Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

124 of 124 entries are shown.
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Emanuel School Randwick Ancient History Allen, Greg
2 Emanuel School Randwick Ancient History Flax, Isabella
3 Emanuel School Randwick Ancient History Van Sluys Erlich, Daniel
4 Emanuel School Randwick Biology Dawson Kelly, Samuel
5 Emanuel School Randwick Business Studies Feldman-Gubbay, Tarn
6 Emanuel School Randwick Business Studies Gitli, Matthew
7 Emanuel School Randwick Business Studies Riesel, Adam
8 Emanuel School Randwick Business Studies Rosenberg, Isabella
9 Emanuel School Randwick Business Studies Sheps, Adena
10 Emanuel School Randwick Chemistry Herdan, Dylan
11 Emanuel School Randwick Design and Technology Owen, Saachi
12 Emanuel School Randwick Drama Klein, Noah
13 Emanuel School Randwick Drama Mallinick, Tia Rose
14 Emanuel School Randwick Drama Nabarro, Erin
15 Emanuel School Randwick Economics Joffe, Matthew
16 Emanuel School Randwick Economics Leslie, Benjamin
17 Emanuel School Randwick Economics Mallinick, Tia Rose
18 Emanuel School Randwick Economics Miller, Zoe
19 Emanuel School Randwick Economics Spennato, Paris
20 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Aaron, Joel
21 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Brown, Nina
22 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Feldman-Gubbay, Tarn
23 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Flax, Isabella
24 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Gering, Natasha
25 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Lemberg, Eve
26 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Mallinick, Tia Rose
27 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Nabarro, Erin
28 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Owen, Saachi
29 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Rosenberg, Isabella
30 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Sadra, Eden
31 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Sharwood, Sarah
32 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Sheps, Adena
33 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Spennato, Paris
34 Emanuel School Randwick English Advanced Turtledove, Rachel
35 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Flax, Isabella
36 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Gering, Natasha
37 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Nabarro, Erin
38 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Owen, Saachi
39 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Rosenberg, Isabella
40 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Spennato, Paris
41 Emanuel School Randwick English Extension 1 Turtledove, Rachel
42 Emanuel School Randwick French Continuers Gering, Natasha
43 Emanuel School Randwick Geography Aaron, Joel
44 Emanuel School Randwick Geography Grigoletti-Labi, Maddalena
45 Emanuel School Randwick Geography Shapiro, Mia
46 Emanuel School Randwick History Extension Flax, Isabella
47 Emanuel School Randwick Italian Beginners Grigoletti-Labi, Maddalena
48 Emanuel School Randwick Legal Studies Dawson Kelly, Samuel
49 Emanuel School Randwick Legal Studies Joffe, Matthew
50 Emanuel School Randwick Legal Studies Leslie, Benjamin
51 Emanuel School Randwick Legal Studies Nabarro, Erin
52 Emanuel School Randwick Legal Studies Turtledove, Rachel
53 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Aaron, Joel
54 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Baskin, Sasha
55 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Bethlehem, Dan
56 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Bozic, Matthew
57 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Dawson Kelly, Samuel
58 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Evans, Oliver
59 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Fidler, Zachary
60 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Glass, Beau
61 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Grove, Isaac
62 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Leslie, Benjamin
63 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Lewitton, Jake
64 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Miller, Zoe
65 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Narunsky, Alexa
66 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Orleow, Ashlee
67 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Sebban, Jonathan
68 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Trenaman, Samara
69 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Aaron, Joel
70 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Baskin, Sasha
71 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Evans, Oliver
72 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Herdan, Dylan
73 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Joffe, Matthew
74 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Mallinick, Tia Rose
75 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Miller, Zoe
76 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 New, Joshua
77 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Port, Mia
78 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Riesel, Adam
79 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Sheps, Adena
80 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Herdan, Dylan
81 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Port, Mia
82 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Standard 2 Dunkel, Mikaela
83 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Standard 2 Feldman-Gubbay, Tarn
84 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Standard 2 Nabarro, Erin
85 Emanuel School Randwick Mathematics Standard 2 Rutstein, Chelsea
86 Emanuel School Randwick Modern History Flax, Isabella
87 Emanuel School Randwick Modern History Joffe, Matthew
88 Emanuel School Randwick Modern History Leslie, Benjamin
89 Emanuel School Randwick Music 1 Ben-Mayor, Chloe
90 Emanuel School Randwick Music 1 Ehrlich, Joel
91 Emanuel School Randwick Music 1 Flax, Isabella
92 Emanuel School Randwick Music 1 New, Joshua
93 Emanuel School Randwick Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jammy, Rachel
94 Emanuel School Randwick Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Klein, Noah
95 Emanuel School Randwick Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kleviansky, Jared
96 Emanuel School Randwick Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Port, Mia
97 Emanuel School Randwick Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rutstein, Chelsea
98 Emanuel School Randwick Physics Herdan, Dylan
99 Emanuel School Randwick Portuguese Continuers Van Sluys Erlich, Daniel
100 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Ben-Mayor, Chloe
101 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Brown, Nina
102 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Dunkel, Mikaela
103 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Gering, Natasha
104 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Orleow, Ashlee
105 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Rosenberg, Isabella
106 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Sharwood, Sarah
107 Emanuel School Randwick Society and Culture Spennato, Paris
108 Emanuel School Randwick Software Design and Development Aaron, Joel
109 Emanuel School Randwick Software Design and Development Evans, Oliver
110 Emanuel School Randwick Software Design and Development Herdan, Dylan
111 Emanuel School Randwick Software Design and Development Sheps, Adena
112 Emanuel School Randwick Studies of Religion II Lemberg, Eve
113 Emanuel School Randwick Studies of Religion II Mallinick, Tia Rose
114 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Brown, Nina
115 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Gering, Natasha
116 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Jammy, Rachel
117 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Klein, Noah
118 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Orleow, Ashlee
119 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Owen, Saachi
120 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Rosenberg, Isabella
121 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Sadra, Eden
122 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Sharwood, Sarah
123 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Sheps, Adena
124 Emanuel School Randwick Visual Arts Spennato, Paris
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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