Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 38208 entries are shown.
23314 - 23513
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23314 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Doughty, James
23315 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Ellis, Aisling
23316 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Folbigg, Jessica
23317 Oxley College Burradoo Design and Technology Milner, Nicolas
23318 Oxley College Burradoo Drama Allan, Claire
23319 Oxley College Burradoo Engineering Studies Callaghan, Hugh
23320 Oxley College Burradoo Engineering Studies Lambie, Maxwell
23321 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Aboud, Clancy
23322 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Allan, Claire
23323 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Bertolini, Mya
23324 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Bow, Emily
23325 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Lambie, Maxwell
23326 Oxley College Burradoo English Advanced Taylor-Helme, Connor
23327 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Aboud, Clancy
23328 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Bertolini, Mya
23329 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Bow, Emily
23330 Oxley College Burradoo English Extension 1 Lambie, Maxwell
23331 Oxley College Burradoo French Continuers Bertolini, Mya
23332 Oxley College Burradoo History Extension Bertolini, Mya
23333 Oxley College Burradoo Legal Studies Lambie, Ava
23334 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Aboud, Clancy
23335 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Callaghan, Hugh
23336 Oxley College Burradoo Mathematics Advanced Lambie, Maxwell
23337 Oxley College Burradoo Modern History Bertolini, Mya
23338 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Bertolini, Mya
23339 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Dowe, Michael
23340 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Gray, Charlotte
23341 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Kolovos, Alexander
23342 Oxley College Burradoo Music 1 Waters, Archie
23343 Oxley College Burradoo Music 2 Barrett-Lennard, Euan
23344 Oxley College Burradoo Music Extension Barrett-Lennard, Euan
23345 Oxley College Burradoo Music Extension Bramley, Joshua
23346 Oxley College Burradoo Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Aboud, Clancy
23347 Oxley College Burradoo Physics Lambie, Maxwell
23348 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion II Allan, Claire
23349 Oxley College Burradoo Studies of Religion II Bow, Emily
23350 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Brain, Alicia
23351 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Deitz, Dimity
23352 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Edgerley, Zoe
23353 Oxley College Burradoo Visual Arts Horsley-Elliot, Indira
23354 Oxley High School North Tamworth Business Studies Aitken, Ashleigh
23355 Oxley High School North Tamworth Business Studies Bishop, Danielle
23356 Oxley High School North Tamworth Business Studies Darling, Grace
23357 Oxley High School North Tamworth Business Studies Gurney, Jake
23358 Oxley High School North Tamworth Business Studies Hernando, Shaelynn
23359 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Griffiths, Georgia
23360 Oxley High School North Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Prout, Abigail
23361 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Baker, Charlotte
23362 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts English, Eleanor
23363 Oxley High School North Tamworth Visual Arts Ervine, Amy
23364 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Ancient History Selzer, Sharni
23365 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Ancient History Taylor, Joshua
23366 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Biology Janse van Rensburg, Bianca
23367 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Business Studies Swaak, Jemma
23368 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Chan, Dominic
23369 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Geng, Ruize
23370 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Lee, Susan Gail
23371 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Vos, Lachlan
23372 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Wang, Georgia
23373 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chemistry Yoshizumi, Saki
23374 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Chinese Continuers Chang, Kaitlyn
23375 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Design and Technology Stander, Suzaan
23376 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Drama Kondakoff, Angelina
23377 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Drama Palin, Cassandra
23378 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies Cah, Nathaniel
23379 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies Cooper, Andrew
23380 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies George, Lachlan
23381 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies Theuns, Troy
23382 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Engineering Studies Vos, Lachlan
23383 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Lee, Susan Gail
23384 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced McCrindle, Acacia
23385 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Niriella, Reshmi
23386 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Selzer, Sharni
23387 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Stander, Suzaan
23388 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Wang, Georgia
23389 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Advanced Weston, Isabel
23390 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English EAL/D Tarigan, Sarah
23391 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Kondakoff, Angelina
23392 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 McCrindle, Acacia
23393 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Selzer, Sharni
23394 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Stander, Suzaan
23395 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Swaak, Jemma
23396 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 1 Weston, Isabel
23397 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 Leek, Melissa
23398 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 McCrindle, Acacia
23399 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 Selzer, Sharni
23400 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural English Extension 2 Weston, Isabel
23401 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Food Technology Palin, Cassandra
23402 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Janse van Rensburg, Bianca
23403 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension King, Charlotte
23404 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Leek, Melissa
23405 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Mateo, Ariana
23406 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension McCrindle, Acacia
23407 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Niriella, Reshmi
23408 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural History Extension Stander, Suzaan
23409 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Korean in Context Kim, Haeree
23410 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Legal Studies Niriella, Reshmi
23411 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Legal Studies Selzer, Sharni
23412 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Baek, Jimin
