This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
28387 | St Ignatius College | Lane Cove | Visual Arts | Kennedy, Rory Patrick Liam |
28388 | St Ignatius College | Lane Cove | Visual Arts | Tynan, Patrick John |
28389 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Ancient History | Burovs, Nikita |
28390 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Ancient History | Simmonds, Sarah |
28391 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Biology | Davies, Lucinda |
28392 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Biology | Gamage, Dushmantha |
28393 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Biology | Grime, Laura |
28394 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Biology | Nasrabadi, Might Illumine |
28395 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Biology | Parsanejad, Elia |
28396 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Business Studies | Seshadri, Melanie |
28397 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Chemistry | Bell, Jonathan |
28398 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Chemistry | Grime, Laura |
28399 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Chemistry | Gunawardana, Tharushi |
28400 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Chinese in Context | Yan, Bixing |
28401 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Dance | Hutchinson, Nicola |
28402 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Earth and Environmental Science | Davies, Lucinda |
28403 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Earth and Environmental Science | Pandeya, Arbin |
28404 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Economics | Yu, Jesse |
28405 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Cormican-Jones, Bronte |
28406 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Davies, Lucinda |
28407 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Parsanejad, Elia |
28408 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Peiser-Oliver, Jacqueline |
28409 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Seshadri, Melanie |
28410 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Simmonds, Sarah |
28411 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English (Advanced) | Young, Iliana |
28412 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English as a Second Language | Deng, Zishan |
28413 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English as a Second Language | Izadi, Behbod |
28414 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English as a Second Language | Kousha, Amirali |
28415 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English Extension 1 | Bidenko, Lucia |
28416 | St Ives High School | St Ives | English Extension 1 | Peiser-Oliver, Jacqueline |
28417 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Food Technology | Cook, Natalie |
28418 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Geography | Dulhunty, Nicholas |
28419 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Geography | Peiser-Oliver, Jacqueline |
28420 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Geography | Seshadri, Melanie |
28421 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Hospitality Examination | Wang, Audrey |
28422 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Japanese Beginners | Han, Jooho |
28423 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Burovs, Nikita |
28424 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Cormican-Jones, Bronte |
28425 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Deng, Zishan |
28426 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Hutchinson, Nicola |
28427 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Peiser-Oliver, Jacqueline |
28428 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Legal Studies | Simmonds, Sarah |
28429 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Andresson, Tara |
28430 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Buckley, Alex |
28431 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Budisetio, Nicholas |
28432 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Deng, Zishan |
28433 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Douglas-Giles, Raphael |
28434 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Gunawardana, Tharushi |
28435 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Han, Jooho |
28436 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Miller, Aya |
28437 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | O'Yang, Marcus |
28438 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Pandeya, Arbin |
28439 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Parsanejad, Elia |
28440 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Powers, Amanda |
28441 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Vinci, Cooper |
28442 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Wong, Rachael Hoi Lam |
28443 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Yoon, Hyun Soo |
28444 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Young, Iliana |
28445 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Yu, Jesse |
28446 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Zhang, Xinwen |
28447 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics | Zou, Qinyun |
28448 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Douglas-Giles, Raphael |
28449 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Grime, Laura |
28450 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Izadi, Behbod |
28451 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Kousha, Amirali |
28452 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Xu, Xinyi |
28453 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yan, Bixing |
28454 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yoon, Hyun Soo |
28455 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 1 | Young, Iliana |
28456 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 2 | Grime, Laura |
28457 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 2 | Izadi, Behbod |
28458 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics Extension 2 | Yan, Bixing |
28459 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Davies, Lucinda |
28460 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Delnido, Joshua |
28461 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Georgans, Cara |
28462 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Leung, Clinton |
28463 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | McMillan, Hollie |
28464 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Nasrabadi, Might Illumine |
28465 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Mathematics General 2 | Simmonds, Sarah |
28466 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Modern History | Peiser-Oliver, Jacqueline |
28467 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Music 1 | McCarthy, Ryan |
28468 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Buckley, Alex |
28469 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Cook, Natalie |
28470 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Delnido, Joshua |
28471 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Physics | Bell, Jonathan |
28472 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Physics | Chadban, Henry |
28473 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Physics | Grime, Laura |
28474 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Physics | Izadi, Behbod |
28475 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Physics | Yan, Bixing |
28476 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Society and Culture | Seshadri, Melanie |
28477 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Software Design and Development | Izadi, Behbod |
28478 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Spanish Extension | Courtney, Ivan Jose |
28479 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Visual Arts | Cormican-Jones, Bronte |
28480 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Visual Arts | Davies, Lucinda |
28481 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Visual Arts | Parsanejad, Elia |
28482 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Visual Arts | Simmonds, Sarah |
28483 | St Ives High School | St Ives | Visual Arts | Young, Iliana |
28484 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Barnes, Sophie |
28485 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Bland, Jazmine |
28486 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Brecknell, Alicia |
28487 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Jefferys, Jorja |
28488 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Wallworth, Angelique |
28489 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Ancient History | Walton, Shannon |
