This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
35737 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Chau, Nathan |
35738 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Ho, Ricky |
35739 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Isaacs, Flynn |
35740 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Isakka, Tyson |
35741 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Iyengar, Sourish |
35742 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Maric, Radovan |
35743 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Nguyen, Jessica |
35744 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Nguyen, Jessica |
35745 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Nguyen, Johnny |
35746 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Nguyen, Ryan |
35747 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Soro, Stephani |
35748 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics | Tu, Jason |
35749 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics Extension 1 | Huynh, Susie |
35750 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ly, Eric |
35751 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics Extension 2 | Huynh, Susie |
35752 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics Extension 2 | Ly, Eric |
35753 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Mathematics General 2 | Najjar, Sarah |
35754 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Cheng, Jet |
35755 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Morris, Madelyn |
35756 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Society and Culture | Cenic, Maria |
35757 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Society and Culture | Kalou, Helen |
35758 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Society and Culture | Mitchell, Eboni |
35759 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Studies of Religion II | Najjar, Sarah |
35760 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Visual Arts | Ontivero, Lucas |
35761 | Westfields Sports High School | Fairfield West | Visual Arts | Soro, Stephani |
35762 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Biology | Carr, Abbey Louise |
35763 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Biology | Coon, Lucy Walker |
35764 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English (Advanced) | Egan, Laila Genevieve |
35765 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English (Standard) | Murray, Georgia Kate |
35766 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English Extension 1 | Egan, Laila Genevieve |
35767 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English Extension 1 | Green, Hannah Maree |
35768 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English Extension 1 | Grey, Erin |
35769 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | English Extension 2 | Egan, Laila Genevieve |
35770 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Food Technology | Green, Hannah Maree |
35771 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Mathematics General 2 | Smith, Brianna |
35772 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Music 1 | Kwan, Rachael Maree May Wan |
35773 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Music 1 | Murray, Georgia Kate |
35774 | Whitebridge High School | Whitebridge | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Coon, Lucy Walker |
35775 | Wiley Park Girls High School | Punchbowl | Business Studies | Kharrl, Rida |
35776 | Wiley Park Girls High School | Punchbowl | English (Advanced) | Hossain, Oishey |
35777 | Wiley Park Girls High School | Punchbowl | English (Advanced) | Kharrl, Rida |
35778 | Wiley Park Girls High School | Punchbowl | English (Standard) | Khan, Sara Amber |
35779 | Wiley Park Girls High School | Punchbowl | Music 1 | Marsters, Georgia Ariana Paris |
35780 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Ancient History | Grant, Claire |
35781 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Ancient History | Reading, Mia |
35782 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Biology | Colada, Dayanara |
35783 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Biology | McMullen, Keegan |
35784 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Business Studies | Ronnie, Matthew |
35785 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Chemistry | Pham, Esther |
35786 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Construction Examination | Chalhoub-Morris, Ralph |
35787 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Construction Examination | Hanna, Andrew |
35788 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Drama | Revere, Ryan |
35789 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Economics | Pham, Esther |
35790 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | English (Advanced) | Chalhoub-Morris, Ralph |
35791 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | English (Advanced) | Larrea, Meredith |
35792 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | English (Advanced) | Pham, Esther |
35793 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Entertainment Industry Examination | Gonano, Jessica |
35794 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Geography | Larrea, Meredith |
35795 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | History Extension | Grant, Claire |
35796 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | History Extension | Reading, Mia |
35797 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Industrial Technology | Pagano, Maurizio |
35798 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | Joudo, Halanie |
35799 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | McMullen, Keegan |
35800 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | Naduvilath, Timothy |
35801 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | Settineri, Claudia |
35802 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | Sing, Ethan |
35803 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics | Su, Norman |
35804 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lai, Leo |
35805 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics Extension 1 | McMullen, Keegan |
35806 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics Extension 1 | Pham, Esther |
35807 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Mathematics General 2 | Munday, Matthew |
35808 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Modern History | Grant, James |
35809 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Music 1 | Figuerola, Freedom |
35810 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Music 1 | Larrea, Meredith |
35811 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Music 1 | McMullen, Keegan |
35812 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Pagano, Maurizio |
35813 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Physics | McMullen, Keegan |
35814 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Physics | Pham, Esther |
35815 | William Carey Christian School | Prestons | Visual Arts | Larrea, Meredith |
35816 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Ancient History | Bolton, Zoe Rose |
35817 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | George, Zoe Maree |
35818 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | Hashemi Pour, Amir Ali |
35819 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | Hayward, Madison Rose |
35820 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | Law, Chloe Kwai-Yiu |
35821 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | MacLeod, Sherryn Joanne |
35822 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | Nyunt, Khin-Thethtar |
35823 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Biology | Zhang, Erica Lee |
35824 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Business Studies | Pratap, Shantelle Raina |
35825 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Business Studies | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35826 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Business Studies | Ramos, Julia Elyne |
35827 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Dance | Hull, Olivia Valerie |
35828 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Dance | Jayasinghe, Maya Carmeline |
35829 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | Callcut, Johanna Mae |
35830 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | Cropper, Jamie Lynette |
35831 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | Kerswell, Melina Diana |
35832 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | McGlynn, Brooke Joanna |
35833 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | Miller, Jordan May |
35834 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Drama | Wilkins, Amy Rebecca |
35835 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Earth and Environmental Science | Lim, Jared |
