Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 4079 entries are shown.
1601 - 1650
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1601 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Miu, Daniel Tin Yiu
1602 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Mony, Yewzark
1603 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Muskens, Trent John
1604 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Nelson, Justin Widjaja
1605 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Nevell, John Franklin
1606 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Ng, Ryan Chi-Yan
1607 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics O'Sullivan, Edward James
1608 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Oliver, Bodhi Danyel
1609 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Oliver, Christian Carnegie
1610 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Oung, Chakraborty
1611 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Page, Lucas
1612 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Price, James Landon
1613 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Ramcharan, Kiano Gabriel
1614 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Rock, Harland Oskar
1615 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Sargent, Charles Alexander
1616 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Se, Daniel Yejoon
1617 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Shannon, Timothy Kearsey
1618 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Singarayar, Dominic Christian
1619 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Singarayar, Xavier Luis
1620 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Tajalli, Deon
1621 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Tajekfar, Raman
1622 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Tan, James Sian-Seng
1623 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Tang, Stanley King
1624 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Thomson, Austin Stuart
1625 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics van Veen, Nicholas Kees
1626 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Wagner, Austin James Bastin
1627 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Wang, Guandong
1628 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Wang, Junru Alex
1629 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Wang, Zong Qi
1630 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Wines, Henry Francis
1631 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Zahedi, Daniel
1632 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Zhang, Xiang
1633 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Zhu, Austin W
1634 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Zhuang, Gino Yi
1635 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Guo, Maner
1636 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Gussey, Paul
1637 Kogarah High School Kogarah Mathematics Siow, Jenn Loo
1638 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Beasley, Jackson
1639 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Boughton, Pierce
1640 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics de Paulis, Nicolas
1641 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Golledge, Rory
1642 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Klosowski, Brodie
1643 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra Mathematics Lasek, Ryan
1644 La Salle Academy Lithgow Mathematics Graham, Caitlin
1645 La Salle Academy Lithgow Mathematics Woodrow, Patrick
1646 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Carson, Jacob
1647 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Dean, Emma
1648 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Edwards, Connor Norman
1649 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Kidd, Amber
1650 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Lintott, Kate Amelia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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