Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2020

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2020.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

45 of 45 entries are shown.
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1 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Ancient History Radovanic, Katerina
2 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Business Studies Le Loc'H, Laurian
3 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Chemistry Samaranayake, Nethuli
4 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
5 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Economics Gupta, Pratham
6 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Engineering Studies Chu, Jeremy
7 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Engineering Studies O'Grady, Angus
8 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
9 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Advanced Gupta, Pratham
10 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
11 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 1 Gupta, Pratham
12 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest English Extension 2 Bobkowski, Abigail
13 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest History Extension Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
14 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Higer, Liam
15 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Legal Studies Sit, Edwin
16 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Chelliah, Shivania
17 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Le Loc'H, Laurian
18 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Samaranayake, Nethuli
19 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Sit, Edwin
20 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Warren, Charles
21 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Wijesekara, Sanara
22 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Advanced Zhang, Daimi
23 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Calnin, Thomas
24 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Claridge, Finn
25 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 O'Grady, Angus
26 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 1 Sit, Edwin
27 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Standard 2 Bobkowski, Abigail
28 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Mathematics Standard 2 Higer, Liam
29 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Chelliah, Shivania
30 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
31 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Modern History Gupta, Pratham
32 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jackson, Miriam
33 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Physics O'Grady, Angus
34 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Polish Continuers Kazmierski, Veronika
35 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Chindilas, Chrisovalanti
36 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Claridge, Hannah
37 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Gupta, Pratham
38 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Hopper, Sade
39 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Hyde, Lilian
40 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture McQuillan, Sydney
41 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture O'Grady, Kelsey
42 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Society and Culture Wijesekara, Sanara
43 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Software Design and Development Boyer, John
44 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Software Design and Development O'Grady, Angus
45 Cammeraygal High School Crows Nest Spanish Beginners Bobkowski, Abigail
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024
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