28490 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Business Studies | Bland, Jazmine |
28491 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Business Studies | Rankin, Taylah |
28492 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Community and Family Studies | Friedrich, Estelle |
28493 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Design and Technology | Harmston, Lauren |
28494 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Design and Technology | Mattock, Sienna |
28495 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Drama | Barnes, Sophie |
28496 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Advanced) | Barnes, Sophie |
28497 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Advanced) | Bland, Jazmine |
28498 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Advanced) | Brecknell, Alicia |
28499 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Advanced) | Rankin, Taylah |
28500 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Standard) | Friedrich, Estelle |
28501 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Standard) | Jefferys, Jorja |
28502 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English (Standard) | O'Neill, Georgia |
28503 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English Extension 1 | Barnes, Sophie |
28504 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | English Extension 2 | Barnes, Sophie |
28505 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | Brecknell, Alicia |
28506 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | Friedrich, Estelle |
28507 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | Gair, William |
28508 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | O'Neill, Georgia |
28509 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | Rankin, Taylah |
28510 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Geography | Wallworth, Angelique |
28511 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics | Brecknell, Alicia |
28512 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics | Mellor, Tyson |
28513 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics | O'Neill, Georgia |
28514 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Brooks, Katherine |
28515 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Cassel, Zachary |
28516 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Dawson, Kye |
28517 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Gair, William |
28518 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Harmston, Lauren |
28519 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Mathematics General 2 | Kelly, Jamaica |
28520 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Modern History | Bland, Jazmine |
28521 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Maroney, Jean |
28522 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | O'Neill, Georgia |
28523 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Rankin, Taylah |
28524 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Wallworth, Angelique |
28525 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Senior Science | Friedrich, Estelle |
28526 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Barnes, Sophie |
28527 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Bland, Jazmine |
28528 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Brecknell, Alicia |
28529 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Friedrich, Estelle |
28530 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Harmston, Lauren |
28531 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Maroney, Jean |
28532 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Mellor, Tyson |
28533 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | O'Neill, Georgia |
28534 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Rankin, Taylah |
28535 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Wallworth, Angelique |
28536 | St John Bosco College | Engadine | Studies of Religion I | Walton, Shannon |
28537 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | English (Advanced) | Channon-Heath, Alanah |
28538 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | English Extension 1 | Sercombe, Nicola |
28539 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Legal Studies | Wilson, Claudia |
28540 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Music 1 | Channon-Heath, Alanah |
28541 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Music 1 | Hayes, Samara |
28542 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Music 1 | Ogburn, Isobel |
28543 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Studies of Religion I | Bordignon, Siena |
28544 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Studies of Religion I | Dalton, Darcy |
28545 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Studies of Religion I | Golding, Lachlan |
28546 | St John Paul College | Coffs Harbour | Visual Arts | Hewitt, Olivia |
28547 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Biology | Dennett, Melissa |
28548 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Biology | Zavone, Joshua |
28549 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Business Studies | Peters, Emma-Jane |
28550 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Chemistry | Dennett, Melissa |
28551 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Chemistry | Gois, Jordan |
28552 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Industrial Technology | Smith, Andrew |
28553 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Mathematics | Gois, Jordan |
28554 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Mathematics Extension 1 | Zavone, Joshua |
28555 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Mathematics Extension 2 | Zavone, Joshua |
28556 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Mathematics General 2 | Dennett, Melissa |
28557 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Music 1 | Dennett, Melissa |
28558 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Music 1 | Domingo, Lacey |
28559 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Physics | Zavone, Joshua |
28560 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Senior Science | Goode, James |
28561 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Society and Culture | Butjerevic, Claudia |
28562 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Software Design and Development | Smith, Andrew |
28563 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Studies of Religion II | Dennett, Melissa |
28564 | St John Paul II Catholic College Nirimba | Nirimba Fields | Studies of Religion II | Peters, Emma-Jane |
28565 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Ancient History | Petricevic, Eleanor |
28566 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Ancient History | Willis, Maya |
28567 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Biology | McDonald, Emma |
28568 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Biology | Munro, Briony |
28569 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Biology | Pakes, Isabella |
28570 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Biology | Richardson-Thornton, India |
28571 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Chemistry | Pakes, Isabella |
28572 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Drama | Brookes, Hannah |
28573 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Drama | Hadfield, Lucy |
28574 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Drama | Petricevic, Eleanor |
28575 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Drama | Vella, Samantha |
28576 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | English (Advanced) | McDonald, Emma |
28577 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | English (Advanced) | Munro, Briony |
28578 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | English (Advanced) | Pakes, Isabella |
28579 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | English Extension 1 | Petricevic, Eleanor |
28580 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Indonesian Continuers | Richardson-Thornton, India |
28581 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Indonesian Continuers | Willis, Maya |
28582 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Industrial Technology | Flamminio, Jack |
28583 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Industrial Technology | Keevers, Reid |
28584 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Mathematics | Huang, Dongzhu |
28585 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Mathematics | Jackson, Sophia |
28586 | St John The Evangelist Catholic High School | Nowra | Mathematics | Pakes, Isabella |