Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 628 entries are shown.
201 - 400
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201 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Tedesco, Luke Robert
202 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Studies of Religion I Weeding, Oliver Andrew
203 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Studies of Religion I Dutton, Anjali
204 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Adler, Tess Ngaire
205 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Agostino, Grace Katherine
206 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Butt, Alexandra Madeleine
207 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Carlson, Cate Elizabeth
208 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Coffey, Luisa Barbara
209 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Collins, Charlotte Anna
210 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Cullen, Alice Esme
211 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Douroudis, Jenna Zara
212 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Gardner, Emily Grace
213 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Harris, Teresa Clare
214 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Hartan, Sarah Louise
215 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Klem, Sophie Taylor
216 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Landon-Smith, Georgia Marie
217 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Lawrence, Sophie Grace
218 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Lenehan, Claudia Frances
219 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Lonie, Meg Josephine
220 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Matthews, Anna Linden
221 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I McKenzie, Peggy Cecilia
222 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Riley, Layla Angelina
223 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Rooney, Olivia Gemma
224 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Ross, Charlotte Grace
225 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Singhi, Lucinda Elizabeth
226 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Warburton, Amelia Jade
227 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Wood, Cassidy Elise
228 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Studies of Religion I Young, Lily Clare
229 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Ainsworth, Sophie
230 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Barker, Isabelle
231 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Benham, Natasha
232 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Bharadwaj, Anika
233 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Brown, Phoebe
234 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Burns, Grace
235 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Cordina, Sofia
236 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Greenhalgh, Charlotte
237 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Greenhalgh, Isabella
238 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I King, Isobel
239 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Martin, Lily
240 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Meleca, Bianca
241 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Montague, Tess
242 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Nicholson, Hannah
243 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Pan, Stephanie
244 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Playford, Madeline
245 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Redfern, Grace
246 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Roberts, Abigail
247 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Studdert, Phillipa
248 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Wytenburg, Charlotte
249 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Studies of Religion I Zalm, Faith
250 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Studies of Religion I Aman, Hadya
251 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Studies of Religion I Hussain, Zara
252 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Studies of Religion I Palakkil, Bhavana
253 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Studies of Religion I Raizada, Riya
254 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Studies of Religion I Vakkalagadda, Tanvi
255 Macquarie Fields High School Macquarie Fields Studies of Religion I Hettiarachchige, Hemesha
256 Macquarie Fields High School Macquarie Fields Studies of Religion I Higa, Carlos
257 Macquarie Fields High School Macquarie Fields Studies of Religion I Le, Josephine
258 Macquarie Fields High School Macquarie Fields Studies of Religion I Mathew, Estell
259 Magdalene Catholic College Narellan Studies of Religion I Gallagher, Olivia
260 Magdalene Catholic College Narellan Studies of Religion I Lindo, Analea
261 Magdalene Catholic College Narellan Studies of Religion I Smith, Brooke
262 Marcellin College Randwick Studies of Religion I Parsonage, Luke
263 Marcellin College Randwick Studies of Religion I Pasciuto, Stefano
264 Marcellin College Randwick Studies of Religion I Robinson, Ethan
265 Marian Catholic College Griffith Griffith Studies of Religion I Bortolin, Nathan
266 Marian Catholic College Kenthurst Kenthurst Studies of Religion I Daher, Tamarah
267 Marian Catholic College Kenthurst Kenthurst Studies of Religion I Siasat, Isabelle
268 Marist Catholic College Penshurst Mortdale Studies of Religion I De Leon, Sabina
269 Marist Catholic College Penshurst Mortdale Studies of Religion I Scalone, Damian
270 Marist College Eastwood Eastwood Studies of Religion I Depergola, Marc
271 Marist College Eastwood Eastwood Studies of Religion I Marston, Joe
272 Marist College Eastwood Eastwood Studies of Religion I Nesci, Daniel
273 Marist College Kogarah Bexley Studies of Religion I Hadjakis, Luke Stanley
274 Marist College Kogarah Bexley Studies of Religion I Ioannides, Andrew
275 Marist College Kogarah Bexley Studies of Religion I Li, Vincent Ming Han
276 Marist College Kogarah Bexley Studies of Religion I Sokkar, Joseph Leonard
277 Marist College Kogarah Bexley Studies of Religion I Tangney, Conor John
278 Marist College North Shore North Sydney Studies of Religion I Bellia, Joseph
279 Marist College North Shore North Sydney Studies of Religion I Cook, Ethan
280 Marist College North Shore North Sydney Studies of Religion I Leffers, Ethan
281 Marist College North Shore North Sydney Studies of Religion I Murphy, Lucas
282 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Carlino, Julia
283 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Chambers, Charlotte
284 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Fanda, Annabelle
285 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Guiroyan, Lara
286 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Maximous, Sandrine
287 Marist Sisters College Woolwich Woolwich Studies of Religion I Whittles, Claire
288 Mater Maria Catholic College Warriewood Studies of Religion I De Sagun, Danna
289 Mater Maria Catholic College Warriewood Studies of Religion I Kupceric, Milana
290 Menai High School Menai Studies of Religion I Cliff, Amy
291 Menai High School Menai Studies of Religion I Matruglio, Alexandra
292 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Dertadian, Chloe
293 Mercy Catholic College Chatswood Studies of Religion I Platon, Alexandra
294 Meriden School Strathfield Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Natasha Grace Mai-Anh
295 MLC School Burwood Studies of Religion I Dummett, Lillian Amy
296 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Barker, Annabel
297 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Fuccilli, Elizabeth
298 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Gruber, Ella
299 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Isherwood, Delilah