23413 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Druery, Bethany
23414 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Geng, Ruize
23415 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Messer, Sarah
23416 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Or, York Wah
23417 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Tan, Jessica
23418 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Tarigan, Sarah
23419 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Theuns, Troy
23420 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Advanced Young, Joshua
23421 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Baek, Jimin
23422 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Druery, Bethany
23423 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Geng, Ruize
23424 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Messer, Sarah
23425 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Or, York Wah
23426 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Tarigan, Sarah
23427 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Young, Joshua
23428 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Chan, Dominic
23429 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Ra, Chan Byul
23430 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Wang, Georgia
23431 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Yoshizumi, Saki
23432 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Janse van Rensburg, Bianca
23433 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Mateo, Ariana
23434 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Niriella, Reshmi
23435 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Parkin, Lachlan
23436 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Selzer, Sharni
23437 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Stander, Suzaan
23438 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Modern History Weston, Isabel
23439 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Music Extension Jeong, Ye Young
23440 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Music Extension Yoo, Dyalan Kwan Hee
23441 Pacific Hills Christian School Dural Visual Arts Howard, Mone
23442 Pal Buddhist School Canley Vale Ancient History Nguyen-Phuoc, Quy-Huan
23443 Pal Buddhist School Canley Vale Biology Nguyen-Phuoc, Quy-Huan
23444 Pal Buddhist School Canley Vale Vietnamese Continuers Hoang, Duong Minh Phuc
23445 Parkes High School Parkes Agriculture Newton, Ainsley
23446 Parkes High School Parkes Agriculture Reeves, Melanie
23447 Parkes High School Parkes Construction Examination MacGregor, Harrison
23448 Parkes High School Parkes Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Morrissey, Ella
23449 Parramatta High School Parramatta Biology Kumanan, Kirsten
23450 Parramatta High School Parramatta Business Studies Allouche, Mahmoud
23451 Parramatta High School Parramatta Business Studies Dhankar, Aditya
23452 Parramatta High School Parramatta Business Studies Gajendran, Navanitha
23453 Parramatta High School Parramatta Business Studies Kompella, Sreyas
23454 Parramatta High School Parramatta Business Studies Patel, Rushi
23455 Parramatta High School Parramatta Chemistry Shin, Jerold
23456 Parramatta High School Parramatta Community and Family Studies Balasubramani, Srivarrthani
23457 Parramatta High School Parramatta Community and Family Studies Chen, Xiang
23458 Parramatta High School Parramatta Community and Family Studies Dhankar, Aditya
23459 Parramatta High School Parramatta Economics Kalra, Arneet
23460 Parramatta High School Parramatta English Advanced Kompella, Sreyas
23461 Parramatta High School Parramatta English Advanced Narayan, Preeti
23462 Parramatta High School Parramatta English Extension 1 Narayan, Preeti
23463 Parramatta High School Parramatta English Extension 2 Sun, Leo
23464 Parramatta High School Parramatta English Standard Muraliedharan, Treshan
23465 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Dua, Tathagat
23466 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Jain, Manya
23467 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Naik, Rucha
23468 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Parekh, Aastha
23469 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Sun, Quentin
23470 Parramatta High School Parramatta French Beginners Uppal, Naina
23471 Parramatta High School Parramatta Hindi Continuers Dua, Tathagat
23472 Parramatta High School Parramatta Hindi Continuers Jain, Bhavya
23473 Parramatta High School Parramatta Hindi Continuers Jain, Manya
23474 Parramatta High School Parramatta Information Processes and Technology Mandich, Daniel
23475 Parramatta High School Parramatta Legal Studies Allouche, Mahmoud
23476 Parramatta High School Parramatta Legal Studies Muraliedharan, Treshan
23477 Parramatta High School Parramatta Legal Studies Narayan, Preeti
23478 Parramatta High School Parramatta Legal Studies Parashar, Vithika
23479 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Allouche, Mahmoud
23480 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Aquino, Mark
23481 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Chemudupati, Viswasatwik
23482 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Dizon, Thomas
23483 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Jain, Manya
23484 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced John Boby, Akhil
23485 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Kompella, Sreyas
23486 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Kwon, Jungho
23487 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Patel, Krish
23488 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Patel, Rushi
23489 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Pruthi, Krish
23490 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Rajesh, Ashwin
23491 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Advanced Simkhada, Anmol
23492 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Anwer, Maytham
23493 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Bhatnagar, Sagar
23494 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Bi, Zhao Ge
23495 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Dangal, Shubham
23496 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Dua, Tathagat
23497 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Gupta, Varun
23498 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Jain, Manya
23499 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Kalra, Arneet
23500 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Kompella, Sreyas
23501 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Kwon, Jungho
23502 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Maatouk, Zein
23503 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Mariadassou, Santosh
23504 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Mittal, Paridhi
23505 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Clinton
23506 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Patel, Rushi
23507 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Shin, Jerold
23508 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Simkhada, Anmol
23509 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Singal, Mridul
23510 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Sun, Quentin
23511 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Bhatnagar, Sagar
23512 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Kalra, Arneet
23513 Parramatta High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Nguyen, Clinton
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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