Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2021

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2021.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 221 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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Rows per page:
1 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Ancient History Favotto, Eleanore
2 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Ancient History Goldberger, Max
3 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Ancient History Mazza, Alessandro
4 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Ancient History Rael, Alyssa
5 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Ancient History Zuza, Isabella
6 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Biology Agius, Claudia
7 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Biology Goodwin, Kiah
8 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Biology Tesoriero, Mia
9 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Biology Than, Megan
10 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Bilaver, Mihayla
11 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Bosnjak, Olivia
12 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Cheng, Caitlyn
13 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Corbo, Michael
14 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Gattellari, Alexandra
15 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Grima, Christine
16 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Hua, Crystal
17 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Joseph, Andrew
18 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Naamo, Frans
19 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Nguyen, Nam
20 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Pavlesic, Matthew
21 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Phan, Quoc
22 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Tilocca, Laura
23 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Business Studies Vaccari, Olivia
24 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Chemistry Jovanovic, Marina
25 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Chemistry Tesoriero, Mia
26 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Azzopardi, Alyssa
27 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Bilaver, Mihayla
28 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Borg, Alyssa
29 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Camilleri, Alana
30 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Corvaia, Claudia
31 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Di Giorgi, Stefani
32 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Favotto, Eleanore
33 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Franso, Anita
34 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Gattellari, Alexandra
35 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Grima, Christine
36 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Hoang, Joanne
37 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Ius, Lara
38 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Community and Family Studies Sta Barbara, Keisha
39 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Earth and Environmental Science Daileg, Andee
40 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Earth and Environmental Science Nguyen, Jennifer
41 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Economics Agius, Claudia
42 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Economics Hua, Crystal
43 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Agius, Claudia
44 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Cheng, Caitlyn
45 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Correa, Natasha
46 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Daniele, Liana
47 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Goldberger, Max
48 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Goodwin, Kiah
49 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Grima, Christine
50 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Hoang, Joanne
51 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Hua, Crystal
52 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Huynh, Anna
53 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Imola, Sophia
54 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Joseph, Andrew
55 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Jovanovic, Marina
56 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Kahila, Justin
57 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Manityakul, Brooke
58 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Mazza, Alessandro
59 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced McLenaghan, Laura
60 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Nguyen, Ethan
61 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Nguyen, Jennifer
62 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Nguyen, Ngoc Bao
63 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Pavlesic, Matthew
64 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Rael, Alyssa
65 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Rafoo, Saviola
66 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Tesoriero, Mia
67 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Than, Megan
68 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Toma, Julianne
69 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Vaccari, Olivia
70 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Advanced Zuza, Isabella
71 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Cheng, Caitlyn
72 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Goldberger, Max
73 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Kahila, Justin
74 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Mazza, Alessandro
75 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Rael, Alyssa
76 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Extension 1 Than, Megan
77 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights English Standard Camilleri, Alana
78 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Beginners Bosnjak, Olivia
79 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Beginners Correa, Natasha
80 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Beginners Mlikota, Elizabeth
81 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Beginners Tesoriero, Mia
82 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Continuers Igual, Marcus
83 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights French Continuers Manityakul, Brooke
84 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Bosnjak, Olivia
85 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Dababneh, Nour
86 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Gattellari, Alexandra
87 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Imola, Sophia
88 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Toma, Julianne
89 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Geography Zuza, Isabella
90 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Hospitality Examination Borg, Alyssa
91 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Hospitality Examination Goodwin, Kiah
92 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Hospitality Examination Vaccari, Olivia
93 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Arena, Adrian
94 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Corbo, Michael
95 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Iacovella, Alessandro
96 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology La Greca, Andre
97 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Marneros, Jordan
98 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Tilocca, Laura
99 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Industrial Technology Truong, Aimee
100 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Italian Beginners Gonzalez, Sabrina
101 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Italian Beginners Igual, Marcus
102 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Italian Beginners Yoshikawa, Bruno
103 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Bayni, Dahlia
104 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Cansino, Jefferson James
105 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Chin, Richie
106 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Dababneh, Nour
107 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Daniele, Liana
108 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Favotto, Eleanore
109 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Gattellari, Alexandra
110 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Gonzalez, Sabrina
111 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Grima, Christine
112 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Ius, Lara
113 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies La Rosa, Angelo
114 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Matti, Isabella
115 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Nguyen, Jennifer
116 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Pavlesic, Matthew
117 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Perusich, Megan
118 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Rael, Alyssa
119 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Toma, Julianne
120 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Vaccari, Olivia
121 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Varrica, Emma
122 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Yakob, Joy
123 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Legal Studies Zuza, Isabella
124 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Hua, Crystal
125 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Joseph, Andrew
126 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Krsevan, Christopher
127 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Mai, Nathan
128 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Manityakul, Brooke
129 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Nguyen, Steven
130 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Tesoriero, Mia
131 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Advanced Than, Megan
132 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Hua, Crystal
133 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Joseph, Andrew
134 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Jovanovic, Marina
135 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Luu, Alysa
136 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Musa, Megan
137 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Caleb
138 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Cathy
139 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Widjaja, Liam
140 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Widjaja, Liam
141 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Arena, Adrian
142 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Bosnjak, Olivia
143 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Dababneh, Amanda
144 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Dababneh, Nour
145 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Favotto, Eleanore
146 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Goodwin, Kiah
147 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Nguyen, Lachlan
148 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Ortega, Enrique
149 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Pavlesic, Matthew
150 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Toma, Julianne
151 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Mathematics Standard 2 Vaccari, Olivia
152 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Modern History Cheng, Caitlyn
153 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Modern History Kahila, Justin
154 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Modern History Mazza, Alessandro
155 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Modern History Pavlesic, Matthew
156 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Modern History Than, Megan
157 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Music 1 Cansino, Jefferson James
158 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Music 1 Duong, Crystal
159 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Music 1 Espiritu, Francis
160 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Music 1 Romeo, Gianluca
161 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Music 1 Sta Barbara, Keisha
162 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Agius, Claudia
163 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hanna, Tony
164 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hua, Crystal
165 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McLenaghan, Laura
166 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Physics Joseph, Andrew
167 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Physics Krsevan, Christopher
168 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Physics Tran, Cathy
169 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Barrios, Blanca
170 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Dang, Joycelyn
171 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Duong, Crystal
172 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Manityakul, Brooke
173 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture O'Connell, Charlotte
174 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Ounepaseuth, Kevin
175 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Rafoo, Saviola
176 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Spanish Continuers Vargas, Annabella
177 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Spanish Extension Vargas, Annabella
178 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Camilleri, Alana
179 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Cansino, Jefferson James
180 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Cheng, Caitlyn
181 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Connaughton, Damian
182 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Daileg, Andee
183 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Defina, Daniel
184 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Favotto, Eleanore
185 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Haifawi, Elias
186 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Hoang, Patrick
187 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Hua, Crystal
188 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Huynh, Anna
189 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Joseph, Andrew
190 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Jovanovic, Marina
191 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Kahila, Justin
192 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Krsevan, Christopher
193 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Mai, Nathan
194 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Mazza, Alessandro
195 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Musa, Megan
196 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Naamo, Frans
197 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Caleb
198 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Ethan
199 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Nam
200 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Pham, Dorothy
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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