Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

61 of 61 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Abercromby, Ruby
2 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Adams, Jasmine
3 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Anderson, Jordan
4 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Chaffer, Emma
5 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Crawford, Emma
6 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Curtis, Archie
7 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Hope-Parsons, Bella
8 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Shepherd, Chloe
9 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Aboriginal Studies Stone, Skye
10 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Agriculture Woods, Sam
11 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Agriculture Wylie, Emma
12 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Forbes, Claudia
13 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Graziano, Alyssa
14 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Heemstra, Grace
15 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Searle, Jorja
16 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Straetemans, Maxwell
17 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Biology Wang, Kai-Chi
18 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Chemistry Graziano, Alyssa
19 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Chemistry Straetemans, Maxwell
20 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Design and Technology Boyd, Milo
21 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Drama White, Kerrin
22 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Advanced Forbes, Claudia
23 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Advanced Graziano, Alyssa
24 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Advanced Robinson, Evelyn
25 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Advanced Straetemans, Maxwell
26 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English EAL/D Wang, Kai-Chi
27 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Extension 1 Graziano, Alyssa
28 Pittwater High School Mona Vale English Extension 1 Robinson, Evelyn
29 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Entertainment Industry Examination Plant, Luke
30 Pittwater High School Mona Vale French Beginners Hardy, Julia
31 Pittwater High School Mona Vale French Continuers Clarke, Jade
32 Pittwater High School Mona Vale French Continuers Sides, Tabitha
33 Pittwater High School Mona Vale History Extension Robinson, Evelyn
34 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Industrial Technology Bartnitzky, Andreas
35 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Industrial Technology Blayney, Lulu
36 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Industrial Technology Graham, Angus
37 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Industrial Technology Graziano, Alyssa
38 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Industrial Technology Plant, Luke
39 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Advanced Black, James
40 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Advanced Cumming, Hamish
41 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Advanced Graziano, Alyssa
42 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Advanced Straetemans, Maxwell
43 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Graziano, Alyssa
44 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Andrew
45 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Straetemans, Maxwell
46 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Music 1 Hardy, Julia
47 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Music 1 Selge, Dylan
48 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hardman, Emily
49 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Monty, Isabelle
50 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Williamson, Ella
51 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wylie, Emma
52 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Physics Spencer, Caitlin
53 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Society and Culture Fenley, Leah
54 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Society and Culture Hardman, Emily
55 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Society and Culture Hinton-West, Emily
56 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Society and Culture Sides, Tabitha
57 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Society and Culture Williamson, Ella
58 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Visual Arts Bramham, Jade
59 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Visual Arts Huck, Vaughan
60 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Visual Arts Lane, Jacqueline
61 Pittwater High School Mona Vale Visual Arts Maguire, Caly
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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