Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2019

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2019.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 109 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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Rows per page:
1 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Azmi, Daanish Ramadhan
2 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology El-Darwiche, Jowell
3 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Hadi, Ibrahim
4 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Khalil, Amenah
5 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Kilic, Mert
6 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Mahboob, Uzair
7 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Olgun, Muhammed Ekrem
8 Amity College Prestons Prestons Biology Sohail, Amani Mariam
9 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Services Examination Azmi, Daanish Ramadhan
10 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Services Examination Cicek, Seda
11 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Services Examination Fozan, Zeineb
12 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Services Examination Khalil, Amenah
13 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Studies Cameron, Anne Hyatt
14 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Studies Dannaoui, Aishah
15 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Studies Manav, Eren
16 Amity College Prestons Prestons Business Studies Zunun, Ihsan
17 Amity College Prestons Prestons Chemistry El-Darwiche, Jowell
18 Amity College Prestons Prestons Chemistry Fozan, Zeineb
19 Amity College Prestons Prestons Chemistry Majeed, Sura
20 Amity College Prestons Prestons Community and Family Studies Altun, Aleyna
21 Amity College Prestons Prestons Community and Family Studies Atalay, Filiz
22 Amity College Prestons Prestons Community and Family Studies Uzuntepe, Gulcan
23 Amity College Prestons Prestons Economics Hadi, Ibrahim
24 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Abdelwahab, Nadean
25 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Akram, Tasnia
26 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced El-Darwiche, Jowell
27 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Fayaz, Alisha
28 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Osman, Rayan
29 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Riaz, Fajr
30 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Advanced Sayadi, Sarah
31 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Extension 1 Fayaz, Alisha
32 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Extension 1 Mulla, Meerae Leah
33 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Standard Sacan, Kubra
34 Amity College Prestons Prestons English Standard Uzuntepe, Gulcan
35 Amity College Prestons Prestons Industrial Technology Mahmutovic, Amar
36 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Abdelwahab, Nadean
37 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Fayaz, Alisha
38 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Fozan, Zeineb
39 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Jalal, Danya
40 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Mulla, Meerae Leah
41 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Riaz, Fajr
42 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Sacan, Kubra
43 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Safdar, Ramna
44 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Shah, Emaan
45 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Toufaili, Zahra
46 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Uzuntepe, Gulcan
47 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Yousaf, Abdullah
48 Amity College Prestons Prestons Legal Studies Zunun, Ihsan
49 Amity College Prestons Prestons Mathematics Akdemir, Kayla
50 Amity College Prestons Prestons Mathematics Al Tamimi, Hussein
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
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