Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2018

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 36525 entries are shown.
18637 - 18836
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18637 Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Emu Plains Music 1 Moleka, Milo Faleatua
18638 Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Emu Plains Music 1 Resurreccion, Rafael Antonio
18639 Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Emu Plains Music 1 Rodriguez, Brandon
18640 Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Emu Plains Visual Arts Cregan, Sarah
18641 New England Girls School Armidale Agriculture McElroy, Jaimie
18642 New England Girls School Armidale Biology McElroy, Jaimie
18643 New England Girls School Armidale Community and Family Studies Mihill, Gemma
18644 New England Girls School Armidale Design and Technology Goodfellow, Jenna Rose
18645 New England Girls School Armidale Economics Wyatt, Sarah
18646 New England Girls School Armidale English (Advanced) McElroy, Jaimie
18647 New England Girls School Armidale English (Advanced) Wyatt, Sarah
18648 New England Girls School Armidale English Extension 1 Campbell, Anna Frances
18649 New England Girls School Armidale English Extension 1 Wyatt, Sarah
18650 New England Girls School Armidale Mathematics McElroy, Jaimie
18651 New England Girls School Armidale Mathematics Wyatt, Sarah
18652 New England Girls School Armidale Modern History Mihill, Gemma
18653 New England Girls School Armidale Visual Arts Campbell, Anna Frances
18654 New England Girls School Armidale Visual Arts Mihill, Gemma
18655 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Ancient History Travadi, Azeem
18656 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Bradley, Adam
18657 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Greer, Genevieve
18658 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Leibbrandt, Saxon
18659 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Park, Yuchan
18660 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Roberts, Margot
18661 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Travadi, Azeem
18662 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Watt, Lucinda
18663 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Biology Young, Sebastian
18664 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Business Studies Anscombe, Bronte
18665 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Business Studies Dykes, Sarah
18666 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Business Studies Elvish, Emily
18667 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Business Studies Ferch, Alexander
18668 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Brown, Eoin
18669 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Caldwell-East, Jeremy Martin
18670 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Park, Yuchan
18671 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Reid, Emma
18672 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Travadi, Azeem
18673 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Chemistry Watt, Lucinda
18674 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Ashton, Oliver
18675 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Dykes, Sarah
18676 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Hackett, Kate
18677 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Mill, Malcolm
18678 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Randall, Karma
18679 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Tonks, Nicholas
18680 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Design and Technology Walters, Shelby
18681 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Drama Dickinson, Matilda
18682 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Drama Farragher-Hoey, Lili
18683 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Economics Ferch, Alexander
18684 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Economics Papworth, Grace
18685 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Anscombe, Bronte
18686 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Brown, Eoin
18687 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Elvish, Emily
18688 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Ferch, Alexander
18689 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Greer, Genevieve
18690 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) McConnochie, Ella Grace
18691 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Oakley, Alexander
18692 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Papworth, Grace
18693 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Reid, Emma
18694 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Roberts, Margot
18695 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Routh, Maximilian
18696 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Ryan, Imogen
18697 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Sadler, Amelia
18698 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Travadi, Azeem
18699 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Watt, Lucinda
18700 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English (Advanced) Young, Hamish
18701 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Anscombe, Bronte
18702 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Brown, Eoin
18703 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Elvish, Emily
18704 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Ferch, Alexander
18705 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 McConnochie, Ella Grace
18706 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Oakley, Alexander
18707 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Papworth, Grace
18708 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Roberts, Margot
18709 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Routh, Maximilian
18710 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Vinodh, Neha
18711 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 1 Young, Hamish
18712 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle English Extension 2 Roberts, Margot
18713 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle French Continuers Anscombe, Bronte
18714 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle French Continuers Greer, Genevieve
18715 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle French Continuers Sadler, Amelia
18716 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Dykes, Sarah
18717 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Greer, Genevieve
18718 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography McConnochie, Ella Grace
18719 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Oakley, Alexander
18720 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Reid, Emma
18721 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Routh, Maximilian
18722 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Seah, Nicholas
18723 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Spencer, Caitlin
18724 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Watt, Lucinda
18725 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Geography Young, Hamish
18726 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle History Extension Elvish, Emily
18727 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle History Extension Ferch, Alexander
18728 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle History Extension Papworth, Grace
18729 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Information Processes and Technology Graham, Lucas
18730 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Legal Studies Papworth, Grace
18731 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Allen, Angus
18732 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Ashton, Oliver
18733 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Brown, Eoin
18734 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Elvish, Emily
18735 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Harbury, Lachlan
