Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

85 of 85 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Ahmad, Omar
2 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Al-Akra, Basel
3 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Amer, Haseeb
4 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Chowdhury, Nuha
5 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Deen, Muhammad Saad
6 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Fahmi, Abdul Rahman
7 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Farhat, Faaizah
8 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Hossain, Areebah
9 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Islam, Afrina
10 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Issah Issaka, Mujahidah
11 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Kabir, Uqbah
12 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Khan, Hamza Ahmad
13 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Kharrl, Omar
14 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Nomani, Fayad
15 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Noor, Laiba
16 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Win, Yuya Zaw
17 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Biology Zafar, Syed Aarib
18 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Al-Akra, Basel
19 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Al-Jamal, Zainab
20 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Amer, Eraj
21 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Binti Buchari, Salma
22 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Bizri, Yasmine
23 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Daher, Amanda
24 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Hassan, Maliha
25 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Issah Issaka, Mujahidah
26 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Kureshi, Adnan
27 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Rajwani, Ayesha
28 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Business Studies Reda, Akram
29 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Abid, Ahmed
30 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Al-Jamal, Zainab
31 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Kharrl, Omar
32 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Wehbe, Eman
33 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Yusuf, Ridho Aditya
34 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Chemistry Zaman, Asad
35 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre English Advanced Al-Akra, Basel
36 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre English Advanced Daher, Amanda
37 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Alameddine, Amneh
38 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Bizri, Yasmine
39 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Daher, Amanda
40 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Karnib, Rayanne
41 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Nomani, Fayad
42 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Legal Studies Rustom, Fatma
43 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Abuobeid, Rheanne
44 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Ahmad, Omar
45 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Ahmed, Laeba
46 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Al-Akra, Basel
47 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Al-Jamal, Zainab
48 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Ali Syed, Abdullah
49 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Amer, Eraj
50 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Amer, Haseeb
51 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Chaudhry, Kainat Ahmad
52 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Chowdhury, Farhan Ahmed
53 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Chowdhury, Nuha
54 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics El-Kiki, Maymuna
55 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Fatima, Soha
56 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Hossain, Areebah
57 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Islam, Saad Ibn
58 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Issah Issaka, Mujahidah
59 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Kabir, Uqbah
60 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Kamal, Mohamed
61 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Khan, Hamza Ahmad
62 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Kharrl, Omar
63 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Motassam, Walid
64 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Rahman, Fahad
65 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Win, Yuya Zaw
66 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Adam, Ahmad
67 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Ahmad, Danish Ahmad
68 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Al-Jamal, Zainab
69 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Amer, Eraj
70 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Cameron, Rabia
71 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Mehieddine, Louay
72 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Motassam, Walid
73 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Nomani, Fayad
74 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Wehbe, Eman
75 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Yusuf, Ridho Aditya
76 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 1 Zaman, Asad
77 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Abid, Ahmed
78 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Ahmad, Danish Ahmad
79 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Nomani, Fayad
80 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Yusuf, Ridho Aditya
81 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Standard 2 Nasar, Noor
82 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Standard 2 Omran, Saad
83 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Standard 2 Reda, Akram
84 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Standard 2 Taha, Mohamad
85 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Modern History Daher, Amanda
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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