35836 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Economics | Cheung, Nathan Ho Yan |
35837 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Economics | Fraser, Harrison Roger |
35838 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Economics | Hughes, Megan Kate |
35839 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Economics | Zhang, Erica Lee |
35840 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | De Mel, Shanela Devthilini |
35841 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | George, Zoe Maree |
35842 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Hughes, Megan Kate |
35843 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Hull, Olivia Valerie |
35844 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Lim, Jared |
35845 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Litchfield, Kathryn Alyce |
35846 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | MacLeod, Sherryn Joanne |
35847 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | O, Sarah Koeun |
35848 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Rabe, Charnay |
35849 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35850 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Ramos, Julia Elyne |
35851 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Senior, Charlotte Kate |
35852 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English (Advanced) | Zhang, Erica Lee |
35853 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English Extension 1 | Fraser, Harrison Roger |
35854 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English Extension 1 | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35855 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English Extension 1 | Sakiris, Christian |
35856 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English Extension 1 | Senior, Charlotte Kate |
35857 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | English Extension 2 | Williamson, Jessica |
35858 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | French Continuers | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35859 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Geography | George, Zoe Maree |
35860 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Industrial Technology | Irvine, Rhys Dolan |
35861 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Information Processes and Technology | Cheung, Nathan Ho Yan |
35862 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Information Processes and Technology | Sakiris, Christian |
35863 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Italian Beginners | Joller, Claudia Judy |
35864 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Fraser, Harrison Roger |
35865 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Hughes, Megan Kate |
35866 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Kerswell, Melina Diana |
35867 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Litchfield, Kathryn Alyce |
35868 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | McCormick, Rachel Anne |
35869 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | McGlynn, Brooke Joanna |
35870 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35871 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Wilkins, Amy Rebecca |
35872 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Legal Studies | Williamson, Jessica |
35873 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | Cheung, Nathan Ho Yan |
35874 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | Hughes, Megan Kate |
35875 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | Law, Chloe Kwai-Yiu |
35876 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | MacLeod, Sherryn Joanne |
35877 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | O, Sarah Koeun |
35878 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | Robinson, Alexander William |
35879 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics | Tam, Hannah Grace |
35880 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics Extension 1 | Bolton, Zoe Rose |
35881 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics Extension 1 | Kim, Jane |
35882 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics Extension 1 | Law, Chloe Kwai-Yiu |
35883 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics Extension 1 | Williamson, Elias Franklen |
35884 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Conway, Alec Scott |
35885 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Cunningham, Paris Madison |
35886 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Filipic, Rebecca Hayley |
35887 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Fortunado, Ethan Joel |
35888 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Fraser, Harrison Roger |
35889 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Matthews, Connor |
35890 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | McCormick, Rachel Anne |
35891 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | McElroy, Adam Samuel |
35892 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | McKenzie, Renay Eloise |
35893 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Rosier, Cambrie Jade |
35894 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Slapp, Joshua Timothy |
35895 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Spender, Matthew John |
35896 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Villacrusis, Karen Patricia |
35897 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Wilkins, Amy Rebecca |
35898 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Mathematics General 2 | Wood, Harrison Morgan |
35899 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Modern History | Fraser, Harrison Roger |
35900 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Modern History | Hughes, Megan Kate |
35901 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Modern History | Rademeyer, Michelle Megham |
35902 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Music 1 | Gillies, Jazmyn Hope |
35903 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Music 1 | Joller, Claudia Judy |
35904 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Music Extension | De Mel, Shanela Devthilini |
35905 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hayward, Madison Rose |
35906 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Jayasinghe, Maya Carmeline |
35907 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Litchfield, Kathryn Alyce |
35908 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | McCormick, Rachel Anne |
35909 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Ramos, Julia Elyne |
35910 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Physics | MacLeod, Sherryn Joanne |
35911 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Physics | Williamson, Elias Franklen |
35912 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Senior Science | Agapides, Athena Anne |
35913 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Senior Science | Cilia, Rebecca Marie |
35914 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Society and Culture | McCormick, Rachel Anne |
35915 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Society and Culture | Senior, Charlotte Kate |
35916 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Software Design and Development | Cheung, Nathan Ho Yan |
35917 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Software Design and Development | Sprague, James Colin |
35918 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Visual Arts | Kim, Jane |
35919 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Visual Arts | McGlynn, Brooke Joanna |
35920 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Visual Arts | McKenzie, Renay Eloise |
35921 | William Clarke College | Kellyville | Visual Arts | O, Sarah Koeun |
35922 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Barney, Jaela |
35923 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Braico, Holly |
35924 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Cooper, Ashley |
35925 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Crowe, Amanda |
35926 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Deranty, Juliette |
35927 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Hopper, Phae |
35928 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Imlay, Sarah |
35929 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Janitz, Vivien |
35930 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Kopsiaftis, Grace |
35931 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Lynch, Siobhan |
35932 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Maher, Bethany |
35933 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | McKinnon, Sarah |
35934 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Ryan, Sophia |
35935 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Suthers, Megan |
35936 | Willoughby Girls High School | Willoughby | Ancient History | Thomas, Elen |