Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2018

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 4013 entries are shown.
1051 - 1250
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1051 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Pokhrel, Dikshya
1052 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Pulikkottil, Pearl
1053 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Samachar, Neelam
1054 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Sidaros, Angela
1055 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Sidaros, George Mina
1056 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Singh, Khyati
1057 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Singh, Manveer Aryan
1058 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Thanki, Ajay Manish
1059 Gloucester High School Gloucester Mathematics Bowden, Mia
1060 Good Samaritan Catholic College Hinchinbrook Mathematics Hanna, Isabella
1061 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Ansell, Nicholas Andrew
1062 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Archi, Sadia Sagufta
1063 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Berry, Noah Sidney James
1064 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Braham, Benjamin John
1065 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Campbell, Logan John
1066 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Cheong, Jae Hoon
1067 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Crook, Tyler Jade
1068 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics D'Arcy, Nguyen Lan
1069 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Daley, Jessica Ann
1070 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics de Mestre, Taliesin Southwell
1071 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Dowdell, Lucy Georgia
1072 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Edirisinghe, Lakmali Menike
1073 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Fujita, Ai
1074 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Haung, Mika
1075 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Heron, Callista Rae
1076 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Inman, Chelsea Grace
1077 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Jacobsen, Matthew
1078 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Jeon, Denny Se Jin
1079 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Kenny, Jordan James
1080 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lee, Jin Woo
1081 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lee, Rosanna
1082 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lee, Sze Yin
1083 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Liu, Yiyang David
1084 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Malibari, Nasser Hashim
1085 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Martin, Zac Thomas
1086 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Milenkov, Yury
1087 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Miskell, Jye Craig
1088 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Missak, Daniel
1089 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics O'Shea, Joshua Matthew
1090 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Perrone, Samuel Alfred
1091 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Polson, Kirsty-Niamh Sylvia
1092 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Pratt, Finian
1093 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Ralphs, Keely Ellen
1094 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Smith, Kirby William
1095 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Squire, Declan James
1096 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Uplap, Tithi Shirish
1097 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Vaughan, Alexander Lindsay
1098 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Yajman, Varsha
1099 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Zheng, Yuting
1100 Green Valley Islamic College Green Valley Mathematics Ali, Arshaq Zain
1101 Greenacre Baptist Christian Community School Greenacre Mathematics Kusch, Hannah
1102 Greystanes High School Greystanes Mathematics Davie, Jacquelyn
1103 Greystanes High School Greystanes Mathematics Vo, Leanne
1104 Griffith High School Griffith Mathematics Rathi, Harsh
1105 Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus Port Macquarie Mathematics Preen, Thomas John
1106 Hennessy Catholic College Young Mathematics Hibbert, Emma Kathleen
1107 Henry Kendall High School Gosford Mathematics Gunn, Brayden
1108 Henry Kendall High School Gosford Mathematics Mudyara, Farai
1109 Heritage Christian School Port Macquarie Mathematics Campion, Peter
1110 Hills Adventist College Kellyville Campus Kellyville Mathematics Allen, Jonathan Lloyd William
1111 Hills Adventist College Kellyville Campus Kellyville Mathematics Pordage, Krista Amy
1112 Holroyd High School Greystanes Mathematics Al Sammak, Zainab
1113 Holsworthy High School Holsworthy Mathematics Gauld, Naomi Sarah
1114 Holsworthy High School Holsworthy Mathematics Ramesh, Pranav
1115 Holsworthy High School Holsworthy Mathematics Singh, Harshpreet
1116 Holy Cross College Ryde Mathematics Darma, Terrence
1117 Holy Cross College Ryde Mathematics Peng, Kevin
1118 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Ha, Julie
1119 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Hua, David
1120 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Naoum, Nathan
1121 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Nguyen, Richie
1122 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Yan, Stanley
1123 Holy Spirit College Bellambi Bellambi Mathematics Borg, Michael
1124 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Abdul, Fahd
1125 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Asim, Rabie-Bin
1126 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Bhusal, Csant
1127 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Cho, Hyungjun
1128 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Deng, Zhangtao
1129 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Faheem, Muhammad Fawad
1130 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Hanif, Usman
1131 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Huang, Jia Liang
1132 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Huang, Nick Zhan
1133 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Jeon, Hamin
1134 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Lee, Eugene
1135 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Li, Pengfei
1136 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Lieberman, Ali
1137 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Ly, Benjamin Chun
1138 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Nguyen, Eric Long Diep
1139 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Pan, Zhuoxing
1140 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Surti, Jai
1141 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Tenges, Joji Kenneth
1142 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Yoo, John Yohan
1143 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Zhang, Alfred Yong Fa
1144 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Mathematics Zhou, Andrew
1145 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Chan, Evelyn Katrina
1146 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Chao, Nikki
1147 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Chen, Maria Olivia
1148 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Chen, Qiyue
1149 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Crane, Rhiannon Iona
