This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
1 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Ancient History | Cameron, Fletcher |
2 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Biology | Greentree, Ethan |
3 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Biology | Hall, Lauren |
4 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Biology | Harris, Layla |
5 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Biology | Taig, Oliver |
6 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | Diroy, Verdinand |
7 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | Go, Trystan |
8 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | Lama, Benedict |
9 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | McDonald, Anna |
10 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | Stevens, Sophia |
11 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Business Studies | Tjan, Elizabeth |
12 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Chemistry | Glinatsis, Daniel |
13 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Chemistry | Segaert, Matthew |
14 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Chemistry | Tien, Samuel |
15 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Chinese in Context | Zheng, Yue |
16 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Design and Technology | Saul, Huon |
17 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Drama | Go, Trystan |
18 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Drama | Ryan, Cameron |
19 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Economics | Diroy, Verdinand |
20 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Economics | Lama, Benedict |
21 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Economics | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
22 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Anseline, Georgie |
23 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Brownlie, Claire |
24 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Callan, Mackenzie |
25 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Cameron, Fletcher |
26 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Dennis, Zachary |
27 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Eaton, Zachary |
28 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Flett, James |
29 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Glinatsis, Daniel |
30 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Go, Trystan |
31 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Harris, Layla |
32 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Kim, Seungji |
33 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | McDonald, Anna |
34 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Moore, Sarah |
35 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | O'Hearn, Maya |
36 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Segaert, Matthew |
37 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
38 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Stevens, Sophia |
39 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Advanced | Thorpe, Eleanor |
40 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Extension 1 | Callan, Mackenzie |
41 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Extension 1 | O'Hearn, Maya |
42 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Extension 1 | Segaert, Matthew |
43 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Extension 1 | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
44 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | English Extension 2 | O'Hearn, Maya |
45 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Geography | Dennis, Zachary |
46 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | History Extension | Callan, Mackenzie |
47 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | History Extension | Cameron, Fletcher |
48 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | History Extension | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
49 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Beginners | Kim, Seungji |
50 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Continuers | Anseline, Georgie |
51 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Continuers | Quail, Joshua |
52 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Continuers | Zheng, Yue |
53 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Extension | Anseline, Georgie |
54 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Extension | Quail, Joshua |
55 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Japanese Extension | Zheng, Yue |
56 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | Diroy, Verdinand |
57 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | Flett, James |
58 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | McDonald, Anna |
59 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | O'Hearn, Maya |
60 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
61 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Legal Studies | Tjan, Elizabeth |
62 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Bootes, Thomas |
63 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Kim, Seungji |
64 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Quail, Joshua |
65 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Segaert, Matthew |
66 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
67 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics | Sofianidis, Seleukos |
68 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Bootes, Thomas |
69 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Fujiki, Mio |
70 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Glinatsis, Daniel |
71 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Kim, Seungji |
72 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lama, Benedict |
73 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Moore, Sarah |
74 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Quail, Joshua |
75 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tien, Samuel |
76 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yang, Xini |
77 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Mathematics Extension 2 | Lama, Benedict |
78 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Callan, Mackenzie |
79 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Cameron, Fletcher |
80 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Hall, Lauren |
81 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Harris, Layla |
82 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Mather, Mia |
83 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | McDonald, Anna |
84 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | O'Hearn, Maya |
85 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Modern History | Sgroi-Smith, Matthew |
86 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 1 | Hawkins, Alexandra |
87 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 1 | Pascoe, Elizabeth |
88 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Anastassiou, Michael |
89 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Bootes, Thomas |
90 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Go, Trystan |
91 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Jia, Mu |
92 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Kim, Seungji |
93 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Knox, Callum |
94 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Moore, Sarah |
95 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Newman, Jay |
96 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Tien, Samuel |
97 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music 2 | Zheng, Yue |
98 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Anastassiou, Michael |
99 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Andresen, Nicholas |
100 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Bootes, Thomas |
101 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Chicco, Matthew |
102 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Go, Trystan |
103 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Jia, Mu |
104 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Kim, Seungji |
105 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Knox, Callum |
106 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Newman, Jay |
107 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Music Extension | Zheng, Yue |
108 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Society and Culture | Eaton, Zachary |
109 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Society and Culture | Mather, Mia |
110 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Software Design and Development | Dickson, Ethan |
111 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Spanish Beginners | Anseline, Georgie |
112 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Spanish Beginners | Eaton, Zachary |
113 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Visual Arts | Kirton, Spencer |
114 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Visual Arts | Stojkovski, Bella |
115 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Visual Arts | Thorpe, Eleanor |
116 | St Andrews Cathedral School | Sydney | Visual Arts | Zhang, Mingyue |