300 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Jacka, Bethany
301 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Kingston, Jemima
302 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Knox, Alice
303 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Kutra, Charlotte
304 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Landrak, Zoe
305 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Lovell, Lucy
306 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Martino, Olivia
307 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Matheson, Katherine
308 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I McKee, Bonnie
309 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I O'Brien, Natasha
310 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Parker, Hannah
311 Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College North Sydney Studies of Religion I Sharman, Ruby
312 Moriah College Queens Park Studies of Religion I Goodman, Maya
313 Moriah College Queens Park Studies of Religion I Grossman, Liat
314 Moriah College Queens Park Studies of Religion I Plit, Danielle
315 Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville Studies of Religion I Andrawis, Mina-Michael
316 Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville Studies of Religion I Asuit, Mia
317 Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville Studies of Religion I Bennett, Beyonce
318 Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville Studies of Religion I Clarke, Tamsyn
319 Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville Studies of Religion I Hatton, Lara
320 Mount St Benedict College Pennant Hills Studies of Religion I Ho, Alexandra
321 Mount St Benedict College Pennant Hills Studies of Religion I Patterson, Olivia
322 Mount St Benedict College Pennant Hills Studies of Religion I Shamsi, Kiran
323 Mount St Benedict College Pennant Hills Studies of Religion I Soliman, Marina
324 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Dao, Joanne
325 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Dinh, Trinity Vu Quynh Tram
326 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Jago, Mikaela
327 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Pernice, Alessia
328 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Rodrigues, Gabrielle
329 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Rose-Jacob, Sneha
330 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Tadrous, Bryanna
331 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Zeng, Melissa
332 Mount St Joseph Milperra Milperra Studies of Religion I Zimonopoulos, Anastasia
333 Mount St Patrick College Murwillumbah Studies of Religion I Brennan, Samantha
334 Nagle College Blacktown Studies of Religion I Monastiriotis, Renee
335 Nagle College Blacktown Studies of Religion I Sayar, Tamanna
336 Newington College Stanmore Studies of Religion I Eaton, Harry David
337 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Cooper, Grace
338 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Dixon, Scott
339 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Doumit, Nathan
340 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Gonzales, Matthew
341 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Ryan, Chloe
342 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Sanchez, Joaquin
343 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Suffern, Broden
344 Oakhill College Castle Hill Studies of Religion I Tighe, Tiarne
345 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Parramatta Studies of Religion I Barakat, Lea
346 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Parramatta Studies of Religion I Cortese, Angelique
347 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Parramatta Studies of Religion I Wehbe, Josie
348 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Alimhamzah, Michelle
349 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Arnold, Tahlia
350 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Cameron, Jade
351 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Wilson, Jessica
352 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington Studies of Religion I Zbrog, Zara
353 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Aquilina, Thomas
354 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Atienza, Arien
355 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Chidiac, Steven
356 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I D'Costa, Adam
357 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Haouchab, Charbel
358 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Hermogenes, Jedson
359 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Jacobson, Dean
360 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Khadi, Jacob-Raymond
361 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Khoury, Johnny
362 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Khoury, Nathan
363 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Kinsella, Michael
364 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Madeleine, Joshua
365 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Mitev, Nicholas
366 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I O'Reilly, Quinn
367 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Pellew, Jack
368 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Redimerio, Dino
369 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Studies of Religion I Tanna, Christian
370 Patrician Brothers College Blacktown Blacktown Studies of Religion I Broom, Flynn
371 Patrician Brothers College Blacktown Blacktown Studies of Religion I Lewis, Tobey
372 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Dylan
373 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Jayden
374 Patrician Brothers College Fairfield Fairfield Studies of Religion I O, Warren
375 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Anil, Chinnu
376 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Augustine, Rachel
377 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Cheah, Yun Yun
378 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Deng, Bao Qi
379 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Drozd, Lizaveta
380 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Foo, Yung Zhi
381 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Gerrard, Holly
382 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Hadjimichael, Sophia
383 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Hou, Tingyue
384 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Joseph, Deborah
385 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Kang, Malika Kaur
386 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Manohar, Rohini
387 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Peters, Sharon
388 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Rauf, Mohammad
389 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Reza, Maeesha
390 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Santos, Lance
391 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Sharma, Anna
392 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Shi, Hellen
393 Penrith High School Penrith Studies of Religion I Yoo, Soo Yeon
394 Rosebank College Five Dock Studies of Religion I Christou, Peter
395 Rosebank College Five Dock Studies of Religion I Goodman, Courtney Jade
396 Rosebank College Five Dock Studies of Religion I Rajasimha Nidimoru, Sidhant
397 Roseville College Roseville Studies of Religion I Tarrant, Hannah
398 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Studies of Religion I Crick, Bridget Rose
399 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Studies of Religion I Douaihy, Sharelle
400 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Studies of Religion I Guerrera, Jessica
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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