Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2021

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2021.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

89 of 89 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Biology Dowd, Chloe
2 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Biology Hosemans, Ella
3 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Biology McIntyre, Tait
4 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Biology Reed, Naomi
5 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Biology Senanayake, Jinuki
6 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Chemistry Dowd, Chloe
7 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Chemistry Hosemans, Ella
8 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Chemistry Reed, Naomi
9 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Chemistry Senanayake, Jinuki
10 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Community and Family Studies Best, Kiarna
11 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Community and Family Studies Jogever, Olivia
12 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Construction Examination Byrne, Shaun
13 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Construction Examination Cooke, Declan
14 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Construction Examination Lee, Jackson
15 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Construction Examination Oram, Will
16 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Dance Best, Kiarna
17 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Chapman, Tobias
18 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Crundwell, Thomas
19 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Jogever, Olivia
20 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Pearce, Abby
21 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Design and Technology Rikmanis, Arabella
22 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Drama Beard, Jesse
23 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Drama Dickson, Alexandra
24 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Drama Teasdell, George
25 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Awad, Nicola
26 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Charley, Alice
27 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Dowd, Chloe
28 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Everden, Zali
29 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Eze, Lily
30 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Hosemans, Ella
31 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Jones, Bridget
32 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Lindeman, Matilda
33 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced McIntyre, Tait
34 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Mumford, Kera
35 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Reed, Naomi
36 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Senanayake, Jinuki
37 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Tranter, Nuala
38 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Advanced Turner, Bryce
39 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 1 Awad, Nicola
40 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 1 Eze, Lily
41 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 1 Lindeman, Matilda
42 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 1 McIntyre, Tait
43 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 1 Mumford, Kera
44 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 2 Eze, Lily
45 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 2 Lindeman, Matilda
46 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie English Extension 2 McIntyre, Tait
47 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Entertainment Industry Examination Cameron-Brown, Anderson
48 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie French Beginners Ebbs, Timothy
49 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie French Beginners Teasdell, George
50 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Geography Hosemans, Ella
51 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Hospitality Examination Lloyd, Caitlin
52 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Hospitality Examination Pearce, Abby
53 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Hospitality Examination Wills, Oscar
54 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Legal Studies Benson, Indie-Bella
55 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Legal Studies Lindeman, Matilda
56 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced Crundwell, Thomas
57 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced Dowd, Chloe
58 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced Hosemans, Ella
59 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced McIntyre, Tait
60 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced Moore, Montgomery
61 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Advanced Power, Brandon
62 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 1 Crundwell, Thomas
63 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 1 Dowd, Chloe
64 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 1 Everden, Zali
65 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 1 Reed, Naomi
66 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 1 Senanayake, Jinuki
67 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Mathematics Extension 2 Reed, Naomi
68 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Modern History Tranter, Nuala
69 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Music 1 Awad, Nicola
70 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Music 1 McIntyre, Tait
71 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Music 2 Teasdell, George
72 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Best, Kiarna
73 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jones, Bridget
74 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lindeman, Matilda
75 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Turner, Bryce
76 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Physics Crundwell, Thomas
77 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Physics Dowd, Chloe
78 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Physics Senanayake, Jinuki
79 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Society and Culture Lindeman, Matilda
80 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Software Design and Development Crundwell, Thomas
81 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Textiles and Design Derks, Skye
82 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Textiles and Design Oliver, Anneke
83 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Textiles and Design Smead, Hannah
84 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts Benson, Indie-Bella
85 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts Charley, Alice
86 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts He, Zhi Hui
87 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts Jogever, Olivia
88 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts McIntyre, Tait
89 St Columba Anglican School Port Macquarie Visual Arts Tranter, Nuala
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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