Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

66 of 66 entries are shown.
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1 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Ancient History Bailey, Tahlia
2 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Biology Gillett, Zoe Isabelle
3 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Biology Koukoutaris, Natasha
4 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Biology Noakes, Oliver Jesse
5 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Business Services Examination Standaloft, Elizabeth Rose
6 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Business Studies Hart, Zoe Lee
7 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Business Studies Shiels, Sarah Marie
8 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Business Studies Witts, Lily Constance
9 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Dance Sweeney, Ivy Frances
10 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Engineering Studies Krauklis, Cameron Ernie
11 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Engineering Studies Nguyen, Bryan An Quoc
12 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Advanced Caetan, Aoife
13 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Advanced Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
14 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Advanced Roach, Lauren Annika
15 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Advanced Shiels, Sarah Marie
16 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Advanced Sweeney, Ivy Frances
17 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 1 Bailey, Tahlia
18 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 1 Caetan, Aoife
19 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 1 Hamilton, Zali Lulu
20 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 1 Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
21 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 1 Shiels, Sarah Marie
22 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 2 Aitchison, Jarod Thomas
23 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 2 Caetan, Aoife
24 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 2 Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
25 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee English Extension 2 Shiels, Sarah Marie
26 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Food Technology Lockwood, Jasmin Michelle
27 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee French Continuers Kedemos, Nilou
28 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee History Extension Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
29 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee History Extension Roach, Lauren Annika
30 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee History Extension Sweeney, Ivy Frances
31 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee History Extension Witts, Lily Constance
32 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Investigating Science Koukoutaris, Natasha
33 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Legal Studies Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
34 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Legal Studies Millett, Leah Joan
35 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Legal Studies Shiels, Sarah Marie
36 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Legal Studies Witts, Lily Constance
37 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Carveth, Declan William
38 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Gillett, Zoe Isabelle
39 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Kasstenboim, Olli Davoren
40 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Nguyen, Bryan An Quoc
41 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Stokes, Alexa Louise
42 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Extension 1 Stokes, Alexa Louise
43 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Bennie, Jake Ewan
44 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Berridge-Argent, Isaac
45 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Easton, Aden Cole
46 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Hart, Zoe Lee
47 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
48 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Johnson, Benjamin Aidan
49 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Noakes, Oliver Jesse
50 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Mathematics Standard 2 Tyrrell, Genevieve Amelia
51 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Modern History Hobson, Anna Elisabeth Grace
52 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Modern History Shiels, Sarah Marie
53 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Modern History Sweeney, Ivy Frances
54 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Modern History Witts, Lily Constance
55 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music 1 Heald, Lachlan Michael
56 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music 1 Rowley, Erica
57 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music Extension Jones, Blake Stuart
58 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Music Extension McGuinness, Hannah Robyn
59 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Newton, Pypar Dawn
60 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Society and Culture Aitchison, Jarod Thomas
61 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Society and Culture Bailey, Tahlia
62 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Society and Culture Caetan, Aoife
63 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Society and Culture Viesis, Georgia Peta
64 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Visual Arts Corrigan, Taya Lea
65 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Visual Arts Gillett, Zoe Isabelle
66 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee Visual Arts Lockwood, Jasmin Michelle
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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