Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

96 of 96 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 MLC School Burwood Ancient History Newby, Sophie
2 MLC School Burwood Ancient History Perdis, Christiana
3 MLC School Burwood Ancient History Seales, Charlotte Lily
4 MLC School Burwood Ancient History Swann, Matilda
5 MLC School Burwood Biology Graham, Sophie Emma
6 MLC School Burwood Biology Rodgers, Lily Margaret
7 MLC School Burwood Chemistry Brew, Anna Katherine
8 MLC School Burwood Chemistry Nguyen, Alyssa Quynh Nhu
9 MLC School Burwood Chemistry Peter, Virginia Takako
10 MLC School Burwood Design and Technology Bide, Madeline Alexandra
11 MLC School Burwood Design and Technology Liu, Elizabeth
12 MLC School Burwood Design and Technology Sirikci, Nese
13 MLC School Burwood Drama Andreopoulos, Elle Maree
14 MLC School Burwood Drama Baker, Lucinda Anne Margaret
15 MLC School Burwood Drama Catania, Christina Maria Jennifer
16 MLC School Burwood Drama Greenslade, Imogen Rose
17 MLC School Burwood Drama Kaloterakis, Eleni
18 MLC School Burwood Drama Karras, Grace Renee
19 MLC School Burwood Drama Lysaght, Madeleine
20 MLC School Burwood Drama Malafouris, Katerina
21 MLC School Burwood Drama Newby, Sophie
22 MLC School Burwood Drama Warner, Crystal Skye
23 MLC School Burwood Drama Whittaker, Billie Oriel
24 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Andreopoulos, Elle Maree
25 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Giannakos, Gabrielle
26 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
27 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Nguyen, Alyssa Quynh Nhu
28 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Perdis, Christiana
29 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Seales, Charlotte Lily
30 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Softsis, Georgia Marie
31 MLC School Burwood English Advanced Whittaker, Billie Oriel
32 MLC School Burwood English Extension 1 Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
33 MLC School Burwood English Extension 1 Seales, Charlotte Lily
34 MLC School Burwood English Extension 1 Softsis, Georgia Marie
35 MLC School Burwood English Extension 1 Whittaker, Billie Oriel
36 MLC School Burwood English Extension 2 Seales, Charlotte Lily
37 MLC School Burwood Entertainment Industry Examination Mulholland, Sashira Lorna Isobel
38 MLC School Burwood Geography Cain, Olivia Anne
39 MLC School Burwood Geography Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
40 MLC School Burwood Geography Peter, Virginia Takako
41 MLC School Burwood Geography Thomas, Sian Isabella
42 MLC School Burwood History Extension Scoufis, Zoe
43 MLC School Burwood History Extension Seales, Charlotte Lily
44 MLC School Burwood History Extension Swann, Matilda
45 MLC School Burwood Indonesian Extension Giannakos, Gabrielle
46 MLC School Burwood Industrial Technology Charalambidis, Eleni
47 MLC School Burwood Industrial Technology Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
48 MLC School Burwood Industrial Technology Mulholland, Sashira Lorna Isobel
49 MLC School Burwood Industrial Technology Nash, Hanna Rose
50 MLC School Burwood Industrial Technology Xue, Bethany Ying-Xi
51 MLC School Burwood Japanese Beginners Jiang, Xin Rui
52 MLC School Burwood Japanese Beginners Kuang, Shirley
53 MLC School Burwood Japanese Beginners Liu, Elizabeth
54 MLC School Burwood Japanese Beginners Wong, Chit Ham
55 MLC School Burwood Japanese Beginners Yu, Amanda
56 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Jessurun, Eva Louella
57 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Yarrow, Nicola
58 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Alyssa Quynh Nhu
59 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Extension 1 Song, Jessica
60 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Extension 1 Trung, Elizabeth
61 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Extension 2 Nguyen, Alyssa Quynh Nhu
62 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Extension 2 Song, Jessica
63 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Cain, Olivia Anne
64 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Charalambidis, Eleni
65 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
66 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Lysaght, Madeleine
67 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Mikhael, Danielle
68 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Perdis, Christiana
69 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Robb, Olivia Ami Gabbe
70 MLC School Burwood Mathematics Standard 2 Swann, Matilda
71 MLC School Burwood Modern Greek Beginners Andreopoulos, Elle Maree
72 MLC School Burwood Modern History Graham, Sophie Emma
73 MLC School Burwood Modern History Lindhout, Zoe Elizabeth
74 MLC School Burwood Modern History Nguyen, Alyssa Quynh Nhu
75 MLC School Burwood Modern History Seales, Charlotte Lily
76 MLC School Burwood Modern History Swann, Matilda
77 MLC School Burwood Modern History Xue, Bethany Ying-Xi
78 MLC School Burwood Music 1 Cho, Yoonju
79 MLC School Burwood Music 1 Pizzinga, Jessica
80 MLC School Burwood Music 2 Giannakos, Gabrielle
81 MLC School Burwood Music 2 Iversen, Tessa Louise
82 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Graham, Sophie Emma
83 MLC School Burwood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Miller, Desiree Jasmine
84 MLC School Burwood Science Extension Rodgers, Lily Margaret
85 MLC School Burwood Software Design and Development Jessurun, Eva Louella
86 MLC School Burwood Spanish Beginners De Julian, Jade
87 MLC School Burwood Textiles and Design Charalambidis, Eleni
88 MLC School Burwood Textiles and Design Swann, Matilda
89 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Charalambidis, Eleni
90 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Iversen, Tessa Louise
91 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Liu, Elizabeth
92 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Perdis, Christiana
93 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Su, Jade
94 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Ventouris, Georgia
95 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Whittaker, Billie Oriel
96 MLC School Burwood Visual Arts Xue, Bethany Ying-Xi
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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