1150 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Cubie, Caitlin
1151 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Deb, Oindrila
1152 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Diep, Serena
1153 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Eberl, Andria
1154 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Ferreira, Alice
1155 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Gong, Lorrain
1156 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Gong, Rachel
1157 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Hadiwijaya, Brianna
1158 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Hong, Effie
1159 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Hor, Sabrina
1160 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Hwang, Samantha
1161 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Joshi, Arushi
1162 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Kim, Joanne
1163 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Kim, Monica
1164 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Lak, Millicent
1165 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Lancaster, Lauren
1166 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Lee, Shelyne
1167 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Manchanda, Vrinda
1168 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Ng, Jia Qi Tricia
1169 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Nguyen, Lauren Lee
1170 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Pan, Cherie
1171 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Parui, Isabelle
1172 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Pillai, Anusha
1173 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Pilli, Keerthi
1174 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Pope, Emily
1175 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Scott, Sabina
1176 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Shen, Christina Jiamin
1177 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Stromsvag, Tania
1178 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Tai, Millicent Kaitlan Yi Tung
1179 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Ten Dam, Isolde
1180 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Teo, Jodie
1181 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Tosley, Josephine
1182 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Wang, Jenny
1183 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Wang, Jiayi
1184 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Wu, Rebecca
1185 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Xie, Joyce
1186 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby Mathematics Ye, Kelly
1187 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Mathematics Dunlop, Geran Stuart
1188 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Mathematics Iredale, Jason
1189 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Mathematics Zhang, Sally
1190 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Blissett, Gabriella Louise
1191 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Brown, Cooper Jake
1192 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Innis, Ethan Paul
1193 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Manchanayake, Nevin Devinda
1194 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Mitchell, Sabine
1195 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Palipana, Herath Mudiaynselage Tharushi Dharini
1196 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Parkinson, Kieran James
1197 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Sun, Hao
1198 Hunter Valley Grammar School Ashtonfield Mathematics Woodfull, Caitlin Stephanie
1199 Hunters Hill High School Hunters Hill Mathematics Chen, Roger
1200 Hunters Hill High School Hunters Hill Mathematics Hansford, Scott
1201 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Chan, Nicholas Kaylan
1202 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Chavan, Aniket
1203 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Cheema, Munisa
1204 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Chhor, Courtney Victoria
1205 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Dai, Tina
1206 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Huynh, Sausanne
1207 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Jain, Naman
1208 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Karatas, Ahmet
1209 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Kashyap, Varun Nagendra
1210 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Lam, Jenny
1211 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Le, Courtney Trinh
1212 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Le, Janine Minh-Thuy
1213 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Liang, Peter Luke
1214 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Lim, Bridget Sok Heang
1215 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Lin, HuiLong George
1216 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Lin, Timothy
1217 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Lu, Bella Hongyan
1218 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Ly, An Thien Ngoc Minh
1219 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Meiklejohn, Elizabeth Lauren
1220 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Mistry, Krishna Ketan
1221 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Pan, Craig
1222 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Parge, Yash Vijay
1223 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Phanhsavan, Ryan Bevan
1224 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Phu, Nhi Ai
1225 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Rahman, Labiba Raisa
1226 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Sou, Sandra
1227 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Souksay, Kristy
1228 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Su, Vivian
1229 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Syed, Hafsa
1230 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Tenny, Martin
1231 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Tran, Catherine
1232 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Tran, Martin Dinh
1233 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Tran, Vivian Vy Phuong
1234 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Truong, Melanie
1235 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Truong, Natasha
1236 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Truong, Sonia
1237 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Venkatesan, Ratan
1238 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Wong, Raymond
1239 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Zhang, Hejie
1240 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics Sullivan, Jayden
1241 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics Widjaja, David
1242 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Cartner, Brett
1243 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Foster, Andrew
1244 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Henley, Jessica
1245 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Jones, Timothy
1246 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Kay, Lachlan
1247 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Kolimackovski, Sascha
1248 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics McComb, Rachel
1249 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Viney, Liam
1250 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Davison, Max
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2024
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