Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2018

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 187 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Etre, Daniella
52 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Koh, Jia Jia
53 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Kopsiaftis, Grace
54 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Morgan, Hannah
55 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Samuel, Georgia
56 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Sundararaghavan, Shreyaa
57 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English (Standard) Thomas, Elen
58 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 1 Cavanagh, Isabella
59 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 1 Deranty, Juliette
60 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 1 Roux, Sarah
61 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 1 Williams, Hannah Hebe
62 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 2 Imlay, Sarah
63 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby English Extension 2 Williams, Hannah Hebe
64 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby French Continuers Deranty, Juliette
65 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby French Continuers Roux, Sarah
66 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby French Extension Roux, Sarah
67 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby German Continuers Marcus, Joella
68 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby History Extension Cavanagh, Isabella
69 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby History Extension Crowe, Amanda
70 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby History Extension Haddow, Isobel
71 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Hospitality Examination Bryden, Georgie
72 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Hospitality Examination Carter, Isabel
73 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Hospitality Examination Suardana, Jasinta
74 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Japanese Beginners Chu, Wing Yan - Charlotte
75 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Korean Beginners Hui, Pui Ling - Yoyie
76 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Korean Beginners Tong, Celina
77 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies Ashokan, Alisha
78 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies Deylami, Shamim
79 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies Janitz, Vivien
80 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies McKinnon, Sarah
81 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies Park, Ji Soo
82 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Legal Studies Samuel, Georgia
83 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Cheung, Hui Ling Jenny
84 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Chu, Wing Yan - Charlotte
85 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Desai, Sruti
86 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Haddow, Isobel
87 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Hui, Pui Ling - Yoyie
88 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Janitz, Vivien
89 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Kapoor, Nishmi
90 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Liang, Zi Qing - Jessica
91 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Lin, Zixin
92 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics McKinnon, Sarah
93 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Samuel, Georgia
94 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Stark, Caitlin
95 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Wong, Wing Yan
96 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Young, Hannah
97 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Extension 1 Josephine, Rachel
98 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Extension 1 Park, Ji Soo
99 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Extension 1 Yin, Yifei - Grace
100 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Mathematics Extension 1 Young, Hannah
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2024
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