 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Design and Technology Britton, Matthew
527 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Design and Technology Judge, Oliver
528 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Design and Technology McGuinness, Rafferty
529 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Design and Technology Moore, Sebastian
530 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Design and Technology Feeney, Connor
531 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Design and Technology Gayatra, I Made Gde
532 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Design and Technology Sciacca, Gianni
533 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Design and Technology Zhao, Jason
534 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Design and Technology Hole, Macayla Jayne
535 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Design and Technology Pang, Linlin
536 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Design and Technology Percival, Shara Eliza Iniyal
537 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Design and Technology Robinson, Grace
538 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Duffy, Callum
539 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Kandel, Pradeep
540 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Liu, Alex Zhaonian
541 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Papacosta, George
542 Tempe High School Tempe Design and Technology Phu, Dung Trong Nhan
543 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Design and Technology Barbas, George
544 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Design and Technology Hickling-Smith, Annabel
545 The McDonald College North Strathfield Design and Technology Auwardt, Amy
546 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Barber, Angus
547 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Hanning, Rupert
548 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Marwedel, Charles
549 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Soepono, Kyle
550 Thomas Hassall Anglican College Middleton Grange Design and Technology Scarfone, Isabella
551 Thomas Hassall Anglican College Middleton Grange Design and Technology Stambe, Marie
552 Thomas Hassall Anglican College Middleton Grange Design and Technology Tica, Kristian
553 Thomas Hassall Anglican College Middleton Grange Design and Technology Trimboli, Damien
554 Tomaree High School Salamander Bay Design and Technology McLeod, Alissa
555 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Design and Technology Factor, Leah
556 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Design and Technology He, Michelle
557 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Design and Technology Nguyen, Nina
558 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Design and Technology Nguyen, Tony
559 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Design and Technology Lam, Galvin
560 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Design and Technology O'Shaughnessy, Zachary
561 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Design and Technology Siew, Zo-Yi
562 Unity Grammar College Austral Design and Technology Nadeem, Ayesha
563 Vincentia High School Vincentia Design and Technology Blackman, Lily
564 Vincentia High School Vincentia Design and Technology Head, Alyssa
565 Vincentia High School Vincentia Design and Technology Strange, Clayton
566 Vincentia High School Vincentia Design and Technology Wright, Bronte
567 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Glazebrook, Merridy
568 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Mitchell, Isaac
569 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Skewes, Joseph
570 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Design and Technology Brunskill, Lizabel
571 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Design and Technology Cornford, Samantha
572 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Design and Technology Hardwick, Indiana
573 Waverley College Waverley Design and Technology Gibson, William
574 Waverley College Waverley Design and Technology McBride, Kyle
575 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Bursill, Isabella
576 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Fairbrother, Juliet
577 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Goulston, Holly
578 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Grinham, Ella
579 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Kingsmill, Matilda
580 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Malcolm, Elise
581 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Peart, Ellie
582 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Ritchie, Vanessa
583 Wenona School North Sydney Design and Technology Rudan, Elise
584 Wollemi College Werrington Design and Technology Canete, Miguelle
585 Woonona High School Woonona Design and Technology Phillips, Kye
586 Wyndham College Quakers Hill Design and Technology Ali, Muhammed
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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