18736 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Harrigan, Aoife Grace
18737 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Harvey, Keegan Reginald
18738 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Henderson, Connor James
18739 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Keane, Lachlan Stephen
18740 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics King, Gabriella Iris
18741 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics King, Isaac Jonas
18742 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Lechner-Scott, Lukas
18743 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics McConnochie, Ella Grace
18744 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics McGrath, Nicholas Joseph
18745 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Oakley, Alexander
18746 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Ozturk, Acacia
18747 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Palipana, Kavini Gayasari
18748 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Reid, Emma
18749 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Roberts, Margot
18750 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Sebastian, Julianna
18751 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Travadi, Azeem
18752 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Watt, Lucinda
18753 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Young, Sebastian
18754 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Zhou, Jasmin
18755 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Carraro, James
18756 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Harvey, Keegan Reginald
18757 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Henderson, Connor James
18758 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Keane, Lachlan Stephen
18759 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 King, Gabriella Iris
18760 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Lechner-Scott, Lukas
18761 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Leibbrandt, Saxon
18762 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 McGrath, Nicholas Joseph
18763 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Ozturk, Acacia
18764 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Palipana, Kavini Gayasari
18765 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Park, Yuchan
18766 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Travadi, Azeem
18767 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Watt, Lucinda
18768 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics Extension 1 Zhou, Jasmin
18769 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics General 2 Gusse, Solveigh
18770 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics General 2 McGaffin, Joseph
18771 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Mathematics General 2 Walters, Shelby
18772 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Anscombe, Bronte
18773 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Elvish, Emily
18774 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Ferch, Alexander
18775 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Geerarts, Alexandria
18776 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Papworth, Grace
18777 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Modern History Young, Hamish
18778 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Brown, Eoin
18779 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Duffy, Elizabeth
18780 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Farragher-Hoey, Lili
18781 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 McCallum, Hannah
18782 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Oakley, Alexander
18783 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Seah, Nicholas
18784 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 1 Young, Hamish
18785 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 2 Kneath, Galatea
18786 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 2 Park, Yuchan
18787 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music 2 Roberts, Margot
18788 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music Extension Kneath, Galatea
18789 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Music Extension Park, Yuchan
18790 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Ashton, Oliver
18791 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Leibbrandt, Saxon
18792 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Reid, Emma
18793 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Roberts, Margot
18794 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Travadi, Azeem
18795 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Physics Young, Sebastian
18796 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Visual Arts Hackett, Kate
18797 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Visual Arts Lees, Emerson
18798 Newcastle Grammar School Newcastle Visual Arts McConnochie, Ella Grace
18799 Newcastle High School Hamilton Community and Family Studies Cox, Natalie Grace
18800 Newcastle High School Hamilton Food Technology Cox, Natalie Grace
18801 Newcastle High School Hamilton Legal Studies Carter, James Patrick
18802 Newcastle High School Hamilton Mathematics General 2 Cox, Natalie Grace
18803 Newcastle High School Hamilton Metal and Engineering Examination Jones, Pierce
18804 Newcastle High School Hamilton Music 1 Fotu, David
18805 Newcastle High School Hamilton Music 1 Playford, Clarence Edward King
18806 Newcastle High School Hamilton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brame, Matilda Beverly Rose
18807 Newcastle Waldorf School Glendale Music 1 Corser-Assmann, Florinda
18808 Newcastle Waldorf School Glendale Music 1 Mills, Ed Finnegan
18809 Newington College Stanmore Ancient History Andrew, Tayne Darcy
18810 Newington College Stanmore Ancient History Griziotis, Linus Nicholas
18811 Newington College Stanmore Ancient History Maclean, Nicholas Lachlan
18812 Newington College Stanmore Biology Barker, Thomas Rex
18813 Newington College Stanmore Biology Giordan, Christopher Anthony
18814 Newington College Stanmore Biology Harrison, Andrew Leigh
18815 Newington College Stanmore Biology McCausland, Liam Yaohan
18816 Newington College Stanmore Biology Mellor, William Burgess
18817 Newington College Stanmore Biology Singleton, Liam James
18818 Newington College Stanmore Biology Sundquist, Tom Anderson
18819 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Clarke, Harrison James
18820 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Dyster, Matthew Douglas Arthur
18821 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Kalis, Christopher Stavros
18822 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Karabesinis, James Peter
18823 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies MacDonald, Ewan Angus
18824 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Machin, Alec Henry
18825 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Milton, Declan Edward
18826 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Sundquist, Tom Anderson
18827 Newington College Stanmore Business Studies Watson, Lachlan Euan
18828 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Huang, Raymond Gar Wing
18829 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Knight, James Lindsay Bronnelle
18830 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Papasavvas, Thomas
18831 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Smith, Oliver Blaikie
18832 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Suh, Jeno
18833 Newington College Stanmore Chemistry Sundquist, Tom Anderson
18834 Newington College Stanmore Chinese Continuers Papasavvas, Thomas
18835 Newington College Stanmore Chinese Continuers Raja, Justin Holdsworth
18836 Newington College Stanmore Chinese in Context Liu, Andrew Lin Long
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2024
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