Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

76 of 76 entries are shown.
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1 Inaburra School Bangor Biology Argyropoulos, Alexis
2 Inaburra School Bangor Biology Treffner, Amelia
3 Inaburra School Bangor Biology Viney, Sofia
4 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Mezrani, Raquel
5 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Sherry, Daniel
6 Inaburra School Bangor Design and Technology Larkham, Michael
7 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Buttel, Sofia
8 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Eskander, Jonah
9 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Mezrani, Raquel
10 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Phillips, Henry
11 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Smith, Georgia
12 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Torr, Charlie
13 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Vogt, Taylah
14 Inaburra School Bangor Earth and Environmental Science Harvey, Madeline
15 Inaburra School Bangor Earth and Environmental Science Yule, Angus
16 Inaburra School Bangor English Advanced Baillie, Amber
17 Inaburra School Bangor English Advanced Baxter, Julia
18 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Arkapaw, Alexandra
19 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Harvey, Madeline
20 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Treffner, Amelia
21 Inaburra School Bangor Food Technology Bunton, Helena
22 Inaburra School Bangor Food Technology Torr, Charlie
23 Inaburra School Bangor History Extension Adam, Caitlin
24 Inaburra School Bangor Industrial Technology Hamilton, Lachlan
25 Inaburra School Bangor Industrial Technology Phillips, Henry
26 Inaburra School Bangor Legal Studies Adam, Caitlin
27 Inaburra School Bangor Legal Studies Baillie, Amber
28 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Baillie, Amber
29 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Baxter, Julia
30 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Faulkes, Darcy
31 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Hills, Cameron
32 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Jones, Abigail Rosemary
33 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Larkham, Michael
34 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Liptak, Jake
35 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Locke, James
36 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Russell, Chelsea
37 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Treffner, Amelia
38 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Tyler, Alexander
39 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Wakeford, Daniel
40 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Walls, Lachlan
41 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Advanced Wappett, Jamie
42 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Caspersonn, Emily
43 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Yi
44 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Faulkes, Darcy
45 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Locke, James
46 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Nealon, Zachary
47 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Russell, Chelsea
48 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Treffner, Amelia
49 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Tyler, Alexander
50 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Wakeford, Daniel
51 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 1 Walls, Lachlan
52 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Extension 2 Caspersonn, Emily
53 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Standard 2 Bunton, Helena
54 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Standard 2 Clement, Dominic
55 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Standard 2 Mezrani, Raquel
56 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Standard 2 Swatosch, Lachlan
57 Inaburra School Bangor Modern History Adam, Caitlin
58 Inaburra School Bangor Modern History Wilson, Charles
59 Inaburra School Bangor Music 2 Eskander, Jonah
60 Inaburra School Bangor Music Extension Eskander, Jonah
61 Inaburra School Bangor Music Extension McNaughton, James
62 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Baillie, Amber
63 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bunton, Helena
64 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dawson, Zarie
65 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Finn, Ashleigh
66 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Harapas, Yasmin
67 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mezrani, Raquel
68 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wilson, Nathan
69 Inaburra School Bangor Science Extension Treffner, Amelia
70 Inaburra School Bangor Software Design and Development Goodall, Jared
71 Inaburra School Bangor Studies of Religion I McNaughton, James
72 Inaburra School Bangor Studies of Religion I Richards, Kathryn
73 Inaburra School Bangor Textiles and Design Dawson, Zarie
74 Inaburra School Bangor Textiles and Design Finn, Jessica
75 Inaburra School Bangor Visual Arts Argyropoulos, Alexis
76 Inaburra School Bangor Visual Arts Baillie, Amber
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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