Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

43 of 193 entries are shown.
151 - 193
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Rows per page:
151 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Nguyen, Trinity
152 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Society and Culture Tchung, Shakira
153 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Spanish Beginners Leal, Sophia
154 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Agius, Georgia
155 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Bui, Tien
156 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Chin, Celina
157 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Gago, Jessica
158 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Haddad, Farrah
159 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Huynh, Gibson
160 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Lam, Emily
161 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Lam, Minh Tien
162 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Landro, Jason
163 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Lazar, Luke
164 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Le, Anthony
165 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Lim, Vincent
166 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Musa, Musa
167 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Angus
168 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Gemma
169 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, Julie Anne
170 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Nguyen, William
171 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Oliverio, Luke
172 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Pessotto, Tianna
173 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Robinson, Emma
174 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Tan, Emily
175 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Vu, Nhi
176 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion I Wilde, Stephanie
177 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Cabiling, Sharleen
178 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Ghandour, Lauren
179 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Haddad, Majd
180 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Newton, Emily
181 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Nguyen, Trinity
182 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Raso, Amelia
183 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Schembri, Nicholas
184 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Schembri, Thomas
185 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Solis, Samantha Joyce
186 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Tchung, Shakira
187 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Toth, Isabelle
188 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Valerioti, Annalise
189 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Valitutti, Elyssa
190 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Studies of Religion II Windsor, Jasmyn
191 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Visual Arts Pessotto, Tianna
192 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Visual Arts Tomic, Milana
193 Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Visual Arts Valerioti, Annalise
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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